*=»- ♦ ♦>>*>**♦**»,#* + Florida FFA chapter is ‘Saving the Dunes 9 BUNNELL, Fla. Members of s i ow the blowing sand, says FFA a Future Fanners of America advisor Jim Galvin, chapter in a community near Galvin says consistent high Daytona Beach, Fla., have winds and hurricanes plague the discovered a way to stop sand beaches during fall and winter erosion that threatened Flagler months, causing water levels to Beach and could have destroyed a riseand waves to crash against the nearby highway. _ dunes.. As the waterfront inches Some 90 FFA members are closer, erosion ban become severe planting tough, salt-resistant enough to threaten a nearby state grasses with long, fibrous root highway, he says, systems acroM 18 miles of beach. Heavy winds blow much of the When available, the group lays sand away, further complicating down discarded Christmas trees to the problem. SAVE UP TO $522 MOWER ATTACHMENT FREE! WHEN YOU BUY YOUR SECOND TRACTOR FIRST. With a deal like this, there’s no need to settle for second best. You can make the right tractor choice the first time out. Just go with a new International Cub Cadet®. It’s the dependability leader, and a decision you’ll be happy with season after season. Offer also good on all previous-year models. MODEL 412,5(2, M 2 SPECIAL, M2,7*2. or M 2. #ooD’S I Hahm Se < arbm Rt 322 1 mile East of Blue Ball (Tpnttr phone 717-354-0076 I Open daily 9 to 9 lues 4 Sat 9-b iff INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Ija 2*2,3*2, Of 3*2 HYDRO Available at participating deafen Oilers expires May 31 13*1 Members of the Future Farmers of America chapter in Bunnell, Fla. work to save the sand dunes of a popular seaside area near Daytona Beach. The FFA members hand-plant and care for tough salt-resistant grasses and use discarded Christmas trees to check the beach erosion. The effort is part of the FFA Chapter's Building Our American Communities project. Last summer, the Bunnell FFA chapter in Flagler Beach began a three-year plan to “Save the Dunes.” Beginning with 3,000 salt tolerant plants, FFA members treated die beach much as a backyard ghrden, carefully watering plaints to ensure their survival. Last winter, with the help of the 500 citizens of Flagler Beach, they collected discarded Christmas trees and lined them at dune sites. Explains Galvin, “We placed the trees in the most eroded dune areas, laying them down on their The HESSTON name moves up front! proudly presents a Prime Line of farm tractors, from Hesston! Hesston has introduced a new line o< productive fuel-efficient farm tractors (or the North Amencan market Built by Fiat, these are the best-selling tractors in Europe and field-proven favorites around the world This is one of the industry s most complete lines of 4-wheel dnve tractors in the 42 to 160 hp‘ range. The Fiat 4-wheel dnve is a designed-m mechanical dnve not just an add-on It provides greater tractive effort (up to 30% over 2-wheel dnve with the same horsepower) to do more work with less fuel consumption Fiat diesel engines power all 26 models in this Prime Line of tractors These diesels have been designed and refined to run efficiently where fuel economy has been a way of life for years These tractors are available with stylish cabs that are tractor-tough and truck-convenient a new dimension in comfort safety and convenience SEE THESE TRACTORS IN OPERATION ALONG WITH NEW LINES OF TILLAGE EQUIPMENT MAY 13th and 14th 11 A.M. to 3 P.M. both days Refreshments will be served at STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE, INC. Cochranvifie, Pa. 19330 Ph. 215-593-2407 Manufacturers estimated PTO hp 7ho immaPRiME line HESSTON *\ * * -»** k ' ' -i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1911—C19 sides in gulleys caused by erosion and partially covering them with sand to hold them in place. “Hie blowing sand caught in the limbs of the trees, and naturally started piling up. Within two weeks, the trees disappeared under the reconstructed sand dunes.” With 2.5 miles of the most popular part of the beach restored, Galvin says his chapter has ac complished what couldn’t be done before: “People tried a lot of other » i V (Turn to Page C2l) Fuel Efficient Tractors
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