ClS—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Second-place Parliamentary Procedure team from Solanco High School includes, from right to left, Douglas Hershberger, president; Tom Herr, vice president; Jack Heidelbaugh, secretary; Ernie Frey, treasurer; Brett Holzhauer, reporter; Ken Scott, sentinel; Ken Miller, student advisor; and Tina Tadych, chaplain. Fulton Grange meets OAKRYN Fulton Grange No. 66 met in regular session on Monday evening here at the Hall. In the absence of the regular Master Thomas C. Galbreath, David Wissler presided at the business meeting. The first four degrees were conferred upon a class of twelve candidates at a special meeting held last Saturday. Fulton Grange gave a ten dollar donation to the Lancaster County Dairy Princess Fund, a ten dollar donation to the National Grange Youth Leadership Fund, and a two hundred dollar donation to the Pennsylvania State Grange Headquarters Improvement Fund. They also decided to enter the State Grange volleyball contest. The lecturer, Mrs. Jesse Wood, Try Our New Concept In Penetration And Adhesion. Average Barn *6so°° PHARES S. HURST Rd 1, Box 420 Narvon, PA 17555 215-445-6186 Area FFA introduced Colleen T. Kelly, senior horticulturist and Brian Staeger, senior agronomist for A D Soil Systems, West Chester, who showed slides and spoke on “Agricultural Utilization of Sewage Sludge.” They explained their program which is free to local farmers who have a permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. It takes three or four months to process a request. The sludge is treated by the city of Philadelphia’s sludge treatment program and handled according to state regulations. The program also included group singing “The Dear Old Farm” and a reading “What’s Up” by Linda Wood. The topic for the next meeting, May 11, will be Ritualism. CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES on TOP QUALITY BARN SPRAY PAINTING Years of experience plus self employment gives you quality work for less expense. BRUNIN& <s► -ss,,» X AT NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. New Holland, PA '* If you need 1 cow or a truck load, we have from 100 to 200 cows to sell every week at your price Mostly fresh and close springing holstems Cows from local farmers and our regular ship pers include Marvin Eshleman, Glenn Fite, Kelly Bowser, Bill Lang, Siam Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, H D Matz, and Jerry Miller SALE STARTS -12:00 SHARP Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & Ear Com Sale -12:00 Noon All Dairy & Heifers must be eligible for Pennsylvania Health Charts. For arrangements for special sales or herd dispersals at our barn or on your farm, contact: Abram Diffenbach, Mgr. 717-354-4341 OR A Norman Kolb '' \ 717-397-5538 NEW UNDERGROUND STEEL FUEL STORAGE TANKS Capacity Diameter Length Gauge Weight' ' Price FOB (Gallons) (Thickness) (Pounds) Quarryville 285 3*o" S’S” 12 278 114.00 550 4’o" 6’o” 10 549 210.00 550 4'o" 6’o” 7 751 262.00 1.000 4’o” 10’8” 10 827 310.00 1.000 4’o” 10’8” ' 7 1,129 390.00- 1.000 5’4” 6’o” 7 1,028 362.00 1,500 5*4” 9’o” 7 1,388 406.00 2.000 5’4" 12’0” 7 1,735 593.00 3.000 5*4” 17’11” 7 2,432 300.00 4.000 5'4" 2310” 7 3,130 1009.00 5.000 8’0" 137" 1/4" 4,484 1645.00 6.000 8’0” 16’2" 1/4” 5,123 1800.00 8.000 8’0" 21’6” 1/4" 6,475 2230.00 10.000 8’0” 2610” 1/4" 7,825 2660.00 10.000 lO’O" 17’0" 1/4" 6,956 2405.00 12.000 lO’O” 20’6” 1/4" 8,074 2800.00 12.000 10’6" 187" 1/4” 7,900 ■ 2690.00 15.000 10’6” 23’2” 5/16" 11,857 4130.00 20.000 10’6" 31’0" 5/16" 15,105 5160.00 25.000 10’6" 387" 3/8” 22,115 8135.00 30.000 10’6" 46’4" 3/8” 25,999 9430.00 Tanks all bear Underwriters’ Label, and are coated with black asphaltum paint. We can provide timely delivery from Quarryville, PA (15 miles from the Pennsylvania Maryland line) to Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, New Jersey & New York. Contact us for delivery costs. We invite inquiries by phone or mail. FIUL-RITe & EASBO'r' • FLUMPS HOWARD E. GROFF CO. Over Forty Years of Reliable Service Fuel Oil, Gasoline, and Coal 111 E. State Street, Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone: 717786-2166 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE! 25% to 30% OFF ireplacie Insert Convert your enstini fireplace to efficient woodstove heat today' CHESTER B. HOLT -- 30 S. Hershey Ave. (Barevifle) Leola, Pa. 17540 PHONE (717) 656-6S9* Hours: Mon. £ Tues. By Appointment Wed., Thurs.. Fn. 10 to 8: Sat. 10 to 4 Easily fits your existing fireplace! Comes complete with blower for even greater efficiency! Your choice of two sizes . . . large size heats up to 2500 sq. ft.
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