BlO—Lancaster Farming, FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - 1965 Farm tractor Ford 4000, selectomatic, appraised at 54500, must sell 717 324 3231 JD 350 B Loader w/bucket, log forks and clamp, winch and log arch 703-721-2643 7300 White combine, used only on 400 acres, 4 row corn head, 13' grain head, asking $5,000 215 767 5605 call around 6 p m For Sale 210 C gal liquid manure spreader, homemade, 717-258 6247 Cumberland Co JD 14 pt baler, JD 246 3 pt planter, JD 290 planter (parts only). JD gram drill (parts only) Ferguson 3 pt 2 bottom plow, Ford 3 pt 28 disc, 8 ft, Nl 2 wheel rake, Ml corn picker, Belt drive corn sheller, hammer mill, Call 215 948 0128, or 215 495 5147 For Sale Tractor 72 tip Ley land model 272 with cab, low hrs , exc cond , good rubber, chisel plow, MF 10' 3 pt h'tch, Boumatic milkers for pipeline, 4 units, large claw, one extra pulsator, also have 22 Boumatic Stall cocks, Columbia Co 717 458 6293 For Sale 1973 Int 3600 backhoe loader, ready to go 717 473 3031 from 7 am spm For Sale JD 3020 diesel, narrow front, good condition Also JD 3010 diesel, narrow front good condition 717 532 7054 For Sale JD 14T baler, Lancaster Co 717 665 7434 Wanted will trade JD 2630 light weight front end for a heavy duty 717 665-7434 For Sale 500 gal Esco milk tank and comp excellent cond Perry Co 789 4350 For Sale • 135 h p JD 4620, duals, power steering, roll guard, excellent condition 717 837 3214 or 837 0059 Oliver 15'1 bottom plow, steel wheels, David Smucker, Rd 2 Box 107, Narvon, PA 17555 JD 4020 diesel, double hyd good tires, new engine, completely overhauled, with Nl loader 717 247 7898 Corn Planter Oliver 540 4 row 28" 40’dryfert& insecticide, excellent con dition, $lOOO Kent Co , DE 302 674-4826 Wanted Pickup head tor 880 NH chopper 215-593 5044 For Sale 3 four wheel pony wagons with two seats on rubber One rub ber tire buggy 717 776 7930 after 5 P M Old sleigh, wooden beam plows, double trees, shafts and tongues, hand operated veg seeders, cultivators and dusters, log chains, oak lumber, remote control valve from Ford 2000 and many other items from old farm, Monmouth Co, NJ 201 938-5726 For Sale JD 2840, 890 hrs , $13,800, Grove self unloading wagon, exc condition, $l6OO 717 353 2833 For Sale JD 2510, real clean 814 793 4293 JD 3020 D, wf, good condition, 2700 hrs, $5BOO Hesston FT 10 mower condition, used 200 acres, $2300 717 547 1912 For Sale NH 469 haybme $1450, Case 1747 umloader, gasoline engine, dirt bucket and manure forks $2850, Kent Co , MD 301 778 0323 IH 400 4 row corn planter, Gehl skid loader, 16’ Kewanee disc, 412 459 8029 For Sale JD model 925 cultimulcher, 10’, $1250, full set of front weights for JD, $475, 215 968 6543 Saturday, April 25,1981 FARM EQUIPMENT Woods RM9O mower, 7Vi It cut, 1 yr old, excellent condition, 717 898 7443 1500 Better Bilt liquid spreader, 4' inlet, 4’ outlet, vacuum spreader, like new, $3500 717 655 6226 For Sale AC 600 4 row no til corn planter, excellent shape 717 264 9756 For Sale NH 477 haybme, good condition, also Rockwell 10 table saw, like new, 717 354 7151 For Sale - NH model 276 baler with super sweep pickup, flotation tires, bale hitch & bale chute Best offer Lehigh Co 215 967-1821 after 8 P M 309 Ford corn planter with insecticide boxes, $395, 717-354 0266 Farmeis & Dealers Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section 717- 394 3047 or 717 626 1154 Wanted- Wiconsm engine with reduction gear, runn mg or for parts, 717 687 6553 For Sale Rotary scythe, 9 ft, AC 170, IH 10 drill 717-438 3115 For Sale - JD 999 corn planter, IHC mechanical lift corn planter, Oliver 2 bottom raydex 12" & 14" trailer plows NH Super 55 rake, Nl 751 and 752 crushers, MC 7' rotary scythe, sharp, JD KBA disc 20, 24 & 28, available w/transport 717 687 6553 eves & weekends 717 687 8021 Ford 3440 diesel, enclos ed cab, no hydraulics, runs good, $2500 Hay wagons 12 used Sears & Nl, various capacities All with ad justable axles, with or without bodies $3OO VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC Route 309 Montgomeryville, Pa 18936 Phone 215 699 3533 Crawler Tractor Parts. New and Used Parts Available for Cat, Allis Chalmers, IHC, Case, John Deere and others Rubber tired construction equipment parts available for Hough, Michigan, Gallon and Cat Road Graders VILSMEIER EQUIPMENT INC Route 309 Montgomeryville, PA , 18936 Phone 215 699 3533 For Sale - JD 2R Max Emerge & 1240 Plateless Corn Planters (1) 12 ft Gandy insecticide ap plicator for implement mounting Gandy ap plicators for corn planters Horse drawn corn planters converted to plateless Gideon F Stoltzfus, RD #2, Box 2276 Gap, Pa , 17527 l‘/ 2 N of Gap a long Rt 897 For Sale - Horse Equip ment, corn planter, riding cultivator, Fanning mill, dump rake, gram drill, MD 14” tractor plow, Wis VE4 powr unit with reduction gear & clutch Kutztown 215 683 3924 Wanted Steel wheels for 400 Farmall Ben A Fisher, 10943 Mower sville Road, Newburg, Pa 17240 Case 1070 cab air, 970 hrs. IH 450 4 bottom plow, 3 pt hitch, auto reset, Washington Co 301 797 4118 175 MF diesel, multi power, good condition, 717-733 7408 Case 2000 baler with launcher asking $ll5O, 2 gravity wagons, 1 with gear, $lOOO both or buy separate, 8' cultipacker $95, Case blower and pipe $35, 201 996 4484 For Sale - Gandy herbicide applicator 16' hyd driven, Myer sprayer, lOOOgal 717 665 6956 Wl EQUIPMENT 1 Myer hay crimper, good condition, Franklin Co 717-328 2235 For Sale Dl7 AC Series IV, gas tractor, price $3BOO, Feeder steers 400 500 lb Holstein, Fulton Co 814 685 3426 For Sale - Oliver Super 88, live PTO, hyd 717 527 4177 Juniata Co For Sale JD 15' roller harrow, 201-454-4034 Case 616 auto reset plow with on land hitch, Ih 56 4 row corn planter, fiberglass boxes 717 384 4110 call 5 7am For Sale new 800 gal vacuum (Better Bilt) manure tank for tryck mount 717 463 2902 For Sale new Ford 532 baler, 1 at $4400 (dealer) 717 658 3444 For Sale - Howard Rotavator, 60" wide all new blades 717-587- 2659 For Sale New Holland 460 haybine Good working condition $450 or best offer 215 679 6332 a ter 4 P M 5 ton CT wagon gear with new implement tires and tubes $450, Delco hot water pressure washer 1000 psi/3 gal 50 ft hose, 1 year old, perfect $1,450 00 good for veal barns, Letz, Burr feed mill with auger, model 220, very good $75 00, Steam boiler on wheels, oil fired, fold down stack with preheat coils, was used for tobacco $2OO 00/offer, Hobart 200 amp DC welder, 3 PH 220 V $5O 00, Wild cherry lumber dry 5 years, small quantity/offer, 60" Woods belly mower fit INT 140 Super A Etc , 2 years old $7OO BEAR FORGE CO 302 322 5199 8 5 00 New Castle County For Sale Case 28 disc harrow, Massey Harris 101 tractor with saw mounted Both in good condition Levi S Zook, Rt 1, Quarryville, Pa 17566 Ford 8N 6 cyl excellent condition, original $1675, IH 45 PTO baler $250 717 7841593 2 used 7000 series JD conventional planters with liquid attachments, exc cond , $6BOO, 1 4520 JD tractor with 4620 motor, $14,000, 1 770 Oliver tractor, $2,500, 1 Satoh Elk tractor, 80 hrs , like new, $9,995 Call Tam Services, Inc 717-334- 3710 John Blue 400 gal stainless steel pull type spray rig also 1200 gal nurse tank with pump and motor 301 795 9375 For Sale FMC tomato harvester, ready to work 1951 GMC diesel tractor with 6 V-71 rebuilt engine with 32’ tandem trailer All reasonably priced Milton Godfrey, Marydel, MD 301 482 6770 NH 282 hay baler, very good shape, 215 258 8476 NH 1033 hay stack liner, very good shape, 215 268-8476 For Sale corn planter, 5600 White, air - 6 NR, excellent condition, Ph 717-463 2477 IH 460 diesel, good condition, good rubber $2475 717-944 1346 Dauphin Co For Sale JD AW 13’disc, very good $lO5O, JD RM 4 row cultivator, like new $650, 717 354 5092 AC WD4S tractor engine (gas), overhauled 3 yrs ago, A-l, $725, 2 bottom pull type plows with iron wheels, $l4O, 6 square weights 2"x15"x16’ , $65 ea Westmoreland Co 412 423 4076 For Sale Badger forage wagon with roof, single axle, 8 ton running gear, excellent condition 717 668 5215 For Sale Farmall 806 diesel, wide front, 3 pt, good condition Also Glencoe 5 shank soil saver new condition 215 683 5283 eves FARM EQUIPMENT , t-or auie - JU IWA 12' transport disc, like new with 26” blades, $3500, also 5 JD trash coulters 607-478-8934 Andover, NY Wanted - Good used hay baler with thrower, also good used combine, preferably tractor pulled combine, Call Mr tingle, 814-263 4087 between 9 am bp m or write Rd 1 Box 291 A, Frenchvi lie, PA 16836 For Sale Dump wagon, John Deere running gear, Grove dump $450 or best offer, needs some repair Must sell Call 717 637 0205 or 637 4887 NFI 8 crop earner, chuck wagon, 2 yr old, 215-845 7602 1978 Heavy duty V* ton 4 wheel drive Chevrolet truck, 300 gal Agway sprayer, 465 gal liber glass tank Will sell separate or together Call A M 1 717-888 5015 Vermeer Round Baler - 504 F - 1980 Model, used very little, best otter Phone 1-301-582-1244 after 9AM For Sale 55A Gorman Rupp irrigation pump 1000 gpm, also 5x4 Hale pump 500 gpm with 6 cylinder Chrysler engines Franklin Co 717 532 6441 For Sale 1H 420 baler. Farmall C tractor, 2-row AC corn planter, 2 row cultivator, 3 pt, AC C tractor plow & cult. AC WD4S diesel, wide AC WC Case 300 wide PS, MF 65 diesel, needs v/ork 717 733 8708 For Sale JD 1209 Haybme, 3 years old. late model, excellent con dition 301-842 2343 For Sale - JD 115 forage wagon $l9OO, Kasten forage wagon $2300, NH 269 baler $l2OO, JD 10' cuttimulcher $9OO, JD 10' cultimulcher $9OO, Fox 546 harvester with corn head and hay pickup $l5OO IH rake $5OO. U -302 MM gas $3lOO Berks Co 215-488-7512 Wanted - Original steel wheel for Massey Hams 100 or JD Aor B Levi S Zook, Rt 1, Quarryville, Pa 17566 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale Tobacco rails, orders taxen now for J une & July delivery Rails out of pine or hemlock Write for prices - Enos S King, Box 128, Rebersburg, Pa 16872 Centre Co For Sale Bale thrower wagons, steel or wooden sides with 6 or 8 ton gears, also Zimmerman elevator in 28, 32 36 S 40’ lengths, plywood feed bins Will deliver and in stall, Stoltzfus Woodwork, Rd 2, Gap, PA 17527, 1 mile north of Gap along 897, 717-442 8972 For Sale JD 2010 front end loader, good condi tion, $ 5000 301-848 5812 JD 4020 side console, Case 830 diesel, WF, JD 70 WF, 20' Amco transport wing disc, 22" blade, cab for IH 06 or 56 ■ series tractors, 1 pr 18 4x38 rear tractor tires new 717-786 2534 Farm tires and tubes, fronts, rears and im plements, low, low prices, Eddie’s Tire Outlet, Willow Street, PA 717-464-5008 or Chambersburg, PH 717-263 0013 MF 880 4x16 plow, gauge wheel, hillside hitch, coulters, coverboards, plow 300 Acres $2400 Perry Co 717-444 3447 Little Giant 38’ hay or grain elevatoi, 2 hp motor or can be run by PTO, used 1 year, $1650 Franklin Co 717 328- 5520 Ford 3 pt hitch equip ment, 2 bottom 12" plow, $295, 6’ scraper blade, $175, 5’ rotary mower, like new, $550, 2 row corn planter w/fer tilizer, $275, IHC 3 pt hitch 2 row cultivator. $250 717 687 6553 Eves & weekends 717 687 8021 For Sale - VERMEER ROUND BALERS Westmoreland Co 412-423 4076 (New) NH 310 baler with engine, $5200 Pequea Machine, 3230 E Gordon Rd , Gordonville, Pa 17529 EAWM EQUIPMENT Vermeer Round Balers Three models, Make bales from 500 to 1900 lbs For more info call Beebe and Smith, RD #3. Wyalusmg, Bradford Co 717-745 3435 or 717 265-8355 Wanted Wisconsin reduction clutch Byler’s Diesel and Rehrgeration, Star Route, Belleville, PA 17004 Gleaner 1979 MKS 2 combine with 15’ grain head, combined 20 acres oats total, quit gram farming, no interest or payments till Sept 1, full warranty $48,000 412 837-8310 days or 412 423-2791 eves For Sale Farmall 200 with fast hitch, wfe, loader and wheel weights, excellent rubber 717-687-5553 eves Sweekends 717-687-8021 LANCASTER SILO CO., INC. 2008 Horseshoe Road - 2436 Creek Hill Road UNCASTER. PA 17601 MANUFACTURER & BUILDER OF QUALITY WET-CAST CONCRETE STAVE FARM SILOS OUR “SPECIAL” “LANCASTER” BELT FEEDERS “LANCASTER” TAPER BOARD FEEDERS “LANCASTER” DOUBLE-CHAIN CONVEYORS Double #55 Chains with 15 ' Oak Wood slats Carry Feeding Material in a 20" Wide Conveyor Stan dard Conveyor length is 16 ft Shorter units are made to accommodate every requirement Hopper (not shown) for input of feed material is available and will fit on top where needed Extra slack in conveyor chain can be ad)usted at drive end Bottom Side Conveyor with Cham Return on top available Incline to level Units made to order Livestock Feeding is Simple and Easy with a ‘‘Lancaster' Taper Board Feeder The conveyor principal ot moving the feed is used and by cutting a Taper in the Bottom to correspond with the length of the feed trough feed is distributed evenly on the center of the trough Silage and grain can be fed with Taper Board Feeders using very low horse power and a minimum of noise Wood construction of these units assures long life and fewer repairs JsYdYquFmTnt 1 - SUPREME 8 FT. BATCH MIXER w/ SCALES & 5 H.P MOTOR $4500 00 1 - 70 FT. BELT FEEDER $4OO 00 1 -7” AUGER -15’ LONG - 1 - 24x70 LANCASTER SILO w/NEW VAN DALE MAGNUM UNLOADER INFORMATION-QUOTATIONS, CALL; Larry Hiestand • Office - 717 - 299-3721 Wayne Lloyd Sales-717 - 299-3722 FARM EQUIPMENT ★TRACTOR PARTS* Up to 75% Savings ALL MAKES ALL MODELS Crawler and Wheel Types NEW-USED REBUILT PARTS SEND $1 00 FOR SENSATIONAL NEW 1981 DISCOUNT CATALOG SURPLUSTRACTOR PARTS CORPORATION PO 80x2125, FARGO, ND 58107 Old two cylinder John Deere fly wheels rebuilt with our patented steel draw in hub which has the ability to tighten up on new or worn crank shafts Also available new manufactured un breakable fly wheels Allen Machine Works, RD #7, Jonesboro, Tenn 37699, 615-753 5738 day or night
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