—■ BUY. SELL TRADE OB RENT THROUGH THE AWgi-MidbUaßgt PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 The following categories are available for your classified advertising □ Farm Equipment □ Silos & Unloaders □ Buildings & Supplies □ Gram Equipment □ Dairy Equipment □ Livestock Equipment & Supplies □Cattle □ Horses & Mules □SheepS. Goats □ Swine □Artificial Breeding □ Hog Equipments Supplies □ Poultry & Supplies □ Feed & Seed □ Fertilizer □ Plants □ Fruits & Vegetables □ Nursery □ Lawn & Garden □ Services Offered □ Custom Work □ Help Wanted □ Situations Wanted □ Business Opportunity □Trucks & Trailers □Autos □ Recreational Vehicles □ Notice □ Lost □ Found □ Pets □ Household □ Miscellaneous □ Real Estate LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DATES 16c per word 2.00 minimum charge Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words 1 Issue 3 Issues 12 or Less 2 00 4 80 13 2.08 4 99 14 2 24 5 38 15 2.40 5.76 16 2 56 6.14 17 2 72 6 53 18 2 88 6.91 19 3 04 7.30 20 3 20 7.68 KEYED ADS (ads with answer coming to a Box Number, do Lancaster Farming). 50 cents addi tional Ads running 3 or more consecutive times with no change billed at 20 per cent discount. Deadline. Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication. Lancaster Farming P.O Box 366 Lititz, PA 17543 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FARM EOUIPMENT Deutz 100 06 four wheel drive with cab service records 814-237 6080 For Sale - 350 Case loader, low hrs , excellent condition, asking $13,500,215-399-6895 For Sale - Complete line of potato equipment Champion Harvester, 4R Planter, 2R Planter, Haines bulk loader, 3 bulk wagons, seed cutter 717- 284-4877 For Sale - 1 Westeo fer tilizer auger, good con dition, B B Wiley 301 692-6189 JD 125 silage wagon, good condition, 3 beaters and roof, $l7OO 703-837- 1484 after 6 p m AC 4 row no-till air planter with liquid fertilizer and insecticide, 5 bottom 16” automatic reset Kver nland plow, two 1000 gal steel tanks, 814-237- 6080 JD 115 hp 4320 tractor with cab, 2000 hrs, excellent condition $13,995,717-766-2704 farm equipment Oliver 70 tractor with cultivators, good con dition, $650 Trailer, plow, harrow & disk 717- 788-1628 For Sale - 460 Farmall diesel, very nice M Farmall Electric poultry feed cart 717-933-4678 MF 510 diesel combine with 4-30 corn and 13’ gram heads, straw spreader, 814-237-6080 901 Ford diesel tractor, 3 pt hitch, mower & blade, $3200 or best offer 301 272-6807 For Sale - 1537 Case Um loader 495 NH haybme, 12' 420 Int plow, 3-16 717-862-3682 For Sale - NH 676 spreader, single beater, tailgate, $1950, 717-243- 8035 Used NH 790 manure spreader, also 1 right hand delivery Coby forage wagon, 3 beaters and roof, 1 EZ Mfg forage wagon, 3 beaters and roof 717-733-8246 NH Rollabar hay rake, Gehl round bale stacker, IH 47 baler with thrower, 8 ton wagon running gear. 814-237-6080 JD 2240 tractor, new (65 hrs) 717-458-6112 before 8 30A M afterBp m FARM EQUIPMENT Farmhand hyd dump wagons, 5000 lb capaci ty 609-769-3183 New Holland 1010 Automatic Bale Wagon, good condition, $2700, 703 837-1484 4430, 4320, 4020 JD tractors, 235 Ferguson 717-547 2387 For Sale - JD model LA with plow & cultivator Good condition 215-488-6193 Berg barn cleaners in stock New extra heavy duty replacement chain will fit most cleaners, trouble free at truck load prices Compare quality prices before you buy Berg special alloy nickel content chain, 10 ga cop per content chute, 10 year warranty 205’ chain use 1 yr Complete line of standby alternators Lane 215-445-5309 JD 495 A Planter, dry fer tilizer, insecticide and herbicide, exc. cond $895 Chester Co 215-946 4407 For Sale - NH 55 mower, engine, reduaion gear, hydraulic, complete, ex cellent cond Sam E Stoltzfus, Rt 7, Coatesville Pa. 19320 Chester Co JD model 60, good condition, 215-965-6353 Oliver 88 diesel, runs good, $725 JD 494 corn planter, 30” rows, in secticide, fair, $550 JD 32 weed sprayer, 200 gal, piston pump, 30' boom, $325 JD FBB grain drill, 17 double disc, clutch lift, fair, $350 Call 215-262-4501 or 395- 9059 For Sale Farmall M, live hydraulic, good tires, exc shape, $l2OO, Farmall H needs a little work, $5OO Dauphin Co 717-657- 1285 Army truck, 2Vi ton, diesel, all wheel drive, tandem axles with 5 speed trans, high & low range, front mounted winch, 900 x 20 tires, low mileage, very good condition $3BOO firm 609-769-3183 For Sale - Used IH 500 cyclo planter, 6 row, with semi mount attachment Call SWOPE & BASHORE, INC 717-933-4138 For Sale 3 bottom disc plow, also 3 bottom Case mold board plow, 1947 Dodge truck, 717-653- 5663 For Sale - Gas and diesel engines, rebuilt, AC, Wise and GM power units or other applications, Smucker’s Welding Shop, Rd 1, Strasburg, PA 17579 Oliver 1950 with Detroit engine, good condition, White 6 row air corn planter, dry fertilizer, food condition 717-786 839 The inc: Lancaster Farming, Saturd; F ABM EQUIPMENT Air Conditioned Cab Year-A-Round cab, series QH model 214, 2 yr old, $lBOO 201-449-6140 1979 4 row 1H planter, dry fertilizer with in secticide attachment, only planted 400 acres $2OOO, 215 932-2753 For Sale - 1 used M & W Dynomonitor $425, 301- 452-5252 For Sale - 3 section spring tooth harrow, JD lever type AC 390 haybine, AC 56 flail chopper, AC 56 flail chopper for parts Narrow front end for AC XT 190 tractor Chester Co 215-593-5445 New bale throwing beds, size BxBxlB, all oak 215- 273-2594 Used very good condition Hesston Stackhand 10 with 10W Stackmover Extra belts and 2 com plete sets of hay guards included $3OOO 215 598- 3980 after 7pm For Sale - John Deere #6 Chopper 301-452-5252 AC PTO manure spreader model 180, excellent con dition with pan, $650/of fer Baltimore Co, MD 301-833-9098 Lamco 16’x6’ 3 beater forage Wagon, 1 year old $3700 717-524-0931 For Sale - 35 hp slope tractor with 6’ rotary mower, with 30* sloping capability, demonstratged $5500, 1975 AC tractor, 61 hp , 3 pt hitch, full vision cab, Beacon light, model 500 loader with 72" bucket, 5' Triumph sickle bar mower, side mount, $B5OO, Call Karen Hardy, Stephenson Equipment, Inc 717-564- 3434 MF 50 Tractor, Hi Arch, WFE $3300 MF 50 Tricycle $lB5O MF8552850 Ford 901 Tricycle w/Power Steering $lBOO Index Iceing Machine w/lOh p motor $l5O WENTZ FARM SUPPLY Palm, Pa. 215-679-7164 Lely 400 gal tractor mounted saddle tanks, used one yr 301-592- 2982 For Sale - 3020 JD power shift, nice tractor. 717 648-7994 For Sale - VF4 Wise engine, clutch reduction, good condition $750, avid L Stoltzfus. Box 440, Rd 1, Gap, PA Lancaster Co Leon 10' 3 pt blade, 150 hp rating, includes 2 hyd cylinders, brand new $l5OO/offer Baltimore Co , MD 301-833 9098 14’ Brilliant cultipacker with transport wheels, Stump Acres, York Co 717-792 3216 For Sale - 180 MF Row Crop with two row corn picker 304 379-4511 libte egg. tee ty, April 25,1981-B9 FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale - New Holland Model 717 Forage Chop per with one Row Corn Head, flotation tires in "like new” condition, us ed only one year Cobey Forage Wagon Complete with extra sides and top, large capacity, flotation tires “like new" condition Two 16’ Hay Wagons for bale thrower, excellent condition with large tires, Write to Lancaster Farm ing Box #366'R-51 Lititz, PA 17543 or phone 609-845-2800 or 609-451-0573 Allis Chalmers tractor, 1954, model G, $l5OO After 6 pm 215-588-1505 Int 6 row cyclo air planter, hyd drive, hyd fertilizer auger, dry fert bins, insecticide at tachments, corn and soybean drums, no-till attachment, and seed monitoring system, JD 1630 plowing disc, 12' wide, heavy duty with ‘/*"x22” blades, Glencoe 9 tooth soil saver folding harrow, 6 row cultivator, Donahue lowbpy trailer 215 458-5986 after 5 p m For Sale - Feeder House off of 1979 JD side hill 6620 combine, used 1 yr , Dauphin Co 717-896- 8314 For Sale - New & Used McD #9 ensilage cutter $BOO up Also used #7 McD #9 trailer gear mower, 7 ft McD & JD PTO corn binders with new or used long loaders, parts for above equip ment Elam S Beiler, 12 S Ronks Rd , Ronks, PA 17572 Small ground driven manure spreader, ex- cellent, $495 717-393-6711 or 717-285-3208 2000 lb fork lift, air tires, good condition, 717-935 2185 N 1 305 gathering unit, 315 sheller cornpicker, used 3 yrs , 2 wheel sxll’ trailer, 34 and 48” exhaust fans, heavy duty floor supported bench vise 717-398-2270 or 398-2050 1500 gal Badger vacuum manure tank, tandem axle, new hose, good condition, Lancaster Co 717 548-2760 E-Z Trail farm wagons, wagon beds, plastic fence posts s'&6’ 40 per ft B John Stoltzfus, Gap, Rl, Millwood Rd For Sale - 3 New Idea run ning gears 717 897-6616 or 717-897-5470 36’6" Mayrath auger on wheels, JD 5 bottom 16" semi mounted trip plow, excellent condition, field ready, Windy Srpmg Farm, Quakertown, PA 215-536 0912 For Sale - John Deere boot gram drill on rubber, hydraulic lift Excellent condition $375 00 Sch Co 717-345-3430 For Sale Case 870 Diesel, good condition $5.500 00 Call 703-879- 9197 For Sale - New F2L912 Deutz diesel, 20 to 32 h p Best reasonable offer 717-733 4453 For Sale Hesston haybine model 1010, hydroswing 215 286- 9426 John Bean air blast sprayer, 500 gal tank, needs motor, asking $6OO or best offer 201 782- 6876 For Sale - One 4-row MF soybean & corn planter, like new, 2 yrs old, has planted 50 acres, extra wide tool bar 609 697 1870 For Sale - JD 350 crawler, excellent condition, 717- 284-2690 For Sale - 601 Ford tractor with Ford loader & rear wheel wts Ford 1 row mtd picker Int 2 row 3 pt corn planter Schuylkill Co 717-425- 2562
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