Wayne CalS Program, p heifer calves in 4 months! / / ‘ 4 :vJ'n r'te tUmi h The Wayne Calf Program is designed to condition a dairy calf for breeding at a younger age. After four days of colostrum, it starts with Wayne Calfnip®, a medicated milk replacer costing about half the value of whole milk, and Wayne Calf Krunch®, a complete feed. You may also use Dairy Calf Grower Pellets®, Calf Supplement®, Sweet Bulky®, and Wayne Calf Health Aids. Well help you with a program that will get your calves to recommended body weight, economically, at four months so you can look forward to higher quality herd-replacement heifers. See us about the Wayne Calf Program. PARTICIPATING DEALERS ANDERSON BROS. I SUPPLY JAMES BALMER FOWL’S FEED SERVICE New Park ’ PA17352 717 ' 3824472 Wholesale Specialty Feed Distributor Peach Bottom, PA 717-548-2376 Manheim PA ' 717-665-2011 VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. West on Miller St Shoemakersville, PA 215-926-2121 > MiLL DUTCHMAN FEED HILL, INC. MOLTS MILL 717-733-3020 Wltmer PA17585 717 393 1369 MANOR FARM SERVICE RD 2, Lancaster. PA 717-872-4613 (MILL MOYER & SON, INC. rDA WALKER CO. 717-665-2288 113 E Reliance Road SP ’ 717-442-4169 W. L. MUMMERT CO. Souderton, PA 18964 215-723-6001 -High & Pine Streets Hanover. PA 17331 717-637-6923 / ' y ' /' I V' ■/ 1 / / / V 4' .< 5 _ y »* » * Jl ? . * rf i ' P ‘ T'SC^ ,•. f • < ■ f Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—81 ft fM; 1 i “I Al Ch V ' / K I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers