030—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 2S, 1981 Public Sales Register FRI JUNE 26 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers MON JUNE 29, 2PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner JULY THURS JULY 2 Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb. Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneer MON JULY 6 - 2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner SAT JULY 11 10 AM Benefit Sale for Haneyville Fire Co Located at the Haneyville Fire House North of Lock Haven, Pa along Rt 664 Auc tioneers Ira Stoltzfus S Son & Jay Lea ry THURS JULY 16 Mon thly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown Rd , Woodsboro, Md 21798 Thomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auctioneer FRI JULY 17 - 5 30 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Minit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers SAT JULY 18 COL ONIAL INVITATIONAL, at Bratton Charolais Farm (Raymond Bratton, owner), McVeytown, Pa Sale sponsored by the Colonial Charolais Association Sale manag ed by Buzz Garey, 100 Walnui Lane, Mornsvdle, PA 19067 SAT JULY 18 630 P M Danville Livestock Market, horse sale Located Old Route I 1 SPRING CATTLE SALE WEDNEDSAY, APRIL 29 7:30 P.M. TERRA ALTA LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. Terra Alta, WV 26764 Angus - Herefords Char. & Sim. Crosses All Cattle Wintered on Local Farms Grass Cattle and Plenty of Replacement Cattle APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENDANCE Russell W. Stover, Jr., Mgr. Yard; (304) 789-2788 Home: (301) 334-3940 Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON JULY 20 - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON JULY 27 - 2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA PUBLIC AUCTION FARM MACHINERY, HAND, LAWN, GARDEN, FARM TOOLS & SUPPLIES The undersigned, widow, to settle the Estate of JOHN A. SULLIVAN (late of Harford County), will sell the following personal property at Public Auction on the farm known as 2521 Laurel Bush Road - 3 miles South of BEL AIR via Emmorton Road (Md. Rte. #24), St. Mary's Road and Wheel Road in Harford County, Md. on SATURDAY, MAY 2,1981 at 10:30 A.M. (EDST) M-F Model 175 D Tractor w/M-F #9O Loader; #llO PTO Spreader; N-H #275 Baler w/#S3A Bale Thrower; M-F 7 ft. Sickle bar Mower; Com Elevator; Hay-o-vator; Bezzecchi Sp #5O PTO Fert./seed Sower; M-F #37 SD Hay Rake; S.S. Promo Molasses Feeder; Feed Troughs; 2 Flat and 2 Hay Farm Wagons; Doors, Storm Windows and Screens; 4” Shop Jointer; Pedestal Grinder; Farm Machinery Parts; Hand, Lawn, Garden and Farm Tools and Supplies; Electric Motors; Oil pumps; Drums and Barrells; Wooden Bins; Nails; Bolts; Plumbing Supplies; IHC Cub Cadet (2 yrs. old) 12.5 HP Hydrostatic Riding Lawn Mower with Rotary Mower, Blade and Lawn Cart; Many other interesting items. TERMS: CASH or APPROVED CHECK Not responsible for accidents on day of sale Widow, CARRINGTON SULLIVAN Abingdon, Md. Phone 301-838-8622 John H. O’Neill, Auctioneer K.C. Travers. Auctioneer Forest Hill, Md. Melvin M Lehman, owner FRI JULY 31 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers AUGUST SAT AUG 1 - 100 P M Reg and Grade Holstein Bred Heifer Sale, splendid grade, mostly due Aug and Sept Off Rt 54 and 44 near Turbotville. PA, Northumberland Co Lewis and Ruth Brown, Owners Carl and John Diller, Auctioneers i 319TH GARDEN SPOT HEIFER SALE & WILLIAM LASHER & NELSON MYERS HEIFER DISPERSALS (11:00 A.M.) LANCASTER. PA. Sale held at the Guernsey Sale pavilion on Rte. 30 6 miles East of Lancaster. 125 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS SELL!! (100 Registered • 25 Grades) All tested for immediate interstate shipment - All exam for pregnancy. 55 SELL FROM WILLIAM LASHER, CATSKILL. N.Y. • 4 are by Astronaut dtrs. including one from a 739-lb 2 yr. 4% dam, another from a 650-lb, 4.2% IvanhoeGr'dtr. * 4 are by Ivanhoe Star, one from an 801-lb dam and 2nd dam 805-lbs fat. • An Arhnda Commander from a VG-88 Astronaut with twice over 800-lbs fat. 2nd dam 1159 fat, 3rd & 4th dams both EX with top recs. * A Milu from a 702-lb, 3y,4.4% Apache dam. 2nd dam by Granuate. * 2 Willows from 848 and 695-lbs dams. * A Bis May Astro Jupiter from a 666-lb dam, 2nd dam with 936 f., 3rd dam 791 f. * A Tri Town Wis Apollo from a 711-lb, 2yr. dam. * There are many more that you will like. Big strong well conditioned heifers. EIGHT TOPS SELL FROM NELSON MYERS, GREENCASTLE, PA.!! * An Elevation from a 728-lb f. “ VG-87” Ivanhoe gr’dtr. Next 2 dams both “VG” * An Ivanhoe Star from aB3 pt. Apollo gr’dtr. with 828 F. 25,150 M. 2nd dam 28,000 M. * An Ivanhoe Star from a VG-86 dam with 597 f. and she is bred to “Pete”. * A Glendell from a VG-88 745-lb dam, 2nd dam VG and she is bred to GV Star *An Elevation from a VG-87,881 f, 3 yr. dam, 2nd dam VG-86 608 f. Due to Valiant. * A Marvex from a 24,600 M, 778 f. dam due in June to Sexation. * An Astronaut from aGP dam with 814 f, 3y ,4% 2nd dam 729 fat. Bred to Star. * This is a marvelous group that will bear anyone’s close inspection. We have many others from our regular consignors including 9 good heifers from John Rinehart and 6' good heifers from Danny Albright. We also will have 5 good bulls with top pedigrees ready for heavy service. All with good pedigrees including one from Marlu who is by Milestone from 23,910 M. dam and VG and 2nd dam EX-92 with 4 N. J. State records. MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND THIS ANNUAL HEIFER EVENT AT THE GUERNSEY SALE BARN!! THIS COULD BE THE BEST GROUP WE HAVE EVER SOLD HERE IN THE HEIFER LINE!! Sale starts 11:00 A.M. R. AUSTIN BACKUS INC. Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers Mexico, N.Y. TUESDAY, APRIL 30 Lunch Available Catalogs
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