Dl4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 UNIVERSITY PARK - The number of turkeys grown on Pennsylvania farms ranges from one to a million or more per season. That’s a lot of white and dark meat. It takes about six months to grow a flock of finished market turkeys and 14 to 16 weeks to grow them to the turkey broiler age. “With costs of production up, it pays producers to grow, finish, and market turkeys young,” says Herbert C. Jordan, associate professor, poultry science, at Penn State. 140 students to compete in Little International UNIVERSITY PARK Some 140 students will compete in the 64th Little International Livestock Exposition to be held April 25 at Penn State. The show will begin sharply at 8 a.m. at the Penn State Beef- Sheep Center. Admission to the show is free and the public is invited to attend the day’s activities Students compete in fitting and showing contests for plaques and trophies. Four species of animals beef cattle, sheep, swine, and horses will be exhibited Fitting indicates how well the animal has been prepared for the show, in terms of cleanliness and clip ping. Showmanship involves the student’s ability to present the animal to the judge m the most eye-appealing manner. The best fitters and showmen are selected and the top showmen in each species compete for the title of Grand Champion Showman. This year’s “Little I” is dedicated to Dave Hosterman, assistant herdsman at the Penn State swine bams. He is being honored for his many years of faithful service to the students who are interested in any aspect of swine production. Thomas King, Director of the Ex tension Service at Penn State, has been named the outstanding alumnus for 1981 He is being honored for his distinguished service to the College of Agriculture and the Extension Service of Pennsylvania. King is a 1951 graduate of Penn State and has been actively involved in Penn sylvania agriculture since the time of his graduation. Superintendents help the students with their animals. This year’s superintendents are Dale Rams of Mercer for beef; Linda Ebaugh of Delta for sheep; Lee Johnson of New Alexandria for swine; and Richard Denniston of Pittsburgh for horses. Judges for the contest are Chester Hughes of Portage for beef cattle- Robert Zimmerman of Turkey course offered Market Turkeys, a Penn State correspondence course, written by Jordan, explains types of turkeys that the markets want. This Id-lesson course explains moving the turkey crop from producer to consumer; shipping, dressing, and packing turkeys; producing turkey hatching eggs, and fresh dressed and unfrozen carcasses. Other basic information covers habits of turkeys and turkey shelters, nutritional requirements and feeding turkeys, feeds and feeding management, and general management and sheep; Keith Bard of advisor. Lewistown for swine; The awards for the and Nancy Kohler of show have been spon- McKean for horses. sored by a variety of The show manager is farms, breed Jeff Byerly of Milton, associations, and senior in animal businesses. Awards will production. Assisting be presented at the him is Robert Bortz of annual banquet to be Apollo, junior in animal held in the Hetzel Union production. Dr. Harold Building following the Harpster is the club’s show. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE (2 story cement building w/2 very nice sec. floor apts. & Ig. garage used as workshop w/office space.) WED. EVE., MAY 13 at 7:00 Located at 756 Lafayette St., Lan caster, Pa. (Between Fairview Ave. & Laurel St., 1 block east of Manor St.) 2 story cement block building w/alum siding on sec. floor. Lot size: 49’ frontage by 118’ depth more or less. Property will be open for inspection Wed Eve., April 29 & May 6 from 6 P.M until 7 P.M. or phone 569-2441. Sale by AGNES V. REYNOLDS (Mrs. George E. Reynolds) May & May, Attys John S. May. Atty Howard Shaub, Auctioneer 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst 464-3190 PUBLIC AUCTION HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRUCKS-CARS THURSDAY, APRIL 30,1981 AT 11:00 a.m. The Department of Administrative Services, Division of Purchasing will sell at public auction the following State of Delaware equipment; Graders; Cherry Picker; Cranes; D 6 Cat. Dozer; Fork Lifts; Paint Striper; Dump Trucks (60); P/U Trucks (16); Dia. Reo 5T Wrecker; Snow Fighters; Snow Plows (45); Spreader Hoppers; Trailers; Water Tank Truck; Wayne Sweeper; Athey Belt Loaders; Trench Buckets; Cat. Scarifier; Cat. Track, 1 set-D7; Mowing Tractors; Compressors; Rollers; Cham Saws; Steam Cleaners; Sedans; Station Wagons; Vans; Buses. Many Ad ditional Items. LOCATION: Rear Lot, State of Delaware Highway Administration Center, Route 113 (across from Bine Hen Mall), Dover, De. INSPECTION: Wednesday, April 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. NOTE: Startup of equipment will be between these hours ONLY. TERMS: Cash, Certified Check, Traveler’s Check, or approval by Auctioneer. AUCTIONEER: WILSON’S AUCTION SALES. INC. DAVE WILSON GLENN WATSON. JR. (302)422-3454 or 856-2110 health. Special attention is given to market development and business management. The course is designed to give an overview of the commercial turkey industry. To order this course send $5.50, plus 75 cents handling, to Turkeys, Box 5000, University Park, PA 16802. Make check payable to Penn State. ABSOLUTE AUCTION SATURDAY, MAY 2 10:00 A.M. Rain Date May 9 In conjunction with antiques and other oldies but goodies sale. By My Husband’s Attic, Silverdale, PA. on PA Rt. 152, just south of Rt. 113. Contents of 100 year old blacksmith shop, handmade tools, run bender, post vice, huge foot operated grindstone, rim shnnker, horse shoes, many old horse shoe nail boxes with names on, wooden wagon wheel runs, old charcoal iron and other items too numerous to mention. Auctioneer John Barry Glenn North Penn Auction Gallery, Inc. YORK CO. SHEEP FIELD DAY & LAMB SALE SATURDAY, MAY 16 9 A.M. at the York Co. 4H Center at Bair Station, Pa. Schedule of Events: 9:30-Sheep Judging Contest Men, Ladies, Jr. Divisions 10:00-Spinning Demonstration 10; 30-Shearing Demonstration 11:00-Lamb Carcass Cutting Demonstration by John Watkins of Penn State. 12:00-Lunch Served by the York Co. 4H Lamb Club. 12:00-Wool Fleece Sale Also, there will be Wool Fleece for sale to home spinners. 12:30-Sale of 100 Market Lambs for youth projects. 54 purebred ewes - 16 purebred rams. Auctioneer: Blaine Rentzel For more information contact Tony Dobrosky, Co Agent 112 Pleasant Acres Road York. PA 17402 717-757-9557 PUBLIC SALE OF LIVESTOCK SATURDAY EVE., MAY 2 7:00 P.M. Located on the Robert Mullendore Farm 10 miles South of Hagerstown, MD on the Boonsboro Williamsport Rd. (Rt. 68), 4 miles West of Boonsboro. MD or 2 miles East of Sharpsburg Pike (Rt. 65) at Lappans crossroads. 200 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 200 Consisting of Holstein heifers ranging from started heifer calves, 2 springers, including open heifers breeding age & short bred heifers. Approximately 25 head of beef type & Holstein steers. All necessary animals Bangs & TB tested within 30 days of sale. 1976 Int. 1600 cab & chassis with R speed trans & 2 speed axle, one owner, clean. 1973 Chev. C 65 truck with 21’ Leister body, 5 speed trans. & 2 speed axle, 366 V-S engine, 9 wooden cattle body with top for ton truck, like new. Terms - Cash, not responsible for accidents. Sale Managed & Conducted by Robert C. Mullendore 301-582-0546 Farm- 582-2039 Clerk- C.L. Metz Cattle may be inspected day of sale. Sold in tent with lunch available FARMERSVILLE AUCTION TUESDAY, APRIL 28,1981 5:30 P.M. In Farmersville, 3 mi. east of Brownstown, Lane Co. Pa From a private home in Witmer plus ad ditions. Mahogany diningroom suite; old grey Maytag wringer washer; oak commode; floor lamps; old fancy picture frames; old bicycle; wooden rocker; croquet set; rugs; small items; etc. etc. WE SELL ON COMMISSION Can JOHN J. Run 354-5095 BERNHEISEL ESTATE AUCTION FRIDAY, MAY 8 9:30 A.M. Selling at 239 W. Main St, New Bloomfield, Perry Co., Pa. REAL ESTATE - 1:30 P.M. All that certain property situated on the south side of West Mam Street, known and numbered at 239 W. Mam St., New Bloomfield, Pa., having a frontage of 70 feet on W. Main St.; a width of 70 ft. along a public alley at the rear thereof, and being 150 ft. in depth, having thereon erected a 2% story dwelling house with oil, hot water heat, 8 rooms, Vk baths and full basement, together with an extenor garage thereon. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% down; balance in 30 days, other terms at time of sale. This property will be offered promptly at 1; 30 P.M This is a fme, well-kept property and will be open for inspection on Wed., May 6,1981 and may be inspected at any other tune by calling Mrs. Martha Grenoble at 582-2042 or 582-2551. LOYSVILLE BANK STOCK At 1:15 P.M. the executrix will offer for sale 195 sh. of the capital stock of First National Bank of Loysville, Pa. The successful bidder shall have the right to buy all shares or as many shares as he desires in increments of 10' shares. ANTIQUES Seth-Thomas Mantel Clock (runs); 4 ft. high Wall Clock-Wooden Works (This clock has been in the family for over 200 years; Walnut Drop leaf Ext. Table with bds.; Walnut Drop-leaf table with drawer; Cherry Drop-leaf Table; Walnut 4-leg Wash Stand with Towel Racks; Dry Sink; Blanket Chest; Oak Commode with fold-up arm rests; Secretanet Desk with 4 full bottom drawers; Pie-crust Round Table; 5 Hand-painted Plank-bottom chairs; 5 Plank bottom Chairs with rung backs; Oak Flower Stands; Wheeler & Wilson Treadle Sewing Machine; Antique Dresser with Wooden Jewelry Boxes; Antique Vanity Mirror & Comb Set; Set of Porcelain Dishes; Cut Glass, Pressed Glass of all Kinds; Cane Seat & Back Rocker; Several Rockers (Ladder-back, some with rush seats, some with spring seats); Victorian-style Sofa; Side-Board; Asst, of Baskets; Blind Walnut Bookcase; Mahogany Card & Game Table; China Closet; Oak Bed; Antique Stands; Several Chests of Drawers; Several Dressing Tables; Several Wooden framed Mirrors; Shadow-box Picture Frames; Pictures; Braided Rugs; High-boy; Trunks; Antique Floor & Table Lamps; Copper Teakettle; Crock Salt-Bucket. HOUSEHOLD GOODS G.E. Avocado Refrigerator (Like New); Breakfast Set & 4 Chairs; Roll-Away Bed; Electrolux Vacuum; Mattresses, Box Springs, Bedding; Asst, of Household Dishes, Pots & Pans; RCA Color T.V.; Single Bed; Dressing Table; G.E. Air Conditioner; Deep-freeze; Overstuffed Chairs; Small Appliances; Small Appliances; Assortment of Garden Tods, Rotary Mower, Etc. “This is only a partial listing - More Antiques & Valuables are turning up everyday! ” Lunch Stand - Terms: Cash or Traveler’s checks only! I.D. Required for Bidding No. Not Responsible for Accidents. MARTHA K. GRENOBLE, Executrix of the Estate of EDITH E. BERNHEISEL, DECEASED Charles Kugler, Attorney Sale by: Kling's Auction Service Landisburg, Pa.
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