Perry farmers install conservation water and erosion. proxunately half the cost. An increasingly popular prac- Along with the ACP funds, tice, animal waste management county farmers also received storage, financially helped to assistance through production establish the needed facility on adjustment programs, $188,812; three Perry County farms. commodity loans, $148,433; gram A total of $58,252 of government storage, $5,608; farm storage dollars were spent m applying the facilities, $27,495; and wood in needed ACP conservation work, centive program, $1324, for a total with farmers matching ap- 0f5440,081. NEW BLOOMFIELD - More than 130 Perry County farms participated in the 1980 Agricultural Conservation Program, reported Howard Stambaugh, County Executive Director of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. These cooperators established 277 acres of permanent vegetation and improved 246 acres. More than 300 acres of stripcropping systems were implemented. Construction found 5 acres of cropland terraces being installed by earthmovmg contractors, along with diversions which will protect 75 acres of cropland. Sod water ways installed will help to protect 310 acres from the effects of storm DRAINAGE PROBLEMS? COCALICO EQUIPMENT HAS THE TWO MACHINES TO HANDLE YOUR DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. ★ Both machines Equipped with Laser Beam Grade Control Drainage Pays High Returns COMPARE Investment Annual Return Even with the conservative fig- Land Drainage 21 46% ures S h own foefC, St’S ObviOUS that Farm Buildings 3-23% .... , ~ , , , Farm Land n% land drainage should top farmers Ks 5 : ei% lists of investment priorities. LIC A, HARRISBURG Placements of broiler chicks in the com monwealth during the week ending April 4 were 2,345,000, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service The placements were six percent above the corresponding week a year ago but four percent below COCALICO EQUIPMENT CO. DRAINAGE & EXCAVATING RD #3, DENVER, PA 17517 PH: 215-267-3808 Broiler placements up NEW HOLLAND DENTAL SERVICES 430 E. Main St. New Holland, PA Personalized preventional oriented dental care at reasonable fees. Examination Cleaning of Teeth *20.00 X-rays, fillings, extractions, crowns, etc. Senior Citizen discount D.P.A. insurance and union cards accepted. Hours - Mon -Fn 9am 6pm Sat 9 a.m -Ipm. 717-354-4900 ★ We Stock Heavy Grade Tubing which Exceeds SCS Specifications, in sizes 4". 6". 8". 10” and 12". NOW AVAILABLE 15" & 18" Tubing ★ Also Pipe And Fittings For Tile Outlet Terraces. the previous week Placements in the 21 key poultry producing states were 85,753,000, one percent below the previous week but five percent above the same week a year earlier. Average placements in the 21 key states during the past nine weeks were three percent above a year ago. Dentures Full upper or Lower *75.00 and up Denture relining & Repair while you wait Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,13A1—P13 Delaware team places third NEWARK, Del A team of four agronomy students from the University of Delaware’s depart ment of plant science squared off against some tough midwestem competition and came out third during a recent regional con ference of the Student Activities Subdivision of the American Society of Agronomy at the Umversity of Illinois Champaign- Urbana campus. The Delaware contestants in cluded juniors Mark Sultenfuss, who fielded crop-related questions; David Bartenfelder, on soils; and A 1 Krupski, on plant protection. Senior degree with distinction candidate Clare Evans handled the questions on practical application. Krupski had the highest score of any contestant in his category. Four U. of D. agronomy majors placed third in recent college bowl-type competition against teams from some of the Midwest's biggest agricultural colleges. From left to right the Delaware team include Al Krupski, David Bartenfelder, Clare Evans and Mark SuEtenfuss. CUSTOM BUILT HAY WAGONS Built with steel racks, oak frame and Order now for early delivery. Compare the Steltif»§ Woodwork Calf Hutch Lifting Hook tor easy handling (Option) v X '-*o Rear Vent (Option) Sturdy 2x4 construction Treated .skids J& Vt - FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL STOLTZFUS WOODWORK RD 2, Box 2280, Gap, PA 17527 The team placed third after teams from Purdue University and the University of Wisconsm- PlatvUle. It outranked contestants from lowa State University, Kansas State University, the University of Nebraska, the University of Illinois, and a number of other large midwestem agricultural colleges. The Delaware students are all members of the University of Delaware Agronomy Club, which was formed a year ago after at tending another ASA sponsored student conference at Purdue University in Lafayette, Ind. Purpose of the club is to give members an opportunity to further enhance their interest in agronomy, explore the career possibilities in this field, and broaden their knowledge of agronomy-related subjects. One Sheet Galvanized Metal Roof Tilt Out Feeder for/ easy access TRACK FOR FASTENING CALVES CHAINED TO CEILING OF HUTCH 717-442-8972 t loor. Simple, efficient eyebolt and pin ■ connector 3*” or 50” high wire
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