Al4—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Livestock market and auction news Leesport Livestock Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 348. Supply including 70 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers 1 50-3.00 higher Slaughter cows strong to 100 higher. Choice No. 2-41000-1150 lbs slaughter steers 64 00-66.25, one at 66 85, few No. 4-5 1225-1420 lbs 58 10-63.85, Good 5c Choice holstems 1200-1600 lbs 54 75-60 00, Good 60.00-63 85, few to 65 25, Standard 54 00-58.75, few Utility 5c Low Standard 52 00-54 00 Few Choice 930-1050 lbs sluaghter heifers 58 25-65 00, few Good 55.25- 57 50, few Standard 47 25-52 00 utility 5c Commercial slaughter cows 45 50-48 25, Cutters 43 85- 46 75, few to 49 50, Canner 5c Low Cutter 39 50-44 50 Few Good slaughter bullocks 57.00-67 35, few Standard 55 50-57 50 Yield Grade HI 1200-2160 lbs slaughter bulls 55 10-60 25, few to 63 75; few yield grade #2 900-1200 lbs 49 25-54 00 Few Medium Frame HI 340-550 lbs feeder steers 60 00-66 00, few Medium Frame #2 335-400 lbs 69 00-69.50, few Large Frame #1 400-500 lbs 65 00-74 00, few 650-825 lbs 57 50-64 50, Large Frame #2 400-950 lbs 51 00-54 00, few 600-700 lbs thin 47 00-49 00, Large Frame HI 360-650 lbs feeder heifers 59 DO -69 75, few Medium Frame HI 470- 630 lbs feeder bulls 59.75-61 50, few Large Frame HI 500-800 lbs 54.50- Make Fast Work of Trees, Fence Rows, Bushes CUT SPL MU RENT TH YOU NEED FOR SPRING chain saws • hydraulic log splitters chippers to handle up to 6" limbs See Us First. ACGSMSS 393-1701 720 N Prince St, Lancaster, PA 17603 READING l2th & Spring Sts nnn ODQC m mentals Reading, PA 13604 O/D'uOwD fik£ N J ats 940 Cornwall Road o*7o ifiCQ Lebanon, PA 17042 L.i £. m *T DwO /Rentals East Mam Street QQQ Ci| I 7Q Unlimited Palmyra PA 17078 OOu’utl O 59 50, /1 w < u i r , i • lbs. 52.50-56.50. CALVES 128 Vealers grading Standard and Low Good 1.00-3.00 higher Few Choice vealers 93.00- 105.00, Good 80.00-91.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs 70 00-79-00, 90-110 lbs. 65.00-70.00, 70-95 lbs. 62 00-66.00, few Utility 40-100 lbs. 58 50-65 00. Farm Calves Hoi. Bulls 90-135 lbs 80.00-101.00, few down to 65.00; few Hoi. Heifers 90- 140 lbs 125 00-172 50, few Beef cross bulls and heifers 90-135 lbs 76 00-100.00. HOGS 319 Barrows and gilts 52 00-55.00. Heifers Few Choice 1 75-2.00 higher US No 1-2 200-240 59.5061.00; Good 55 00-59.00. lbs. barrows and gilts 42.00-42 75, BUTCHER HOGS. Steady prices few 43 35, No 1-3 190-260 lbs 41.50- on bght run US #1 & 3 215-240 lbs 42 25, few down to 40 00, few No 2-3 39.10-40.25; 240-260 lbs. 37.50-38.75. 255-280 lbs 40.00-41 50, few No 1-3 sows US 1&2 300600 lbs. 35.00- 140-180 lbs 38 50-39 00 Sows 2 00- BOARS 400- 300 higher US No. 1-3 300650 lbs 31 75 " 32 00 ’ one 355 lbs ‘ at sows 36 00-39 50, one at 40 00 Boars - ‘ 31 00-32 50 VEAL CALVES. Choice calves FEEDER PIGS 147 One Lot US absent Good & Low Choice 90.00- No 1-3 30 lbs feeder pigs 72 per 100 00, Standard 75.00-90.00; hundredweight, No 1-3 40-75 lbs. Stocky & Thin 55.00-75.00. Killers 51 006 300 per hundredweight 80-100 lbs. 60.00-70 00; Weak 5c SHEEP 93. Few Choice 80 lbs Rough 60 00 Down, spring slaughter lambs 67 00-85 00, CALVES RETURNED TO 45-70 lbs 85 00-102 50, Good & FARM. Active bidding Holstein Choice 25-40 lbs 65 0067 50; few Heifers Good demand few 100-110 Good 5c Choice 65-140 lbs wooled lbs 160 00-185 00; Holstein Bulls lambs 45 00-49 00 Slaughter Sheep Bulk 95 - 115 lbs. 82.00-95.00, some 14 00-23 00 72 00-82.00; Beef Type Good GOATS 52 Large Adults 24 00- demand, 80-110 lbs. 70 00-100.00. 31 00 per head, one 38 00 per head, Spring Lambs Good 5c Choice 60-75 Large Kids 26 00-32 00 per head, lbs. 75.00-105.00; Sheep 15.00-22.00. small kids 14 00-24 00 STOCK CATTLE: Good Run, LANCASTER LEBANON PALMYRA Western Maryland Livestock Westminster, Md. Tuesday, April 21 Report supplied by auction BUTCHER COWS. Steady to 50 cents higher. High Yield 47.00- 48.50; Standard Sc Utility 44.00- 47.00; Canners 41.00-44.00; Shelly 42 00 Down. Bulls Good run! High Yield 58.00-59.85; Good 53.00-58.00; Med. 49.00-53.00. Steers Few Low Choice 60.0062.25; Good Holstems Choice caitie scarce. Steers Good 300600 lbs. 62.0068.00; Med. 55.00- 62.00; Good 500-700 lbs. 56.0063.00; 700-900 lbs. 50.00-55.00. Heifers Choice 300-500 lbs. 55.0063.00; Good 51.00-56.00. Medium 45.00- 50 00; Few 600-750 lbs. 48.00-54.00. Bulls Choice 400-500 lbs. 59.00- 63 00; Good 54.0069.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: Light run. By the Head 15-30 lbs. 7.00-15.00; 3060 lbs. 20.00-26.00; By the Lb. 90- 165 lbs. 28 00-32.50, St Boar 230 lbs. at 31.75. Belleville Auction Wednesday, April 22 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 117 Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter cows 25 cents-$1.25 higher Few Good slaughter steers 55 00-59.00 Individual Good slaughter heifer at 55.85 Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 43 35-46.60, couple 48 50, Cutters 42.50-45, few Canner and Low Cutters 37 60-41 Few Good slaughter bullocks 57.00-58.10 Few Yield Grade #l, 900-1750 lbs slaughter bulls 53 00-58.60 Few Large Frame HI, 4650 lbs feeder steers 60.50-71, few Large HI, 380- 620 lbs. 52 00-55 Few Medium #l, 520650 lbs feeder heifers 53 00- 58 00. CALVES 125 Couple Choice vealers 86 00 and 101, few Good 72 00-85, Standard and Good 70-95 lbs 59 00-64, few Utility 50-80 lbs 50.00-55 00. Farm Calves Holstein WHATEVER HERD YOU HAVE □ HOLSTEIN □ AYRSHIRE □ GUERNSEY □ JERSEY FEED FLORIN DAIRY FEEDS TO YOUR HERD TO MAKE MILKJWD MONEY For a healthy, highly productive herd, FLORIN Enriched Dairy Feeds are scientifically formulated, tested and proven. Feed it regularly, and see the results...more milk from cows, more money for you. WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC. MOUNT JOY, PA PH: 717-653-1451 bulls $5-$l5 higher. Hoi. Bulls 85- 120 lbs. 67.00-95; few Hoi Heifers 100-130 lbs 99.00-167.50. HOGS 368 Barrows and gilts mostly $l-$1 50 higher. US No 1-2 210-235 lbs. barrows and gilts 41.00- 41 85, No 1-3 2-255 lbs. 37 75-40.50, No 1-3 140-190 lbs. 35.75-37 85. Few US No 1-3 350-450 lbs. sows 31.00- 37 50. Boars 27.00-31.25. FEEDER PIGS 234. US No 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 20 50-28 per head, No 1-3 40-70 lbs 29.00-35 50 per head SHEEP 25 Few Choice 70-100 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 67 00- 75, Good 40-65 lbs. 54.00-66.00. Few Slaughter ewes 10 00-25 00 HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS $575- $1175 00 PER HEAD, IN DIVIDUAL $1490 PER HEAD £OOl I <tg&/
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