Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1981—P47 - >(J . Public Sales Register ft North Map|e Ave ln Colonial Charolais SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, Closing Date Monday 5 00PM 8 Leola. Lancaster Co Pa iat ' on manag- 198 t Wesson charolais oleadiweek'spublication J F Momsv.lle. ll A (\ kLjt&v wolgemuth, J Fry and L Missouri Salemanaged by TM J) (Q /v \A \) cat a ddii oc IC . U „ , cat ~ . . Horst, Auctioneer Allf'IICT Buzz Carey, 100 Walnut Col SAT MAY 2 - Hubert AUGUST Lane, Momsville, PA ° n,al Charolais Spring Charolais Ranches SALE THURS MAY 21 Monthly 19067 Sale Location Win a dispersal of the Missouri Cow Sale at the Melvin THURS AUG 6 Monthly . cweMAusuvs, m««E •¥««/ Chester Auction Market, division, at the ranch, Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, Cow Sale at the Melvin tu ,,dc nc T 11AB . Winchester, VA Managed Richards, Missouri Sale U 342 Cragerstown Rd, Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, c , . NEED MORE ROOM? By Buzz Garey. 100 managed by Buzz Garey, Md 21798 2220 Dairy Road, Lan- Read The R«al Estate Ads Walnut Lane, Morrisville, 100 Walnut Lane. Mor Thomas Miller, Sales caster, Pa 17601 Dennis " lalv ' n Kolb ' lnc 33,65 PA 19067 nsville.PA 19067 Manager, Robert Mullen Kolb, Sales Manager, Bar ";, r .- tc ,. n 1X^ 2 oSSaES?’ sw APR 25 11 AM WEr MAY 6 9 a°r«.Aua.iw Rjtart 2uU’ - - Consignment Horse Sale Con-.enment Sale bv .. , Kie . —— Thomas Miller, Sales dieburg Auction $ Safes DaM Good kLi?ed * JUNE THURS AUG 20 Mon- Manager Robert Mullen- lnfra 522 3 miles last mile North of Route 23 on w „ Q . M thly Cow Sale at the dore, Auctioneer mi North Maple Ave in WED JUNE 3-9 AM Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales DEALER IN ALL KINDS §? t ftiriSp SSs! I jfk NOVEMBER OF I IVFCTnrif Owners Ray Long & Dave Wolgemuth J Fry and L North Maple Ave in Thomas Miller, Sales FRI NOV 6-MonthlyCow OF LIVESTOCK Imes Auctioneers Horft Auctioneer Leola, Lancaster Co. Pa Manager. Robert Mullen Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Also Crippled & Down Cattle SAT APRIL 25 - 4th An : Watch for sale signs F dore, Auctioneer |nc Sales Barn, 2220 nual Public Consignment THURS MAY 7 - Monthly Snyder, R Martin, C Dairy Road, Lancaster, Sale of Farm Machinery, Cow Sale at the Melvin Wolgemuth, J Fry and L cETDTCTMDETD Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, MADMkIC IDIAIIAJ large quantity of New Kolb. Inc Sales Barn Horst,Auctioneer 5Cr I IIIVIDCrv Sales Manager, Robert ■WWWin Building Materials, Tools, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan tuudc mimc >. .ui TLJIIr „. .. Mullendore,Auctioneer Ouarrvvillp PA Households, etc by caster Pa 17601 Dennis THURS JUNE 4 - Monthly THURS SEPT 3-Monthly _V , Newbure Hopewell Vol Kolb ' Sales Manager Cdw 3a,e a ' ' be Melvin Cow Sale at the Melvin THURS NOV 19 - Mon- Ph; 717-786-3016 Fire Co Newburg Pa Robert Mullendore Auc’ Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, thly Cow Sale at the Cumb Co Art R,fe Aud ' Auc ' 2220 Dairy Road, Lan 2220 Dairy Road. Lam Melv.rt Kolb, Inc Sales f' - T. T APR o= — caster, Pa 17601 Dennis caster. Pa 17601 Dennis Barn, 11342 Cl/ L 2 5, i? A , FRI MAYS 7PIW Dnu Kolb - 33,65 Manager, Kolb, Sales Manager, Cragerstown, Rd , 5% Acre farm & personal 7P M Driv- Robert Mullendore. Auc Robert Mullendore, Auc- Woodsboro, Md 21798 —T- property Located at east L t e wf.., ' uX?,ll° rSe c!fi® tioneer tioneer Thomas Miller. Sales JtOx, _ . end of Cambridge From |‘ New Holland Sales Manager Robert Mullen- ATTENTION Honey Brook follow Rt 10 WED JUNE 17 9AM THURS SEPT 17 Mon- dore, Auctioneer fWKSvHtIr EADMCDC I south approx 1 mile to FRI MAY 8-630 P M Consignment Sale by th lv Sale at the rAKIVIEKSdi Cambridge Rd turn west Special Dairy heifer Sale David H Good located 'A Kelvin Kolb Inc Sales rtr/^rilDrD DAIPYMFM go approx 1 mile to pro at Keister's Middleburg mile North of Route 23 on Barn 11342 DtGtlVlßcß Rhetor rvf V p^ r r° k TW r ' Auction Sates, Inc Rt North Maple Ave in Cragerstown, Rd , FRI DEC 4-Monthly Cow « p*. r%, U.l r* • «*• Chester Co, Pa Terms By 522, 3 miles East of Mid Leola, -Lancaster Co ,Pa Wfwtebnm mh 217Q8 Coi p thp Mpium Knih . 4 ’ I lS tteSe !!l C USC F,t Kath / yn *, M 3 mites West of Watch f or s al p Kaf o M,ner, Sa?es Sales 22M d. sab|e d, crjppled^twsor C ° we™ Eton ; SSgSsi«th R . j ? Mullen bisoeebon cv inc G FARM AGEN hSL* Dave lmes Auc Horst^^' oneer ’ SlaugntereaunaerTeaerai inspection CY - INC tioneers THURS JUNE IS - Mon _______ Mullendore, Auctioneer Prompt payment & prompt service thiv Cow &ie 18 at the OCTOBER Call collect anytime sat April 25 Spring sat may 16 Royal Me | vin Ko)b , nc Sa , es Mnnthiv E^ip 17 M th^ -*1 -7 £aaa Sale of Lawn and Garden Charolais Annual Bull Rarn 11342 THURS OCT 1 Monthly thly Cow Sale at the 717-272-6848 Equipment bv Sale and Royal Female rh Mrt Cow Sale at the Melvin Melvin Kolb. Inc Sales ask for Barbara Farmersville Equipment Sale Location at the 2 1798 Thomas o 'Miller Kolb - lnc 33,65 Barn ' Barn, 11342 Inc RD4 Ephra a Pa 'arm, Greensburg, PA IfZ® 8 M l™™ S 2220 Dairy Road, Lan Cragerstown, Rd , « ilr Managed Bv Buzz Garey. caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Woodsboro, Md 21798 tin Auctioneers b Garey Cattle Sales, Inc Muijenciore, Aucfoneer K o| b . Sales Manager, Thomas Miller, Sales ■■ nnn ■ 100 Walnut Lane, Mor Robert Mullendore. Auc Manager, Robert Mullen JA Wrn Wiß DP ■BI UP- nsville, PA 19067 JMIY -tioneer dore, Auctioneer MON APR 27 7PM SAT MAY 16 930 A.M ■ VVIMIVAiI Pubhc Auction of Brick Goooville Community Fire THURS JULY 2 Monthly I l lilM Ranch Sty'e DweHing Sa|e He|d at the Cow Sale at the Melvm ’ X Located along Rt 322 bet Goodville Fire House, Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, f i. — ween Ephrata & Clay Local Auctioneers 2220 Dairy Road, Lan T X' Owners Harvey W & Anna caster Pa i 76 oi Dennis I ■|v# | X. Ruth Hahn John E & W ED MAY 20 9AM Kolb, Sales Manager, . ■ r % au ' Martin Auc Consignment Sale by Robert Mullendorej Auc v 9 I tioneers David H Good located '/> tioneer | HUBPe- ' '» mile North of Route 23 on THUR ’ S JULy 16 ‘ ■QggM' | P > ‘ MAY ihly Cow Sale at the X , FRI MAY 1630 P M | NOTICE Barn, 11342 Cragerstown ft AUCTiOH DIRECTORY II MRr L hvpftvk' 6 Markef g u “„ To as — that yoUr : i o' 1. —— ' • f nsvilte PA SOO I P _ ub ]'u C . S^, a Jttera^r.__ Robert •*** *“*"_"“ 1 W Mr & Mrs Une E Chamberlin 400 Holstein heifers, > ,n ' be Public Sale i Mullendore, Auctioneer |Aamaaamaaaam , 130 Acre Limestone Dairy Registered & Grades ' Section we must > JULY 18 COL '' _ i r u UIDICPUIUU Cumberland County ha " e T*". ONIAL IN\MTA“oNAL°a t AUCTIONEERS i Sn.fSsSssf ' . . / vertisement by 4 Bratton rharnlai<; Farm , I fIUW 1 RD #2, MANHEIM, Wednesday. March 25, 1981, 2 P.M. !P M Tuesday of each 1 1 (Raymond Bratton, FRANK & '1 Inspection;Saturday,February2B,l-4PM | week’spublication I; owner), McVeytown, Pa I DAI I -I I auctioneer I EXCELLENT OWNEN FINANCING ysffl s P the SNYDER . of Located approx S miles HE of NEWr ■ ■ Livestock,-Farm -jMg5Mk Shippensburg between LI S #ll & Rte #533 I ~ Equipment, ■ »»»»«»«- -'r 01 I Good's Auction | CALI. OR WRITE L10N... | 111 North Maple Ave. X ; No sale top small , -COMPLETE-' lOHH B. nESLET Th.Cl.i.ifl«d X , pA | ,° r ar |® / AUCTION SERVICE BSOKSB-Mcnoinxi uvsstock I Leola, PA ■ i 717-859-2688 CALL 32 W High Street, Carlisle, PA 17013 Section f ' T I' 717-733-7052 i 717-fi6s-566S (717) 249 8787 Ha* Beastly r ■ <[ , s«iaction»i | Hay, Straw & Grain Sales- ft i Everv Wednesday X I 1 000 *° 00000000 ft | 12:00 Noon ft f SPECIALIZING x for complete { DAIRY SALE OF Farm Machinery I f \ Si I COWS AND HEIFERS 1 First and Third Wednesday | i FARMSALES | RD E P Ete St H VUTI«I niiv iilii WW | January thru November ft I 808 KAUFFMAN I 733-3511 or MULES AND HORSES f starting at 9:00 | | Auctioneer i | PAUL E MARHN | -V HIW nvnuw | With 6 Auctioneers ) | II i i ... . .. , „ j i i I Phone 3550 ft ft 733-3305 We have on hand at all times cows and heifers, springing and | Tools and Hardware Vft uv umiTCC I i licensed fresh, Purebred and Grades...all to suit your needs whatever they I , . . i i JAY HOWES 2 S auctioneers !' may be. Also on hand-Good Mules and Good Horses. ? Lawn & Carden Equipment A I Pedigrees I# No Sale Too Small n . , ft 12:00 Noon ! f | S T J? r f r ?K. Come in to see us - Satisfied customers are our goal. | farm Mschinery -12‘30 | Phcne,l * <,M ioooooooooooDDi I Lancaster Farm aael D Maryland Farm 2220 Dairy Road AfICL Ivv/LD Woodsboro, MD Lancaster, Pa _ __ co 30 1 -898- 77 200 r 717-569-2106 or Res. 717-393-7459 898-7663 569-6800" Tom Miller, Mgr Dennis Kolb, Mgr MONTHLY COW SALE AT LANCASTER IST THURSDAY, MARCH S AT 12:00 NOON MONTHLY COW SALE AT MARYLAND 3RD THURSDAY, MARCH 19 AT 12:00 NOON ■ lie-. lV No out of state checks No household Goods, no clothing. No poultry Equipment or scrap tin DAVID H. GOOD & SONS RD 1 Leoia, PA 17540 717-656-9558 KLINE & KREIDER AUCTIONEERS COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SERVICE REAL ESTATE FARMS A RESIDENTIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY - ANTIQUES - FARM STOCK SALES - LIQUIDATIONS RANDAL V. KLINE LLOYD H. KREIDER AUCTIONEER REALTOR AUCTIONEER R D 1 R D 1 BOX 277 STEVENS PENNA 17578 NEW PROVIDENCE 717 733 1006 PENNA 17560 717 354-4071 717 786-3334
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