Sale Reports A 2-day sale of 57 head machinery was held of grade Holstein dairy February 11 and 12 by cattle and fa,rm Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. hurt nramcK & sons, imc. Galena, Md. Phone: (301) 648-5100 ANNUAL SPRING FARM EQUIPMENT SALE at Galena, Maryland MONDAY, MARCH 2,1«1 At 11:00 A.M FEATURING: Int’l 815 Combine w/4 row com and gram heads; JD 2020 Tractor w/front end loader; Int’s 504 Tractor; Farmall “M” Tractor; 2 Scraper Blades; Snow Blade; 2 Hay Wagons; 2 N.I. Manure Spreaders; JD 4 Bot. Plow; Int’l 3 Bot. Plow; Mounted Rotary Hoe; Taylorway Offset Disc; Int’l #l5 Implement Camer Sonnetooth: BC 14 Crow Foot Cultipacker; IntT Alfalfa Seeder, Brilhon Seeder; JD #7OO Feed Grinder; Metal Gram Body; 42’ Elevator; Rake; Rotary Mower & Sickle Mower; Large Cham Saws; Snow Blower; 2 Antique Farm Wagons; etc.. Con signed by REINECKE FUCHS, INC Of Bozman, Md. Also: JD 7700 Combine (Diesel) Hydrostatic A/C Cab 4 Row 38' ’ Com Head, 16’ Gram Table, Straw Chopper; JD 8300 Gram Drill (21 Tine); N H. #6B Baler; JD 1290 8 Row Corn Planter.... Other Consignments will consist of various tractors, combines, plows, * discs, planters, drills, loaders, trucks, etc... Consignments are being accepted for the “Best” farm equipment sale on the Eastern Shore ..Free Advertising. .Call in advance This is the place to Sell or Buy good farm machinery ..Buyers & Sellers from Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and others Joe Rudnick, Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:30 A.M. Located at Big Valley Sales and Ser vice, Inc., at our regular place of business, Routes 655 and 322, Reed sville, Pa., Next to Dairyland. Due to our recent discontinuing of John Deere agriculture, lawn and garden dealership, we will sell new John Deera parts, a few New Holland parts and surplus used farm machnery. MACHINERY New J.D. 6000 forage blower, J.D. no 34 har vester, two J.D. no. 38 harvesters, 1 w/pickup head, N H no. 707 harvester w/corn and windrow heads, Gehl harvester w/pickup and 2 row com heads, four J.D. 24-T balers w/throwers, 2 J.D. 14-T balers, Case 220 baler w/thrower, A.C. baler w/thrower, Oliver 520 baler w/thrower, Oliver 720 baler w/thrower, J D fluffer, J.D. no. 1209 mower conditioner, J D no. 438 mower conditioner, Hesston 1415 mower conditioner, Case 555 mower con ditioner, J.D. no. 397 mounted mower, Allied grinder-mixer, Allied 6 ft. blade, Brilhon 12 ft. transport field cultivator, J.D. 5 bottom semi mounted plow, J.D. 2 bottom 3 pt. plow, J.D. 37- A loader, J D. 60 in. material bucket, Hanson sprayer, two N.H. 2 row com heads, N.H. single row corn head, J.D. wheel weights. A few items subject to change due to daily business. LAWN-GARDEN-INVENTORY 2 J D. X-6 snowmobiles, new Haban sickle bar mower, grass catchers, hitches, etc , new J D. machinery parts and attachments for farm machinery. A few misc. N.H. parts, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, battery charger, hand saws, hammers, nusc tools, etc. Special snowmobile and lawn and garden tools, J.D. special service tools for 1010,2010,3010 and 4010 tractors and other shop items Terms-CASH All items «mi machinery will be sold as is; absolute sale w/no reserves. Lunch available at Dairy Land. BIG VALLEY SALES & SERVICE, INC. Reedsville, Pa. 717-667-3944 Mark Click - Auctioneer Reedsville, Pa. Ebersole, 2 miles south of Waynesboro, Pa. The top pneed cow sold for $l7OO and several cows sold for $1550. Other prices were: J.D. 4320 D Tractor $12,500, JD. 2640 D Tractor $lO,OOO, J.D. 2020 Tractor & Loader $6850, J.D. 50 Tractor $lO5O, N.H. 851 Round Baler $6lOO, 2 J.D. 716 Forage Wagons $5400 each, J.D. 3800 Forage Harvester $2OOO, J.D. 5- B Auto. Reset Plow $2OOO, N.H. 489 Wm drower $5400,1978 GMC Truck $14,000,1973 GMC Truck $BOOO, J.D. FBB 15-7 Gram Drill $4600, Straw .75 cents per bale and Round Bales of Hay $60.00 per roll. Auctioneer was Robert C. Mullendore. PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY & TOOLS (New) From Oxford take Rte. 472 north, cross over Route 1 bypass V 4 mile. Go left on Street Road approximately 3 mile to sale. Adjacent to Tweedale Girl Scout Camp. App. 15 mile southeast of Quarryville. THURSDAY, MARCH 12 10:30 A.M. John Deere 720 gas tractor, John Deere cyclone A tractor, both w/good rubber; New Holland #477 haybme (good); Oliver 4 wheel rake on rubber; John Deere #5 7 ft. mower; flat bed wagon; John Deere 3 bottom 3 pt plow; Oliver 3 bottom trailer plow; John Deere KBA 32 transport disc; 9 ft. sprmg harrow; cultipacker; John Deere 13 disc drill; John Deere 246 com planter 3 pt.; 10 ft. fertilizer drill; Truckload of new hand, garden, carpenter and mechanic tools. Wheelbarrows etc. Terms by NICHOLAS S. ROOSEVELT 717-529-6464 Aucts. J. Everett Kreider Steve Petersheim Lunch furnished Sale order-tools 10:30, farm machinery 1:00 PUBLIC SALE From Interstate 81 South of Mar tinsburg, W.Va., Take Exit 5 (inwood, W.Va.) Route 51 East approximately 3 Vz miles to Boeder's Market (formerly Haines’). Turn right-. 2 of a mile to sale - OR - From Charles Town, W. Va., Take Route 51 West - Go approximately 8 miles to Boeder’s - Turn left - .2 of a mile to sale. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 10:00 a.m. APPROXIMATELY 20 - 25 TRACTORS - Including Cubs, Fords, John Deere, In ternationals, Fergusons, and many other makes ALSO - We will be offering a good selection of plows, cultivators, wagons, new and used rotary cutters, 6 and 7 ft. blades, post hole digger, discs, wood saw, rakes, baler, gram elevator, com pickers and many other farm related articles. We will also be offering a good selection of NEW AND USED TOOLS - Including carpenter tools, hand and electric tools, socket sets of various sizes, plumber’s tools, and other hand and electric tools These articles will be offered promptly at 10 00 We will also be offering some household articles and some antiques. TERMS; CASH. NOTHING TO BE REMOVED UNTIL SETTLED FOR. EDGAR A. BOHRER SALE MANAGER 304-229-8354 AUCTIONEERS: JONES, MILLER AND BOHRER CLERKS: Ware, Bohrer, and Bohrer NOTE; THIS IS A CONSIGNMENT AUC TION. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS ON PREMISES LUNCH RIGHTS RESERVED A Public Sale of farm machinery was held February 14 for the Estate of William E. Boyer and for John Bemhour in northern York County off Bemhour Rd. There were 449 registered buyers present and the weather was nice. Some prices received were: Int. 504 Tractor $3600, N.1.12A Spreader $920, 3 Farm Wagons $4OO to $460, Ford 1975 Pickup $3600, Anvil $175, J.D. B Tractors $5OO & $6OO, Cnb of Com $lO5O, Horses $4OO to $750 each and 3 sets of Sleigh Bells $75 to $350 each. Sale conducted by Blaine N. Rentzel, Auctioneer. A Big Public Sale with 529 registered buyers was held February 14 by John A. & Edna S. Zimmerman, east of Ephrata, near Mar tmdale on Hurst Rd. Items sold were; J.D. Tractor $12,100, Ford 4000 Tractor $6900, Plow $2375, Manure Spreader $lBOO, N.H. Harvester $lB5O, N.H. Baler $2600, Grass Mower $985, 2- row Com Picker $6lOO, Walter Martin Milk Bottle $230, Chester Weaver Milk Bottle $47.50, Other Milk Bottles from $5O to $B5, Copper Kettle $220, Quilts $llO to $l4O and a Spread $l9O. Auctioneers were Lamar Z. Sensemg and Paul W. Horst. CONSIGNMENT FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 10:00 A.M. Located at Andrea's Auction, Harrisonville, Pedricktown Rd., Swedesboro, NJ. Farm Equipment, Miscellaneous Farm Items & Tools Terms - Cash, no checks Auctioneer Andrea Licciardello 609-467-1165 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT & SMALL ITEMS 4 miles southwest of Mercersburg, Franklin Co., Penna., on 10778 Blairs Valley Road, first farm south of Metcalf Sawmill, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 10:00 A.M. 656 International Harvester Diesel tractor; 656 International Harvester Diesel tractor, hyro lift, wide front end, including In ternational Harvester 2000 loader with 2 buckets; 424 International Harvester tractcfl fully equipped; International Harvester 55# forage machine with grass head and 2-row corn harvester; International Harvester 4-row com planter; International Harvester #7OO 4-bottom 16 mch reset plow; good International #550 manure spreader; 105 Intematioi .i Harvester silage wagon with 3 beaters; International Harvester 12 foot lever harrow; International Harvester front end tractor weights; New Idea silage wagon; Kools stub nose blower; #6B New Holland Hay Liner baler; New Holland hay rake; John Deere 12 foot rubber tired carriage disc harrow; John Deere 7 foot mower; John Deere 7 foot scraper blade; Case 13-7 gram drill; 4 rubber tired wagons, 1 with flat, 1 with hay sides and 2 running gears; Cunningham hay crimper; Hanson 200 gal. field sprayer; Cultipacker; bale elevator with motor; aluminum elevator; 25,000 K.W. generator; 2 wheel trailer; Forney electric welder with built-in battery charger; Lincoln electric welder; 275 gal. fuel tank; electric auto, stock water with heat; rubber tired wheelbarrow; silage cart; good electric fan; 40' double ladder; electric fencers; Stewart cow clippers; milk cans; foger; baler twine; log chains; grease guns; forks; shovels; tools; all small items used around a farm; Vz h.p. gear driven commercial meat grinder; iron butcher kettles; breeding equipment; X-R-16 Linde holding tank; etc. Straw by the bale. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Allen kerosene heater; picnic table; #5 National pressure cooker, like new; old radio cabinet; old record player; electric glass butter churn; old Brownie cameras; barbermg outfit, etc. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: We are selling a good line of equipment m excellent condition. The items are few off the wagon, but real good, so come early. Household items will start the sale. Not responsible for accidents. Terms cash. PAUL S.& CARRIER. EBY J. Robert Meyers & Lester Egolf Auctioneers Smith & Alleman Clerks Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1981—033 A Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Items was held February 14 by Ivan J. and Rosa F. Clark, 13 miles south of Lancaster, between Truce and New Providence, Lancaster County. A large crowd attended the sale and there were 456 people registered. Prices received were: Iron Butcher Fork $55, Sheep Shears $62.50, Brown Jug $9O, Dinner Bell $llO, Iron Kettles $l4O & $l5O, Anvil $l6O, Wooden Ice Box $l9O, Copper Kettles $250, 22 Rifle $260, Super A Fannall $lB5O, Corn $ll6 to $ll7 per ton, 4 Lunch stand reserved. Bred Sows $lBO to $220 and Ewe with lambs $l9O. Auctioneers were Lloyd H. Kreider & Randal V. Kline. A Public Sale of tools and farm machinery was held February 14 by Lawrence A. Daylor, 7 miles west of West Chester in the village of Locust Grove. Some items sold were: Jeep $7O, 5’ Covington Rotary Mower $250, Ford 8N Tractor $3200, SkiDoo Snowmobile $350, Cylinder $95, 1946 Ford Vz ton Pickup $l2O, 2% ton Army Trailer $45, Filing Cabinet $l9, Plow $ll, Shutters $2, Snow Blower $145, Wrench $6 and Trimmer $5. Auctioneers were Steve Petersheim & Everett Kreider. A Public Auction of engines and tools was held February 14 at the Kempton Community Center Bldg., Kempton, Berks County. Two outstanding items sold were a New Holland 2 hp. Gas Engine for $825 and an antique tool called a Tnbblefors3so. Sale conducted by Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auct. Co., Inc. Public Sales Register FEBRUARY SAT FEB 21 10 30 A M Public Sale of Farm machinery, household goods, Ford 5000 Diesel, 574 Int Diesel Located in Lancaster Co, PA, 2Vz miles South west of Gap From Route 30 at Vintage go South on South Vin tage Rd to 2nd crossroad, turn left, first farm on left Terms by - Aaron E & Naomi Better, Steve Petersheim & Everett Kreider Auctioneers SAT FEB 21 Public Sale of Farm Equipment Located along Swamp Ridge Rd between Remholds S Schoeneck, W Cocalico Twp, Lane Co, Pa Sale by Out chland Laboratories Inc John E & Paul E Martin Auctioneers SAT FEB 21 Public Sale ofValuable Real Estate and Personal Property Located midway between Ephrata and Reamstown, East Cocalico Twp, Lan caster County, PA Terms by Lydia W and Anna Mary Nolt Elton and Alvin Horning, Horning Farm Agency, Inc, Auctioneers SAT FEB 21 Public Sale of Hammondale Acres Holstein Milking Herd Dispersal, Located 3 miles northwest of Chambersburg, PA The Gerald Hammond Family Owners Ralph W Horst Marion PA Manager, Horst and Klmg, Auc tioneers, Naugle Pedigrees SAT FEB 21 - 10 AM Public Sale of Livestock & Farm Equipment Located 4 miles Southwest of the Norman Wood Bridge, 6 miles south of AirviTle, 5 miles north of Delta, 2 miles south of Rt. 372 Lower Chanceford Twp, York Co , Pa Owner Katie F Zook Diffenbach's Auc tioneers SAT FEB 21 -10 00 A.M Public Sale of Real Estate, Household Goods and An tiques, Located along Rt 322 2 miles west of Blue Ball Isaac Sensenig Trust Estate Lloyd and Alan Sensenig Trustees. Auc tioneers Lamar Z Sensenig and Paul W Horst, , . <
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