C34—Uncasttf Farming, Saturday, January 3.1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week's publication SAT MAR 7 1100 AM Keystone Classic All Breeds Swine Sale Located at Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, Pa Harry H Bachman Auc tioneer & Sales Manager WED MAR 11 - Nealy Bros Sale of Farm Equipt on the farm located one mile Southwest of Newville, Pa along Rte 533 Ralph W Horst, Auc tioneer THURS MAR 12-Monroe Crider Holstein Heifer and Farm Equipt Dispersal near Scotland, Franklin Co, Pa along White Church Rd , Kenneth Up perman and Ralph Horst. Auctioneers FRI MARCH 13 10 A M Special Draft Horses and Mules Sale at New Holland Sales Stables FRI MAR 13 - 9 AM Machinery Sale at the Keister’s Middleburg Auc tion Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC. Livestock Sales Every Tuesday Galena, Md. (301) 648-5100 & 648- 5179. MONTHLY DAIRY SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 at 7:00 P.M. FEATURING: 30 Holstein Cow Herd in all stages of lactation - from Delaware... FEATURING. Consignments of Fresh & Close Springing Heifers, Cows, and Open Heifers and Breeding Age Bulls. Joe Rudnick, Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 To be held on the premises at ROl Annville, North Londonderry Twp., Lebanon County, Penna. Turn north onto Forge Road off rt. 322 at traffic light at east end of Campbelitown and continue appx. 1 mile and turn right onto Airport Road and continue appx. 1 mile to property on right or turn onto first road left off route 422 past Bethlehem Steel office west of Annville and continue appx. 3 miles to sale site on left. Real estate being a tract of land appx Ite acres thereon located the following improvements. Lovely 4 bedroom brick and vmyl siding 2 story Colonial house of exeptionally fine construction and workmanship. Home has many, many outstanding features including wall to wall carpet and floor covering throughout, 14 ! x24’ kitchen with oak cabinets, formal dining room with built m hutch, formal living room, family room off kitchen with fireplace with built m heat pipes, open staircase, large unique full bath on second floor and bath off kitchen, wallpaper and plenty of closet space throughout ' Home is heated by oil hot water cast iron baseboard heat with a 1000 gal underground storage tank Full basement under house with cold cellar. Attached 2 car garage with overhead storage Other particulars of note are water softener, central vacuum system, real patio, multi all vmyl windows and many, many other fine features and unmentioned items of quality. This home was occupied and built in 1978. This is truly one of the finest homes in the area and certainly merits your attention if looking for a home of such quality All inspections must be by private inspection by calling 717-838-4863 Terms to be 10% down with the balance in 30 days. Real estate to be sold following the farm real estate being offered at 1:00 at the same location. Conditions by JOE & LINDA ECKENRODE 717-838-4863 Harry H. Bachman - Auctioneer 717-867-1809 Joseph C. Mesics - Attorney 717-274-3644 5 miles West of Selin sgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners Ray Long S Dave Imes Auc tioneers SAT MAR 14 830 A M 13th Annual Sale of the Gordonville Fire Co Sale of Household Goods, Anti ques, Livestock & Farm Machinery Terms by Gor donville Fire Co Local Auctioneers SAT MAR 14 900 A M Public Sale of 116 acre Dauphin Co steer farm farm equipment and household goods Located just oft Rt 283 along School House Rd Mid dletown PA Sale by J Allen Dehmey Raymond Miller and Rufus Geib Auctioneers WED MAR 18 9AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located mile Nor+h of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin C —Wolgemuth J Fr> and l Horst Auctioneer FRI MAR 20 bJOPM Consignment ol Feeder Cattle & Feeder Pigs at Keister s Middleburg Auc tion Sales Inc Rt 522 3 miles East ot Mid dleburg 5 miles West ot Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister Owners Ray Long & Dave (mes Auc tioneers SAT MAR 21 11 00 A M Special Horse Sale at the Belleville Livestock Market, Draft Horses drivers, mules SAT MAR 21 100 P M Sale by PA Yorkshire Coop Bred gilts open gilts and boars held at the Lebanon Fair Grounds Leon Arnold 717 273 5880 SAT MARCH 21 Sale of Farm Machinery Silo Equipment and Tools Oft Rt 897 at Gehman School Terms by Eli Mar PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, MODERN FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 To be held on the premises at RDI Annville, North Londonderry Twp., Lebanon County, Penna. Turn north onto Forge Road off rt 322 at traffic light at east end of Campbelltown and continue appx. 1 mile and turn right onto Airport Road and continue appx. 1 mile to property on right or turn onto first road left off route 422 past Bethlehem Steel office west of Annville and continue appx. 3 miles to sale site on left. Keai estate being 2 tracts of land to be offered seperately and as a total unit Tract 1 Appx 12 acres thereon located the following improvements MODERN GRAIN DRYING AND STORAGE FACILITY - 60’x200’ Butler all steel structure concrete reinforced floor drive through building with 16’x20’ overhead doors and lined with 8’ high 3/4” plywood Seperate en closed office. 4 amation trenches with fans. 4 -10’ proof louvers. 440 single phase electric with conduit wiring This building presently used as a gram and equipment storage building 2 Behlen 1800 bu. wet bins, 65’ Silver Sweet 2200 bu per hr. bucket elevator with 3 down spouts, 9”xl00’ open auger with 5 HP motor and Dodge con verter in mam building, 9” trough auger with 3 HP motor and Dodge converter Concrete drive over pit with 24’x62’ overhead roof All HD wiring and motor controls This is a like new operation and deserves your attention if in need of a modern gram handling operation in excellent condition Tract 2. Appx. 27+ acres adjoining tract 1 of very fertile, all tillable, generally level limestone soil. Terms on real estate to he 10% down with the balance in 30 days or upon settlement. Other terms and conditions on sale day by attorney. Real estate to be offered at 1:00. Inspection of real estate by calling 838-4863 or 838-4224. JOHN DEERE 6600 DIESEL SIDEHILL COMBINE with cab - 23 1-26 rubber & 643 corn head. TRACTORS INTERNATIONAL 1566 DIESEL - 20.8-38 tires cab with air -1680 hrs John Deere 3020 Diesel Row Crop Syncro Range with 16 9-38 tires John Deere 301 Diesel utility with 146 John Deere loader - Farmall H JD 230 transport 22’9” folding disc harrow with rock flex, Int 400 - 6 row 30” planter with insecticide and Kasco hydraulic drive loading auger, Brady 14’ model 1000 chisel plow, AC 16V field cultivator with tine harrow and spray incorporation kit with folding wings, JD 400 rotary hoe - 3 pt hitch; Int. 60 -1000 RPM flail cutter, New Idea 6”x45’ pto transport gram auger, 2 McCurdy gravity bins on New Idea running gears, 2 bale body wagons on running gears; 36’ New Idea bale elevator with motor and pto drive, 6”x24’ Mayrath tube auger with 3 HP motor, JD 3 pt 6 row cultivator and Brilhon 5’ pull type shredder 1970 FORD 900 Custom cab 534 gas engine with wet line - single axle, 22’ HERCULES aluminum 2 axle dump trailer - 1967 C6O Chevrolet gas with Midwest 16’ gram box and dump - 26000 license - 1968 Chevrolet 70 ser truck tractor - power steering - wet line - new engine - rebuilt transmission 2 - GT 570 PTO 500 bu. Gram Dryers Pair Slimline 260 poly spray tanks with frames and electronic controls, 1100 gal truck mount water tank, 500 gal fuel tank on legs, 120 gal polytank with saddle, 3 hp BS IV water pump, 110 gal truck mount fuel tank with elec pump, 10 JD rear weights, set of 20 8-38 dual wheels with 4" hubs, new JD roll guard in box, Lincoln welder, acetylene outfit, port air compressor, 2 wooden parts bms, tow chains, tires, 2 hand crank fuel pumps, 3-12 hole hog feeders, 2-2 wheel mach frames, 4 Ritchie hog waterers, Int utility 2 wheel trailer, asst lumber, 6 bu 3535 seed corn, spray boom, Sutan spray chemicals, GT moisture tester, Continental anhydrous meter and outlet nusc small farm related items 6’ x 8’ flat bed utility trailer, JDXB snowmobile and JD 300 snowmobile Conditions by ECKENRODE BROTHERS Joe- 717-838-4863 Tom-717-838-4224 Harry H. Bachman - Auctioneer 717-867-1809 Joseph C. Mesics - Attorney 717-274-3644 Stanley W Katz - Attorney 717-274-1421 Lunch by Farm Women Group 3 This sale being held only because of a dissolving partnership. Machinery and the buildings in excellent condition. Terms - CASH, CERTIFIED CHECK or APPROVED CHECK it known by auctioneer. Come prepared to buy. A letter of credit references would be helpful in establishing credit to purchase at this sale. tin Leroy S and Paul W Horst Auctioneers SAT MAR 21 Saxby 1m plement Corp Annual Sale ol Farm fcquipt Near Mendon N i Ralph W Horst and Blaine Rentzei Auctioneer THORS MAR 2b 900 A M Annual Spring Public Sale at the Mel Stoltzfus Farm Located in Centre Co about '/« mile west ot Rebersburg PA Glrck Gibboney and Snyder Auctioneers THORS MAR 26 900 A M Public Auction ol Shop tools farm machinery Located in Lancaster Co Pa ’m. North Gordonville 1 mile West of Intercourse on Old Leacock Rd turn South oft Rt 340 at Esso Station onto Old Leacock Rd 1 < mi to sale Terms By General Repair Shop Gideon L Fisher Ronks RD #1 Box 108 Pa THURS & FRI "MAR 10:30 A.M 26 2/ horsts Iwo Day Sale of Farm Equip! one mile East ot Marion Pa Ralpn W Horst Marion Pa 17235 Manager SAT MAR 28 100 P M Public Sale ol 100 Bred Gilts 30-feoars 40 open gilts Sale held by Calvin H Lazarus & Sons (Duroc Yorkshire and Spotted) at our farm in Whitehall For Catalog Calvin Lazarus 4290 Bridge St Whitehall PA 18052 215 799 3375 Lehigh Co SAT MAR 28 11 AM Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister s Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc Rt 522 3 miles East of Middleburg 5 miles West of Selmsgrove Pa Don & Walt Keister Owners Ray Long & Dave I mes Auctioneers SAT MAR 28 12 SOP M 3rd Annual Spring Red & White Sale to be held at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion Lancaster Pen na Red and White Ua'iy Cattle Association Sale Manageis APRIL WED APR 1 9AM Con signment Sale by David H Good located "? mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola Lancaster Co Pa Watch tor sale signs F Snyder R Martin C Wolgernuth J Fry and L Horst Auctioneer OF VALUABLE FARM 48 ACRES MORE OR LESS FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 at 2 00 pm 5 ACRES PASTURE WITH STREAM & POND Located Vi mile north of Leola. turn off Rt 23 on Rt. 772, Lancaster Co , PA. A 2 1 2 story stucco house, 4 t ooms, kitchen with built m cabinets, wash house with double furnace, halt bath on hrst floor, 5 rooms, balcony on second tloor, concrete basement with dram, cistern with pump, i tinning water 48 tt by 7b tt Bank barn with 3b tt by 7b It extension truss root, concrete yard, 3 stave silos 10 tt. by 35 tt -12 tt. by 40 tt -14 tt by bO tt 34 tt by bO 11 tarrowing house with 15 tarrowing crates and nursery, 32 tt by 45 tt fattening house with slats, 20 tt by 24 tt and 32 tt by 32 tt hog house, 750 bushel icund corn crib, 350 bushel wooden corn crib Hoad side stand with cellar, 30 tt by 88 tt implement shed and farm shop, 30 gallon per minute well witti windmill and 10,000 gallon water tank 10% down day ot sale, 50% on or before March 20,1081, financing available it approved by seller two days prior to sale date. Inspection of property, Saturday, January 3 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. or call bsb-bBOB tor appointment. Terms by, DAVID A. & LIZZIE MARTIN AUCTIONEERS Robert E Martin & Son 656-7770 Frank L Steller 656-8195 PUBLIC SALE OF SAWS, POWER NAILERS, BUILDING SUPPLIES, TRUCK, SAW SHARPENER & 35 FT. 2 AXLE TRAILER SAT., lAN. 10,1981 10.00 A M LOCATED 1 mile North of York Haven, Pa or 4 miles South of Newberrytown. Off 83 along Rt 382, York Co 10.00 A M BUILDING SUPPLIES & TOOLS 12” Craftsman Radial Arm saw, i 2) 10’ Craftsman Radial Arm saws, 10” Craftsman Table saw, 7V B&D Circular saws, Craft- • sman Routee, variable Speed Drills Jig saw, Power Shears, air powered Nailers & Staples, b to 12 Saw Blades, Metal Bender, 2hp Air Compressor, Portable Air Compressor, Air Hose, electric cords, all lengths, 5 - 6 - 8 ft step ladders, 20 - 24 -40 It extension ladders, small table saw, electric motors, metal stands, C clamps, Heat tapes, swivel roof venelators, staples, nails, roof nails, windows of various sizes, b’ xb” 1 Beams 20 ft in length, b”x8” 8 ft I Beams, 275 gal Oil tank with pump, aluminium sliding windows, heater doors, Ridge caps, root edging, come along, felt, roof cement, 50 ft coils of Brown ti im, Insulation, Silicone spray, screws, galvanized nails, #l4 jack chain, hinges, odds & ends of aluminium sheetuig, & many other items too interest to numerous to mention 12:30 P M. TRUCK, TRAILER & SAW SHARPENER New Saw Sharpening equipment, sold as one unit 1980 CMC 1 ton truck, with dual wheels, dump, 12ft bed w/sides, less than 6000 miles 35 ft Flat bed trader w/2 axles (homemade ) TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK CHARLES SUTTON York Haven, Pa R D. AUCTIONEER- Blaine N. Rentzel 764-6412 WfcU APR 8 Easter Lamb and Goat sale at the Belleville Livestock Market Belleville PA THURS APRIL 9 11 AM Lamb & Goat 10 A M Rabbits Located at the Keister s Middleburg Auc lion Sales, Inc Rt 522 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selin sgrove Pa Don A Walt Keister Owners Ray Long & Dave Imes Auc tioneers
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