PUBLIC AUCTION FURNITURE & SOME ANTIQUES FRIDAY, JAN. 9,1981 AT 9 30 A M The contents of Sara Brumgart will be sold on the C J Stoltzfus Farm located '/*' mile North of Rebersburg, P.a on Route 880, at the Brush Valley Dry Goods Store Electric Refrigerator 5 Pc Breaiarast Set 5 Kitchen Cabinets, 3 Plank Bottom Chairs, High Chair, Odd Chairs Several Benches 2 Pc Living Room Suite 3 Pc Bedroom Suite Writing Desk, Oak Secretary Square Oak Ext Table Dry Sink, Flour Chest Dough Box Wash Stand, 2 High Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers w/narrow Drawers Round Top Trunk. Some Bedding Old Carpet Saddlers Vise, Good Copper Kettle Mantle Clock W/Weights, 2 Garden Cultivators Some Forks and Garden Tools Misc Crocks Some Dishes and Misc Items in an old Country Home Sale Will Be Held Indoors 1 erms t ASH MEL&C.J. STOLTZFUS Rebersburg, PA CLICK AND GIBBONEY AUCTIONEERS BROOKS END AND PAR-KAY FARM FIFTY-NINTH ANNUAL WINTER SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 1 OOP M At the Farm • Beavertown, Pa 260 head of SCOTCH & IRISH and other foreign bloodlines • New Bloodlines on Each Sale YORKSHIRE LANDRACE Born and raised on our farms from our parent imported stock 100 BRED GILTS - most of which cam Scotch or Foreign Blood Litters 50 YORKSHIRE - Many earn Sc otch litters 50 LANDRACE - All carry Scotch or Foregin Blood Litters 50 BOARS 10 YORKSHIRE New Scotch Bloodhrus as w*dl as Irish and American Bloodlines 20 LANDRACE All 100% SCOTCH IRISH or other foreign blood 100 Commercial Open Gilts - Mostly Irish & Scotch blood Scan-O-Probe Loin Eye & Back fat figures Production tested - Centfied Meat Proven & Show Ring Champion Stocks -CERTIFIED BRUCELOSIS FREE & PSEUDORABIES FREE Health Charts Sale Day For Entry lnto Any State 1980 SETS NEW RECORDS NEW FIRST PLACE TEST STATION WINNERS 1 )ui breeding wins at both Penna and Delaware Test Stations Rk hard Miller York (minty was the Penna winner with 4 boars sired b\ Alpine I eon Arnold 1 ebanon i ountv was the I lelaware Station winner His boars were sired by Explorer Each of these sires w ere purchas ed from Brooks End b arm Feed conversion on the Alpine pigs was 2 4 Feed c onversion on the Explorer pigs was 2 2 A perfect example of how it works for others when they buy tested stock from us " ~ a IRISH BOARS and GILTS of this great Dam will sell. Greenback 3044. one of our foundation Irish Yorkshire Sows Owners: RENO & PARK THOMAS & MARK STEHR RENO PARK MARK 717 658 5821 717 658-6544 717 658 7007 717 658 7304 717 658 6702 Catalogs Available Dan Baker Latette Ind Auctioneer Public* Sales Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M of each week s publication WED FEB 25 10 A M Public Sale ot Farm Equip mem S New Tools Located i inue Norm ol Smughbiown Cumber land to Pa Nevm 2 Martin & Melvin S Sense ng Auctioneer s Sale by PaurW LembocF WED FEB 2b Farm Equipment Sale lor Nor PUBLIC AUCTION OF 4% ACRES OF GROUND SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 At 11 A M Located between Morgantown & Churchtown just north of Valley View Rd From Rt 23 take Red School Rd north to Valley View Rd , turn left to property Caernarvon Twp , Lane Co REAL ESTATE Approx acres ot partly open & partly wooded ground located approx W)o’ off Valley View Kd with a very nice view ot Conestoga Valiev lerrain gentle south slope Stone lined hand dug well on properly, also stone lined ground cellar The location ot this ground is very nice with a quiet country setting, also electric service to property Terms. 10% dn day ot sale, 45 day settlement. For information call HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. 215-286-5183. Terms By ESTATE OF RUTH E. WEAVER Lee C Weaver, Administrator Wentz & Weaver Attys Elton & Alvin Horning Auctioneers HORNING FARM AGENCY. INC - Mam Street Morgantown. Pa 215-286-5183 PA. ALL BREED BRED GILT SALE JANUARY 12-13,1981 Farm Show Building Harrisburg, PA *•• £| For Information Contact: BERKS: LANDRACE: New Freedom Pa 17349 El.zabe.Wown Pa 17022 CHESTERS: P^NDS; Charles Gnest Keith McConnell RD#l Box 46 Abbottstown, Pa 17301 Volant Pa 16156 DUROC: SPOTTED: Kenneth Fetterolf a,r Hartman RD#l Box 222 Centre Hall Pa 16828 Gratz, Pa 17030 HAMPSHIRE: YORKSHIRE: Charles Baumgardner Leon Arnold Annville, Pa 17003 RD7 Box 705 Lebanon, Pa 17401 Sale Ph. 717-787-4160 Auctioneer: Harry Bachman, Annville, Pa. Sponsor. Pa. Co-op Swine Breeders Assn. mail Eliiuker localeu aboul / miles iiorthwest ot c-hamber sbui g aloii fc taerwilie Road Ralph W Horsl Auctioneei IHURS FEB 26 Large l-arm fcquipl Dispersal tor Mrs Warren lyierkel 4 miles Northeast ot Shippensbu'g Pa along Rte 533 Ralph W Horst Auct loneer IHURS FEB 26 9AM Public Sale ot Full Line ot Horse Drawn Farm Machmei, 2 Pair Mules & Pan work Horses & Household Goods Located in Bart lwp Lan caster Co Pa mile South ot Nicnol Mines mile North ot Georgetown on Mine Rd Terms by Enos K & Barbara F King Steve Petersheim & Everett Kreider Auc tioneers FRI FEB 2/ 10 A M Special Draft Horses and Mules Sale at New Holland Sales Stables 2 Day i Montour Co ) Sale FRI FEB 27 1981 Saleot Reg and Gr Holstems 100 Head Mostly Home Raised SAT FEB 28 1981 Full Line ot Farm Equipment Located just otf Rt 54 near Tu botville Pa Ownersßudy Hosteller & Sons Auctioneer s Cai l and John Diller and J Everett Kreider SAT FEB 28 non ot Faim Equipment & Household Good s Located along Swamp Ridge Rd just North ot Schoeneck at R D 1 Stevens Pa Sale by Mary S Hoover John E & Paul E Martin Auctioneers SAT FEB 28 Yorkshire and Duroc bred gilts open gilts and boars Leon Lawrence and Thomas Ar nold Sale Held at 'he Lebanon Fair Grounds 1 DO P M For Information ceon L Ainold 71/ 273 5880 SAT FEB 28 200 P M Public Sale ot 2b acre tarm located along Rt 372 1 mile west ot the Buck PA J Leon and Marv Louise Rohrei Owneis Nevin L Martin and Lewis B Grort Auc tioneers SAT FEB 28 10 AM Consignment Morse Sale at the Keister s Mid dleburg Auction Sales Inc Rt 522 3 miles East Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 3,1981—C33 of' Middleburg 5 rniles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners SAT FEB 28 10 00 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery Lumber, Hay, Shop Tools and Parts Located 1 mile' north ot 272 on Schoereck Rd Rd 1 Ephrata PA Reuben Weaver Owner Rentzel and Horst Auctioneers SAI FEB 28 900 AM Strasburg Fire Co Annual Sale All Day l To be held at the tire house MARCH IDES MAR 3 12 30 P M Public Sale ot Farm Machinery Located 3 miles south of Quarryville PA oft Rt 222 west along Spring Valley Rd Sale by James 8 Bucher Lloyd H Kreider and Randall V Kline Auctioneers FRI MAR 6 930 A M Spring Machinery Sale Held at Belleville Livestock Market Belleville PA 10 A M PR I MARCH. 6 Auction Public Livestock Farm Equip men. Household Goods anc Antiques located on Road, 1 mile Scjth of Intercourse 11/?I 1 /? miles North ot Rt 30 Lan caster County Pa Sale by Elam R Petersheim Paul Snyder and Larry L Mar tin Auctioneers S GAP AUCTION! ■ FRIDAY EVE., JAN. 9 ! I 5:30 P.M. ■ | Located ott Route 41 Lancaster Avenue Op-" _ posite Turkey Hill Mmit Market - Cross RR Bridge £ I ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS I Z SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION I | DRESS FABRICS AND SEWING SUPPLIES I a CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS | ■ FROM 8 00AM to 7 00PM ■ | OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT ■ ■ Call us tor pick up service I i IRA STOLTZFUS & SON, Auctioneers ■ ■ 442-4936 or 442-8254 I _ CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALES | PUBLIC SALE Valuable Real Estate SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 at 12:30 P.M. 25 Acre Farm - Farm Equipment From Cross Keys on Route 30, take Route 94 north approximately 5 Miles, then turn West on Dicks Dam Road and go 1 mile to sale. Sign posted. The undersigned owners will offer, on the above date, the following: Approximately 25 acres with 14 acres tillable, in growing wheat, with balance in meadow and woods. Having a 7 room 21s story house covered with aluminum siding, complete with storm windows. Con sisting of a large living room, nice kitchen with built-m cupboards, dining room, 3 bedrooms all havmg wall to wall carpet, full cemented front porch and enclosed back porch. The interior of this home has recently been completely renovated. There is a 36 Ft. by 60 Ft. bank barn in good condition with all cement stable area and a 32 Ft by 32 Ft. attached implement shed. Prior to the offering of the Real Estate at 1:00 P M. the following items will be sold. 1971-1700 Loadstar Int. Truck with 18 ft. grain bed and twin cylinder hoist, IH Farmall “M” with remote control and good rubber, J.D. 3 pt. 4-14” trip bottom plow, Model 37 IH 28 transport disk, 11 ft. cultipacker, NI4 bar side rake on steel, 16 ft. flat bed wagon, pusher for “M” tractor, 60 cedar posts, 15 sheets 9 ft. used tin, about 3% cord of seasoned and cut firewood, and used boards. DUE TO NO SMALL ITEMS, PLEASE BE PROMPT. Auctioneer’s Note; If you are looking for a property of this type, in a nice country setting, plan now to attend this sale. Call 717-624-2591 for appointment to see for yourself. Terms: 10% down day of sale, Balance 60 days. MR. & MRS. WILLIAM C. MYERS R.O. 1 Box 175 New Oxford, Pa. 17350 Dennis J. Plunkert, Auctioneer Littlestown, Pa. FRI &SAT MAR6&7 10 A M Annual Consignment Sale Public Auction Donald Scheese Farm, Cohansey-Fnesburg Rd , Elmer NJ Auctioneer Blame Rentzel SAT MAR 7 Public Auc tion ot Farm Machinery and Household Goods by Amos Z Newswanger, located 1 mile south of Church town along Boot Jack Road Frank and Paul Snyder Auctioneer SAT MAR 7 17th An' nual Bart Twp Fire Co Sale Held at the Fire Hall, Bart, PA SAT MAR 7 10 00 AM 2nd Keystone classic all breed of bred gilts open gilts and boars Held at the Farm Show building, Harrisburg For informa tion Harry H Bachman 717 867 1809 SAT MAR 7 Farm Equipt Sale for John Wadel three miles south of Shippensburg, Pa off Rte 696 Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer SAT MAR 7 Eastern Shore Showcase Sale featuring 50 Registered Holstein calves and heifers at Hunters Sale Barn, Rising Sun, MD Co Chairman Ben Amoss and Bob Knutsen, for more in for write Bob Knutsen Ris mgSun MD 21911
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