NEW YORK STATE DAIRY FARM FOR SALE 145 acre river dairy farm for sale, barn has 51 tie stalls, 2 large box'stalls Surge pipeline milker (3 yr old) 600 gal bulk tank, 3 silos 1 new 16x50 concrete, nice house, comes complete with 68 head Holstems, 4 tractors, 1 oulldozer, full line of farm machinery and all produce 5210,000 total price Must be seen to be appreciated A real good farm and what a buy DECKER REAL ESTATE Mel Manasse Assoc. Broker Whitney Point, NY 607-692-4540 anytime YORK COUNTY FARM 280 acres more or less of gentle rolling land with strong, never failing spring house, barn and other buildings. This farm is excellent for modern livestock enterprise, minutes from Normanwood Bridge, road frontage along Rt. 74, owner financing available to right party. Other York County Farms Available Contact Harlan Keener: 717-464-2669 CENTRAL PENNA. FARMS CLiNT' 90 Acre Limestone General Excellent J relatively' level and rock free soil, •C modern 2 story frame house, large bank barn with 300 ft. setback from Rt. 64, Owner financing. Call Mr. Stern. 33 Acre Secluded., 12 acres open, balance wooded, large stream, beautiful view. Develop your own estate $45,000. FRANKLIN COUNTY 170 Acre Limestone Sandy Shale Dairy, large bank barn with 18 tie stalls, 2 silos, 2 implement sheds, modern 6 bedroom 2 bath frame house with fireplace, 2 springs and large stream. Owner financing. HUNTINGDON COUNTY 65 Acre bare land, ideal for development Call-Mr. Crawford. JUNIATA 20 Acres woodland with stream, ideal for retreat and/or hunting camp. Call Mr. Crawford. MIFFLIN COUNTY 118 Acre Limestone Dairy, 87 freestalls, 20 stall milking stable, 3 silos, liquid manpre storage - 100 cows, implement shed, modern 4 bedroom-log & frame house. Call Mr. Crawford. i j 11 JOHNB.MESIEV REALESTinE _ m 32 West High Street |T3 Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013 LL3 717-249-8787 ' )tAl ' or " EARL L STERN - Clinton County 717-748-7376 RICHARD B. CRAWFORD - Juniata County 717-734-3673 CLAIR R. BENNER-Perry County 717-444-2162 GREGG R. BITTING - Perry County 717-789-3368 or 7894513 REAL ESTATE Call on us. We’ll make your buying or selling venture a re warding success. (717)397-4756 >N COUNTY INTY COUNTY ! .—- | Adams Co. 14& acre beef, dairy, or * I general farm, bank barn etc. large home, A 5 approx. 120 tillable acres, gentle rolling f I land, excellent buy at $198,500. L-3220 | | Adams Co. 136 acre layer & dairy farm, | A large brick home, automatic layer house z f for 22,400 birds, dairy barn, silo, bunk I x feeder, 100 acres tillable fairly level land, * I pond, several outbuildings. L-3162 A XAdams Co. pullet or, broiler & hog* I operation,'auto, equipment, 14,000 bird | 1 cap., good 2-story frame home, hog f A farrowing and feeder buildings, 40 acres i f fairly level „ land, 32 acres tillable, I 2 $140,000. 30 acres may be purchased I I separately for $45,000 L-2933 A x Adams Co. development potential at * 1 farm land prices, 98 acres gentle rolling i * land, 3000’ public road frontage, most of | A development work has been completed, z f Need quick sale at $150,000. L-2869 I A Adams Co. small hog operation, 18 crate x | farrowing house with slated fl.,' 2-story I 2 brick home, garage with butcher x ■ fireplace, small barn etc. 11 mostly! I tillable acres $BO,OOO. L-3124 f • i I _— f NORTHCENTRALPA. \ Priced FARMS * Priced T ° s '“ INVESTMENTS ToSe " VEAL FARM - Presently 120 HD operating Veal farm with potential for 300 head or more in 3 large existing Contract available for t sincere & workshop. Gas operated Gorgeous 3 BR house best of taste, attached garage, mucnJnore. All on 28 ac. All ready to go for the young tiger at $79,500. W-475 717-724-5921. *. LIKE NEW 80 HEAD OPERATION - Sullivan Co. Pg. Large tie stalls. 2 rows of pipeline. A 1000 gal. tank. 2 silos (26’x70’) and (20’ x 60’) Calf and dry cow barn. Yearling and heifer barn. 6 bay tool shed. Modem 5 bdrm., 1% bath,, 2 sty. fully insulated house. $138,000. Existing FHA-FLB money. Owner will help with balance. #M-122 PH: 717-662-2138. 300 PLUS ACRE DAIRY FARM - in the heart of Tioga County. 113 ac. balance pasture and woods, marketable timber. 54 head barn, pipeline, barn cleaner, bulk tank, 20 x 75 & 14 x 40 silos, unloaders, 2 ranch style homes, large shop, 2 - 24 x 60 machinery sheds. More land available. Priced at $241,500.00 W-507 PH: 717-724-5921. POTTER CO. FARM -102 Acres - good tillable & pasture, all recently fenced. 60 stall barn in exc. condition with new roof, 14 z 30 silo, & Ig. shop. Like new 3 br. trader, full basmt, ap pliances incl. 29% down, 9% mt. for 15 yrs. Only $54,900.0384. PH: 814-367-2249. MOVE IN CONDITION - 250 Ac. dairy farm with approx. 75 ac. tillable, 70 ac. pasture, 105 ac. wooded. SO x 50 barn, 16 x 24 heifer barn. 33 stanchions can add row for f!2 additional cows. 16 x 65 silo, bulk tank, & bam cleaner in tact. 2 story,'4-5 BR. home partially remodeled, very clean, in a secluded setting. Priced at $89,900. 0401 PH: 814-367-2249. TIOGA COUNTY DAIRY FARM 300+ ac. farm near Mansfield. 180+ tillable, 66 tie stall bam with IW’ glass pipeline, 800 gal. bulk tank. 20x60 sdo with unloader. Mow conveyor. 2 heifer bam. 5 bay machinery shed. Good house completely remodeled down. Trailer hook-up. $134,000. of FHA & FLB existing R.E. money. Just listed at $182,500. M-1930.717-662-2138. CALL OR WRITE US FOR OUR FREE LISTS! fflh LHsrasifotMEsU L Offices: Area Code - 717 TIOGA & POTTER Counties call or write WELLSBORO, 120 East Ave -724-5921 WESTFIELD, 108 Mam St -814-367-2249 MANSFIELD, RDI, Box 41 - 662-2138 AND BRADFORD County call or write TROY, 533 Elmira St-297-2118 OUR #1 AIM IS SERVICE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 27,1980—839 CENTRAL PA FARM LISTINGS BEDFORD COUNTY GENERAL FARM - 44 acres (28 tillable), 2 story house, garage, workshop, A bank barn in good condition Small stream & pond 20 miles from Johnstown $75,900 GENERAL FARM - Dairy farm 155 acres (120 tillable, 30 pasture) Includes 6 bedroom house, bank barn, machine shed, garage, A small stream $155,000 Owner financing available Farm can be split for sale to simultaneous buyers BLAIR COUNTY GENERAL FARM - 120 acres (106 productive, tillable, ‘l4 woodland), near Williamsburg Solid 2-story frame house and bank barn ideally suited for livestock Buildings are centrally located on land $215,000 CENTRE COUNTY GENERAL FARM - Potters Mills area, 53 acres (36 tillable) Sound house, 2 story barn, outbuildings, stream borders property $91,500 DAIRY FARM - 205 acres, (150 highly productive limestone soil, very nice laying, 15 pasture & site area, A 40 woodland). Two story brick house, bank barn, A out buildings Situated between Old Fort A Boalsburg $320,000 DAIRY FARM - 5 miles East of Rebersburg, 184 acres (140 tillable, 40 woodland, 4 pasture A site) Two story house, 3l stanchion bank barn w/pipelme milker, outbuildings, A stream Price reduced to $277,500 with owner financing GENERAL FARM -108 acres (77 productive tillable, 19 pasture, 12 woodland A site) Near Aaronsburg, 2 story brick house, bank barn, milk house, other out buildings, small stream Owner financing $125,000 GENERAL FARM - 88 acres (70 tillable, balance pasture & woodland), near Millheim, large bank barn, Mobile home (no house), silo, small stream Owner financing $93,000 Adjoins farm listed below GENERAL OR LIVESTOCK FARM -150 acres (142 tillable) in good agricultural area near Millheim in Penns Valley 2 Story house, large 2 story bank barn & other outbuildings Owner financing $185,000. Adjoins farm listed above GENERAL OR LIVESTOCK FARM - 75 acres (65 tillable), log & plank constructed house, new 40x80 2 story bank barn, 14x40 concrete stave silo Between Spring Mills & Potters Mills $149,500 Additional land available for rent GENERAL FARM - 215 acres in Curtin Township near Romola, adjacent to Sproul State Forest Picturesque with tillable and wooded acreage, 2-story house, 2-car garage, very good condition Stream provides water for house and pond Ex cellent investment, ideal for horses or recreation $150,000 Owner financing GENERAL OR HOG FARM - Near Spring Mills, 75 acres (30 tillable, 12 pasture and 33 woodland) 2-story frame house, 40’x70’ bank barn with 29'x39’ attach ment, 2 corn cnbs Barn equipped for farrowing and finishing hogs Small stream Approximately 18 miles from State College Complete $97,500, 75 acres + barn only - $68,500,39 acres + barn only - $52,500 CLINTON COUNIT LIVESTOCK FARM - 78 Acres (57 tillable) near Mill Hall, excellent 2 story house, bank barn, implement shed, 2 garages, stream $118,500 COLUMBIA COUNTY TWO CONTIGUOUS FARMS DIVIDED BY 1-80: UNIT A - SOUTH OF 1-80 - GRAIN & LIVESTOCK FARM - 348 acres, (265 highly productive tillable, 81 woodland, 2 site) Complete with 2 homes, large bank barn, gram dryer, 44,500+ bu-gram storage & Butler building reinforced for ad ditional gram storage Land from Unit B below could be rented by buyer Very at tractive interest rate with owner financing $605,000 UNIT B - NORTH OF 1-80 - GENERAL OR LIVESTOCK FARM - 185 acres (85 highly productive tillable, 90 woodland, 10 pasture & site) Nice 2 story frame house, large bank barn, several streams & pond. Very attractive interest rate with owner financing $285,000 Unit B available with Unit A or for simultaneous sale to separate buyers There is an overpass to cross 1-80 near these farms HUNTINGDON COUNTY GENERAL FARM ■ McAlveys Fort -120 acres (70 tillable). Excellent house, bank barn, implement sheds, corn cribs, silo w/unloader & bunk feeder, new hog finishing barn $245,000 DAIRY FARM - 330 acres, (175 productive Hagerstown tillable, 125 pasture & 30 woodland) 3 dwellings, large bank barn with 36 tie stalls A pipeline milker, 2 conci ete stave silos with unloaders & miscellaneous outbuildings Dairy facilities are less than 2 yrs old Water supplied by springs $340,000 GENERAL FARM - In Spruce Creek - 150 acres (67 tillable) Partially restored 1840 stone farm house, 2 car garage and bank barn $158,500 LYCOMING COUNTY LIVESTOCK OR DAIRY FARM - New Listing - Near Lairdsville 270 acres (165 level, very productive tillable) 2 story house, bank barn, 60 x 120' cattle barn, 20 x 60’ ‘Harvestore Owner financing. $325,000. MONTOUR COUNTY GENERAL OR BEEF FARM - 5 miles southeast of Muncy 210 acres (110 produc tive tillable, 45 pasture, 55 woodland) All pasture has water supplied by 3 separate springs Substantial road frontage Ideal livestock farm $219,500 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY GRAIN OR LIVESTOCK FARM - New Listing - Near Turbotville 233 acres (174 very productive tillable) House, bank barn, implement sheds, & like new gram drying facilities $344,000 „ SMALL FARM - Adjoining Swengel - 29 acres (26 highly productive tillable), good one story frame dwelling, good bank barn, outbuildings, pond, $84,500. Adja cent original 2 story farm house & outbuildings also available, $28,500 SMALL FARM - 4 miles north of Mifflmburg 33 acres (24 productive tillable) 2 story house, storage facilities, 2 corn cribs Completely fenced for cattle $99,500 CENTRAL PA RURAL LAND, CABINS, AND FARMETTES MANY LAND PARCELS AVAILABLE. CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE LIST. FARM AND LAND DEPARTMENT Fred Strouse (814) 364-1705 Don Myers(Bl4)422-8111 (Lewisburg) Larry W. Platt (717) 568-5563 Mel Rockey (814) 466-6688 (Bedford) Richard D. Reed (814) 839-4271 &ASSOCIATES The Professionals in Farm Real Estate Service SALES • RENTALS • APPRAISALS • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • DEVELOPERS • FARMS UNION COUNTY Frederick J. Kissinger, Realtor William H. Leonard, Realtor 245 S. Allen St., State College, PA 16801 (814)234-4000 Realtors
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