27 y 19M % I POLE fWLflLjnEißiMjL I I gptpi g g b a I I liHlll dimension lumber I rtowton I metal roofing a sioing I llBllll*® ASSOC/ATION GRADE STAMP < - I 8* 10* | 12' 14 16* 18* 20* ■ ■ 2"x4" 1.27 1.84 2.21 2.56 3.00 3.49 3.88 XIIMNW PAWED GALVANIZED nV’-29tAU6E I I 2"x6" 2.18 2.73 3.28 3.82 4.37 5.45- 6.06 2SGAWE atAUff tSSffl I I lawns 'to wmrm mmrm »m ■ | 2 M xlO” 3.90 4.88 5.86 6.84 7.81 9.09 10.10 - | 2 M xl2'' 5.28 6-60 7.92 9.24 10.56 12.24 13.60 3 “ jj2 jjjg H I _ SHEATHING GRADE 4’xff PLYWOOD ] Si | I »16" I 3/8" I 1/2" 5«" I«"\ wm |y m ~ 14J7 M W~ I B ~ 7.69 m 1125 15.75 16.49 iai4 IMI 12U2 - H ■ 16’ 2ft74 18.76 I ■ 2xb Center Mifeh Wolmtiaed Beards ur 2333 - - I I ff IT I 12’ I 14* [~IF 20’ 2532 ■ ■ LaMT - la 4.49 5.71 I 6.44 [' 7JW| Ig I X5l I - I - I -~l I I fe=-;SS SQOftRE BARN POLES (WDmwPK'Huftg e, —,l I ■ SS-g-'-- Wolmanized Treated s==ss METAL*CLAD DOORS Q Q I IHL/jS I '■*■" '"I "I ~ ■ "—' r- ■>' "T3,r I|| RHI Ifffi II '-fl Rev«rsifcle husf* <U f2=a^\t=H ■ )[r,w g •«’ ,g if JL •: 1 I |i 11 ££%%£? ifTni I /, ~i ——— _____ i | {ln j rrmntMrunf t ■ 5 4”tf’ - ’I2J» 11M IG-32 19J8 ?W8 __ fl SSRS» /V*?| LJ* | IB 3. : : s»ape electro- /yKc*** V/ t f | if Taj »- 16.74 1053 23J04 2818 1 33JDB 3927 | 44£4 | J a*-***—- J=j I | HH / - , J and prevents condensation. *1 I I H components. / UH H pLJ_ \ , , . LA model C 49 H I vALX I • txtcnor pnmed wood frame \mth * JV'-thick-3* wide. ■ outside and adjustable sett. <4 4 1 M H ■ • Sted faced and -foam filled. ▼| IB (KB jj^B ■■ Vvi>'• Threshold is extruded aluminum i ■ msW%9 ■ H adjustable u/rththermalbaj-r/er. OoorHnocher. Lock and ■ VN | • (Mo combination door is needed. _ Handle not included. I FT !pO^ S I Homes should («ve6"or more, in ceiling and SJofmortinttwlkindfiooM f/J ■ I . BOARD ■ 3 , /4”x15” maa 6x15” tn ai r*4*xB' ■ 88.12 Sq. Ft Roil U.BZ 43.96 Sq. Ft Roll *0.84 | 7 ™ ■ ■ 3>/2”x23" SICOO 6”x23” J /CAW »0 4 ’ S 4 W B ■ 135.125tt.FL R 011.... ‘15.88 717 Sq. Fl 101 l M 4.08 | (fT A g — %g— B I Pffl THERMAX*SH£ATHING $OB9 $ 4" s 9" I R-6 4 ' xB' x %" C# _J J ■|H|^^nnK^i7nROEESOEOEDE3SyBBBBE3nSSIDB3i!IE3OBBH LANCASTER, PA. 17602 ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. IWj A 3 Miles East on Rt 340 1 Mile East of Elizabethtown j 717-397-48290r397-4820 717-367-18860r653-8310 CARTER CARTER Pride itio _ I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers