Family & businesses with hearts as big as their surprise BY DICK ANGLESTEIN SCHOENECK - The family of Ephrata R 1 far mer, Melvin Nolt, cooked up a coast-to-coast surprise for him this week. And to help them carry off the surprise, the family had * *v •v “v > _„ -y > \ Charolais steer arrives on back of flatbed tractor trailer at Molt farm. New barn is in background. LANCASTER DAIRYMEN: IT’S A FACT: chances are better than 9 out of 10 that your herd o slick, high-producing cows is infected with roundworms. Here are five more facts you should know about worms, the product) losses they can cause, and how to help stop them with TBZ; the prefreshening cattle wormer. FACT I—Most wormy cows “look healthy” because they eat enough to feed the worms AND to keep themselves looking good. University, Extension and other scientists have proved over 90 percent of all cattle are wormy, even in cold , northern climate .s. FACT 2—Worms can cut production, even in top herds, by as much as 400 to 500 pounds per head per lactation.. .shown in trials in Wisconsin, Vermont and other dairy states. FACT 3—One out of four d now worm routinely, and th PREFRESHENING DAIRY WORKER I I / n luilh ml i/»»U ii' m uM« »t ill i ni n ! ■>! \U uK \ ( <• lm the aid and support of some businessmen and industries with a heart.. It was the Nolt farm that was among the most severely damaged m that late June twister that cut a swath of destruction through „ ’ Ephrata Township. The Nolts lost a tobacco shed, bam, equipment and other contents, including a herd of 99 Charolais, 35 of which died immediately in the fire. In addition, their house and other parts of the COUNTY more are beginning every year. FACT 4—Worming each cow with TBZ before she calves lets her begin lactation clean, and helps make peak production possible all through lactation. FACT S—TBZ is a one-dose, one-time worming treatment available in paste, bolus, suspension and pellet forms. , At the stanchion or in the calving ien, TBZ makes worming each cow 5 she freshens simple, easy, quick. See your Dealer, Feed Supplier or eterinarian today. • •• farmstead, which dates back to the late 18th century, were damaged. Fnends and neighbors immediately gathered to help out, as they did at other area farms. After the cleanup, the tobacco shed was rebuilt. A gang of combiners and balers congregated to bring m the Nolt wheat and straw. Now, a new 70 X 92-foot dear-span barn is in place. It’s big enough to hold 180 head of cattle, along with hay and straw. Well, now to the surprise. On Tuesday night, the bam, whose interior is not quite completed, received its first boarder. tet s Naturally, it’s a steer and naturally, it’s a Charolais. But it’s not quite the steer you might think it is. This one has the proud head of the breed and the rippling muscles across the broad frame. But he only tips the scales at about 130 pounds. You see, he’s made of fibreglass and is one of the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1950—A15 most docile barnyard entters you’ll ever see/ The yet unnamed steer, who is likely to end up with a “handle” like surprise or the like, proudly rode into the Nolt farm Tuesday night on the bed of a tractor trailer designed for hauling steel. And you could tell from the look on Melvin Nolt’s face, the surprise was a well-kept secret. The acquisition of the Nolt mascot is quite a story, too. After all the misfortune, the family wanted to sur- Is this a way to unload a steer? Toting him into barn are, Melvin Molt, front left; Paul Good, neighbor who coordinated acquisition; Nelson Wenger, left rear, builder; and Mike Nolt. THINK DESa THINK LOMBARDH 26 different models designed to fit most gasoline engine applications The Powerhouse The fastest growing line of small, air-cooled diesels in America. Authorized sales, service and parts. Call today for a quotation. Distributor HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE PH: 717-656-6133 2998 West Newport Rd. Ronks, Pa. 17572 2Vi miles East of Leola - Along 772 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED prise Melvin. But you just don’t go into the local Agway or implement dealer and say you want a full-size fibreglass replica of a Charolais steer. Then, the builder and principal suppliers for the new barn stepped in and helped out. Builder is Nelson Wenger, R 4 Lititz. Materials came from Fabral Steel and Aluminum Roofing, Lan caster, through their (Turn to Page A 18)
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