9 Southeast 4-H dairy BY LAUREL SCHAEFFER the Pennsylvania Junior Montgomery, Northampton, Staff Correspondent Dairy Show, scheduled for and SchuylkUl. KUTZTOWN 4-H Monday, September 22, Blue Entries included 111 members representing eight nbbon winners at this show Holstein, 38 Jersey, 33 southeastern Pennsylvania are eligible to send a Brown Swiss, 23 Guernsey, counties converged at the maximum of two blue merit 18 Ayrshire, and 3 Milking Kutztown Fairgrounds, animals to the state show. Shorthorn, here, to compete in the 35th Judges for the show were, Taking Grand Champion annual Southeast 4-H Dairy Eugene Francisco, Holstein titles home were; a two year gjj OW . Breeder,, of,Andover, New old named Sue Ellen, A total of 226 Hairy Jersey, and Harry Roth of exhibited by Helen Seidel, op.tnais were PThihiteH at Atlantic Breeders Co- Kutztown in the Holstein this event held last Saturday operative. Participating Breed; an aged cow named by 150 4-H members who counties included Berks, Tower View Kelly’s Heather, held hopes of qualifying for Bucks, Chester, Lehigh, (Turn to Page Al 4) . jft: >eth Jenkins showing the reserve grand champipn for William Henley, Cochranville; and Kennard Henley, Coch ranvilie, showing the grand champion. show winners chosen Brown Swiss winners are shown with from left, Sharon Heisler, Tamaqua, Schuylkill County Dairy Princess; Bryan Urmy, 16, Coopersburg, with his grand champion: and Danielle Palmer, 15, Bangor, with her reserve champion Swiss. Grand and Reserve Grand Guernseys are shown from left: rs,. rtz town, with his reserve animal; Jon Zollers, Mertztown, with the grand champion, Foxy Spring Falcon Lady; and Janice Savidge, Berks County Alternate Dairy Princess. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1980—A13
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