Al2—iMcastor Famtag, Saturday, Sapfwfctr 6, 1810 PERKIOMENVILLE - Joe Benzak of Benzak Meats, Bethlehem, outbid all other contenders to purchase the Grand Champion Montgomery County 4-H Land) at the sale held recently at the Perkiomenville Sales Stables. Benzak paid $2 per pound for the lamb belonging to Jim Rittenhouse, Telford, Benzak Meats, of Bethlehem, purchased the Grand Champion Montgomery County 4-H Market Lamb at the sale held recently in Perkiomenville. The firm paid $2 per pound for the animal exhibited by Jim Rittenhouse of Telford. Also pictured are Vick! Benzak, daughter of Joe Benzak, Bethlehem, and Steve Fillippo, son of Frank Fillippo, Norristown. Northeastern Community 4-H meets MT. WOLF - The Nor theastern Community 4-H Club held its August meeting at the Starview United Church of Christ A softball game and watermelon party were THERE'S MORE IN THE CIRCLE ... Circle Steel puts more into their gram you can get more out of them! There’s more quality selected materials, special care in manufac turing, unique design features And we follow through with service customizing, skilled work manship, strict attention to details. The result. You get more return on your investment in gram storage. Give us a call, we will give you details on Circle Steel Bins and on the at tractive prices now in effect Call us, we’re your Circle Steel total service center ) PHONE 717-538-2591 Rittenhouse lambs win whose lamb was named Champion of the show at the recent Montgomery County Fair in Lansdale. The Reserve Champion Lamb was purchased by Frank Fillippo, Fillippo Meats, Norristown, for |1.90 per pound from Scott Rit tenhouse, Telford. Hennings Market, Harleysville, paid $l.lO per pound for the third-place accompanied by a brief business meeting. The dub members elected Lisa Hoover as secretary and Lori Gross as assistant 4-H members will be doing demonstrations for Starview market lamb which was also raised and shown by Jim Rittenhouse. John Scholl, livestock dealer from Perkasie, was the buyer of the lamb owned by Nancy Schwenk of Souderton. Kendra Schwenk, also of Souderton,- showed the fifth place lamb, which was purchased by Benzak Meats. Benzak also bought the final lamb sold that evening Farm Women Society 7. The club plans to be in the Northeastern Jaycee’s Halloween Parade with a float. Reported by Lisa Hoover. in Montgomery which was exhibited by Greg Myers of Ambler. County Agent Nancy M. Kadwill expressed ap preciation to all the buyers who supported the sale enabling the 4-H’ers to Steve Fillippo, Norristown, son of Frank Fillippo, Fillippo Meats, proudly poses with the Reserve Champion Montgomery County 4-H Lamb which his father purchased from Scott Rittenhouse, Telford. Fillippo Meats paid $1.90 per pound for the prize-winning animal. If you’re in pigs or poultry, the Friendly First has a special 10an... just for you! The Agricultural Loan Division of the First National Bank of Lancaster County knows that swine and poultry farmers have highly specialized needs. And it's always ready to provide the cash to meet these needs... whenever they arise. Why: Because Bob Badger, the Ag Loan officer at the Friendly First, understands farmers' unique and complex money problems. He will gladly sit down with you and work out a special swine loan or poultry loan package, to cover the cost of sow stalls, a new flock of chicks, a broiler house, a carousel hog feeding system, transporting equipment you name it! And best of all, he'll use the Friendly First's flexible payment schedules to make sure you get a loan you can live with... comfortably. So when you need a loan, remember the Friendly First... the best friend a farmer could ask for! THE AGRICULTURAL LOAN DIVISION OF TFje < Tfagt THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LANCASTER COUNTY Lancaster County’s Oldest National Bank continue in their work with livestock, and especially Benzak Meats and Fillippo Meats for their support in buying the Champions. All the members are in the Green Pastures Sheep Club which is open to all youth 8- 19 who are interested in learning about raising breeding or market sheep. For more information, contact the 4-H Office at 277- 0574. MEMBERFDIC
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