Ci— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 Though the day was hot and sticky, the breeze in the Lampeter Community Building was as welcome as a $3O fan as the Farm Women from across Lan caster County assembled for a day of good food and im portant club business at the Lancaster County Farm Women Society picnic The turnout for the event, considering are 32 county clubs could be termed good or disappointing depending to whom you spoke Ap proximately 100 ladies and children had assembled for the event Naomi Spahr, a member of the committee and publicity chairman termed the turnout slightly larger than usual. But all farm women in the county are invited to the annual event, and yet the at tendance averaged only 3 people per club, some of whom were children. :y pi Jt -edr\ at the Lampeter Community Park, a group of children played ring games while their mothers and grandmothers conducted a business meeting. Lancaster Co. FWS picnic held In county business, Society activity reports are due for the October 7 Board Meeting The reports should be submitted before that date to Fran Sauder, Ist Vice President. In other business, the State Farm Women Spci r 1 Saturday, August 16 Lancaster Co. Society 18 will meet at the home of Ida Warfel at 1:30 p.m. for their annual food auction. Lancaster Co Society 3 will entertain 4-H clubs at Zmn’s Park. Monday, August 18 Lancaster Co. Society,3l will meet at the home of Lucille Wenger at 7:30 p.m. for a swim and plant exchange. project crocheting is also due at the October Board meeting At the County Convention on November 1, the State Youth Project for Grand children will be displayed The projects will be judged at the December Board meeting Tuesday, August 19 Dauphin Co Society 16 meets at the home of Kathy Esbenshade. Berks Co. Society 6 will meet . at the home of Mary Hess Jeffrey Bock will be the speaker. Thursday, August 21 Lancaster Co Society 15 will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Huffnagle Park for a family picmc Saturday, August 23 Lancaster Co. Society 5 will meet at the home Martha Weidman for “-•corn and doggie roast entertain husbands. 'j4Js rt , '*» L '**•*« 1,1 inillMHir! After the covered dish luncheon, the group of Farm Women listened al tentively through a business meeting which comprised the main activity of thi afternoon. of a to PICK YOUR OWN LIMA BEANS Starting Monday, August 18 HOURS: Mon., Wed., Thurs. 8 til 7 Tues. & Sat. 8 til 5 Fri. 8 til 8 Phone: (717) 272-6342 FREY'S FARM MARKET Colebrook Road, Route 241 2 Miles Southwest of Lebanon Plaza C-60E Wood Heater AFI-36 Underwriters Laboratory Listed Fireplace Insert ALL MODELS IN STOCK AT SUMMER PRICES LESS 10%! Wood Heater • CORONA COAL STOVES • WARM.MORNING COAL HEATERS FISHER'S FURNITURE ROUTE 896 • 6 Ml. SOUTH OF STRASBURG Mon TlI „ . « . + _ _ IH VILLAGE OF GEORGETOWN M °" nurs &Fn 8 1 BOX 57, BART, PA ~^*>i«iSSS«^£SSCw(W9 5 ■S? ; ' sn 7150-C Coal & Wood Heater Underwriters Laboratory Listed 25-HFR Wood Heater Ashley Columbian WOOD & COAL HEATERS &
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