C36—Uncasttr Farming* Saturday, August 16, i 960 # -- -- Ram, warmth boost state crops Simmental show is new for 1980 KILE HARRISBURG The 24th Keystone International Livestock Exposition, the largest international livestock show on the East Coast, will feature seven beef cattle breeds along with junior and open steer shows and a junior breeding show, from October 2-6,1980. A new beef cattle show added to the 1980 KILE, which will be held at the Farm Show Complex, features the Simmental breeding cattle division. The October 3 show will be co-sponsored by KILE and the Pennsylvania Simmental Association. A Chianina cattle sale will be another new Expo ad dition. It follows the steer show on October 4. “We expect a record number of cattle exhibitors at this year’s show,” KILE manager Charles Itle said. “We are looking forward to exceptional beef cattle shows with some of the top farms m the country attending both shows and sales.” Over $84,900 will be offered in premiums at this year’s Keystone International with more than $45,500 in the beef show sweepstakes. Exhibitor deadline for entries is August 31. The following are dates and events for beef cattle shows and sales: October 2 3pm October 3 9am 10 a m 12 30 p m I p m 3 30p m 6 30p m October 4 8 30 a m 9a m Ham 3pm 4 30p m 7pm Octobers 12 noon 2pm October 6 8 30 a m Ham spm Uj I I tr ■ Sale prices good ■ ■ ■■ y • only through SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1960 Field Sprayers Clearance \ M QA99 Reg 999 99 1 SAVE 300 00 \ OWW 300 Gallon 16511 100 \ / Field Sprayer t \ Polyethelene tank, 8-way 9 """ N selector valve, 20 gallon tips, 2 X \ braid hose, 3 /*" suction hose rSd j land V*" nylon type strainer 8 / row boom , tread easily ad / y justablefrom 51” to 88", comes ' / less pump and tires JttL r . Adjustable W ' Wk^ manifold bracket B Bj.' • 8 Way Selecto Bl Sprayer Mam • Variable nozzle W • Nylon strainer l /? EVA tubing kf and full How 244” Reg 299 99 ' SAVE 55 00 12958 279 16’ Bale Elevator 16 Bale Elevator composed of two 8 ft sections Complete with motor mount sheave and belt For electric motor and gas engine drive B'Extension for above Reg 109 99 12959 279 SALE 84.99 Weigh Feeder Calves Weigh Junior Steers Feeder Calf Show Charolais Show Weigh Open Steers Simmental Show Feeder Calf Sale ChiamnaShow Junior Breeding Show Junior Steer Show Open Steer Show ChiamnaSale Pennsylvania Livestock Association Banquet Angus Show Shorthorn Show Hereford Show Polled Hereford Show release all livestock HARRISBURG - Ram mixed with warm weather to provide a good growing week for Pennsylvania farm crops during the week ending August 4, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service. Statewide, five days were reported as suitable for fieldwork, which included harvesting of peaches and cabbage, digging potatoes, combining small grams and making hay. Some farmers were topping tobacco and beginning fall plowing, and traces of barley and wheat planting were reported. Early cabbage harvest is reported as good, as is the cherry harvest. Tomato harvest is beginning, but the crop will be hurt by dry rot. Soil moisture throughout the Commonwealth is still rated as short to adequate. While northern farmers rated soil moisture as 44 percent adequate to 31 percent short, central and southern farmers rated then soils as 75 and 72 percent short in moisture, respec tively. Small gram harvest is nearing completion, with barley virtually complete. Wheat harvest was 89 per cent complete throughout the state compared to 69 percent a year ago. Harvest stood at 60 percent complete m the northern region while central and southern regions reported wheat harvest as virtually complete. Oats harvest was at 57 999" Reg 1349 99 / SAVE 350 00 22527-258 Dynamark 11 Hp. Ground Engaging Tractor & 42" Mower Synchro-balanced Briggs & Stratton engine, electric start, 42” triple blade mower deck, heavy duty direct drive transaxle transmission with disc brake and automotive type bevel gears 4 speeds forward, 1 reverse Optional plow, tiller, disk, cultivator & scraper blade available 16 Hp Ground Engaging Tractor & 42" Mower SALE $1399 99 22552 258 Reg 1599 99 CtNimAL thuctor IS FARM & FAMILY CENTER All ilfnii -ire jbierl to Mork on hand We 'esei vt the riftht In Inn 1 1 judntitieb Sale eniii rn 'he above date percent completed, well ahead of the 27 percent mark of a year earlier. Northern operators reported 74 per cent of the oats crop har vested. Com was 79 percent silked statewide, with less than five percent m the dpugh stage. This is slightly ahead of 1979 when 50 percent was silked, and the average of 54 per cent silked and less than five percent m dough at this tune, historically. Northern areas reported 44 percent silked and traces m dough, central areas reported 53 percent silked and traces m dough, and the south reported 51 percent m silk and eight percent m dough. Potato harvest is now eight percent complete statewide, below last year’s 12 percent. Traces of potato digging were reported in the north, less than five percent in the central counties and nine percent m the south. Traces of fall plowing were reported across the state, on a par with last year. Southern Pennsylvania farmers reported ten per cent of fall plowing com plete, while central and northern aras were reported to have traces complete. Second cutting of alfalfa was 75 percent complete, compared to 56 percent a year ago. Second cutting was at 60 percent m the north and 84 percent in the central and southern areas. Third cut ting of alfalfa is 19 percent t ,-4U >\; J'4 > * "1 \r * \ r * K 1 X r i LANCASTER 1570 Manheim Pike, Hwy 72 North Ph 717-569-0111 Sale Hours: 8.30 -5:30 Mon. - Fn 8:30 - 500 Saturday complete, 18 percent in the north and 19 percent in central and southern areas. Quantities of hay in third cutting are reported as low due to dry weather. Second cutting of clover timothy hay is 33 percent complete, the same as last year. Harvest is reported as 38, 30 and 15 percent com plete in northern, central and southern areas, respectively. Hay quality is once again being rated as good to fair. In the north, hay was rated as 34 percent fair and 33 percent good. Central far mers rated hay at 47 percent fair to 46 percent good, and southern farmers rated their Need... HAY STRAW EM COM PEANUT NULLS Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction. DELIVERED ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717-SB7-7631 ESBENSHADE TURKEY FARM PARADISE, PA. UL Listed Homesteader® Heavily built (268 lbs) with cast iron firebox liners fire door and grate Bondenzed enamel finish Blower lor unit above provides 150 cfm creasing efficiency SALE 64 99 Reg 84 99 /12075 340 '**"* r hay at 54 percent good to 46 percent fair. Feed from pastures continued to decline with 55 percent rated below average and 43 percent average. Central Pennsylvania, hardest hit by lack of ram, rated pastures as 62 percent below average and only 38 percent average. Northern pastures were rated as 50 percent average and 43 percent below average. Pennsylvania farm fuel supplies were rated as adequate to surplus. Gasoline and diesel fuel were rated 86 percent adequate and 14 percent surplus, while L.P. gas was rated 83 percent adequate to 17 percent surplus. 319" Reg 379 99 ' SAVE 60 00 12159 340 vflAI »389t s Freight i 38900-250 | Model 165 Box 5 529? 5 Freight 28901-250 Model 225 Box Gravity Box Ends sides and bottom are made of 14 gauge prime steel, super structure made of formed steel plate Wagon and tires not included CHAMBERSBURG 1351 Lincoln Way East Ph: 717-264-8282 Store Hours: 9-6 Mon. - Thur 9-9 Fn.; 9-5 Sat.
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