Past and future mix * STATE COLLEGE Antique farm machinery and household items dating from pioneer days in Penn sylvania and more than $2O million worth of modern farm equipment are only a portion of the exhibits which will take visitors to Penn State’s Ag Progress Days, Tuesday to Thursday, on a “trip into the past as well as the future,” according to James M. Beattie, Dean of the University’s College of Agriculture. The 1980 show, recognized as the largest outdoor educational agriculture WHITE WASHING with DAIRY WHITE - DRIES WHITE - DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY - NO WET FLOORS IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS - WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY ALSO BARN CLEANING SERVICE I AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR ! To have your barn cleaned with air it will I clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime 5 This will keep your barn looking cleaner & i whiter longer f MAYNARD L. BEITZEL j Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 ( Barn spraying our business, not a side-line I Spraying Since 1961 „ I HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING POULTRY HOUSES AND VEAL PENS. J TRI-COUNTY SWINE SYSTEMS MID-SUMMER SALE GALVANIZED WOVEN ||i ? ; I , WIRE FLOORING ‘ ~ | ] SIZES IN STOCK: . f 1 1 1 5x7,4x8,3x6 ’ ' ★ custom sizes s , AVAILABLE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE ||| |l| v i s96sperSq.Ft. ! '• 1 All Sizes |i«. SILVER LINE CONFINEMENT EQUIPMENT * Nursery Cages * Ouickside Crates * Standard Stalls * Support Frames * Tether Stolls * Tether Crates * Tether Collars ★ Finishing Fencing TRI COUNTY SWINE SYSTEMS IS AN AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT; • Schuld Feed Bins • Monoflo Hog Waterers • AAA Inc Ventilation • Lixit Hog Waterers Systems • Brower Equipment • Warner Flex Augers • Nobbe Concrete Slats • Aerovent Fans • Magic Ray Catahtic • Ostee Hog Scales Heaters • Woven Wire Flooring • Kane Feeders • Cushion Coated • Stanfield Heating Flooring Pads • Pax Equipment • L B White Heaters • Martin-Air Ventilation Systems PHONE 717-274-3488 SWINE SYSTEMS event in the East, will center on the theme of “Penn State Agriculture. 125 Years of Progress ” Historic displays, such as those on exhibit in the Jerome K Paste Agricultural Museum, will be juxtaposed with exhibits and activities demonstrating the most up-to-date methods to heat a home, harvest a crop, grow a garden, and practice soil and water conservation. All this will take place at the Rock Springs Agricultural Research Center, along LEBANON PA. S % EQUIPMENT Route 45, nme miles west of State College. Ag Progress Days is sponsored by Penn State’s College of Agriculture in cooperation with machinery companies, numerous agricultural associations and agencies, as well as other educational units of the University. This year the three-day program is one of the official events tied to Penn State’s 125th Anniversary as a unique land-grant institution serving the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world. Gov. Dick Thornburgh has indicated he will visit Ag Progress Days again this year and many legislators and special groups are making plans to tour and inspect the show. In line with energy con servation practices, Dean 'Beattie is urging group attendance at Ag Progress Days via busses and car pools No parking fee is charged and the event is strictly a “daytime show” between the hours of 9 a.m. and spm daily. The 1980 show is attracting a record 252 commercial exhibitors from Canada and the entire United States. There will be a theatre with continuous entertainment, a large educational exhibits tent, and special tents for home and family living and the children. “Ag Progress Days has something for everyone, the farmer, homeowner, rural and urban dweller alike. Plan to visit us during one or more of these three days, August 19, 20, and 21,” Dean Beattie concluded N FLOORING AUGUST 23 CUSHION COATED FLOORING EXPANDED METAL SIZES IN STOCK: 5x7,4x8, 3x6 $O6O V Per Sq Ft LIFETIME WARRANTY ASK ABOUT OUR CLEAR SPAN .312 COATED WOVEN WIRE CALF FLOORING ★ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE THE "SILVER LINE" - Dependable, Up-To-Date Equipment Mfg. By Tri-County Swine Systems SEE OUR EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY AT OUR LOCATION HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 7:00 to 4:30 Owners: Carl Martin & Robert High at Ag Progress Days Hand-operated drill press will be among antique farm equipment on display at Ag Progress Days next week at Penn State. WOVEN WIRE IN STOCK: 4xB & 5x7 OTHERS AVAILABLE /|6O Per Sq Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—CSS Runs AI school WILLIAMSPORT - An American Breeders Service A.I. Management School was held at The William sport Area Community College, Earth Science Campus, near Allenwood from Monday through Friday. According to Dan Spangler, ABS District Manager, the course is structured so that par ticipants can take the entire course or just participate m /5|V Old Guard [fcflraaQ DrosDa[?(DDD(3© G©DDQ[p®m\y “Friend of Farmers since 1896 ” ' s S Founded by Lancaster County farmers in 1896 and still dedicated to providing the broadest coverages at the lowest cost to all farmers in Pennsylvania See our agent in your area MELVIN E. PAINTER R D #1 Elverson Pa JACOB H. RUHL 18 S Main St Manheim Pa B. TITUS RUTT AGENCY 81 E Mam St Mount Joy Pa WAGNER INSURANCE AGENCY 107 W Mam St Hummelstown, Pa the classroom Classroom sessions were held from 9 a.m to noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday and from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Fnday. These sessions took place at the Earth Science campus. Bam sessions were held at • the Dewart Livestock Auction, Dewart, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 3 - 30 p.m, Tuesday through Friday. . < \ JS. \ sessions
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