Cl6— Lancaster Fanning,'Saturday, August 16,1980 ] QAiowen { | Societies | Berks Co. Society 4 The regular meeting of Berks Society 4 was held at the pavilion at Taylor’s Miniature Golf Cole brookdale. A covered dish picnic was enjoyed by members, guests and their families. Each member answered the question - “How can I im prove the safety in my home?” Eight members will atend Group 9’s tenth an- Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser Not too long ago, my husband and I started out to see a fair in central Penn sylvania. We were rather disappointed as there were so many barkers and paid amusements and the food and clothing displays were “crowded” mto a small area. The animals that caught my eye were the goats. They were of all sizes and colors and were quite friendly. As my husband had planned other things for the trip, we moved on Several times we’d planned to visit a coal mine but didn’t amve on the right day or at the nght tune. This time we accomplished both. It was interesting to hear about the methods used for mining m the early days compared to present day machinery But believe me, I’d pick farming any day instead of mining in a dark hole in the earth where one works in cramped quarters I happened to spy something called an “in clined plane” at Johnstown and we decided to in vestigate it It was billed as an elevator on wheels and could carry cars and people up the mountain from the valley The view of the town nestled in the crevices of the Allegheny Mountains in Cambria County is awesome This town has had 22 floods and lost 4000 people in the May 31,1889 flood We also spent some time at MEMO HAY, STRAW & EAR CORN SALE EVERY MONDAY At 11 A M NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Phone 717 354 4341 Lloyd H Kreider Auct mversary celebration on Sept. 17. Group 4 will, along with all the rest of the Berks County groups, have a booth at the Reading Fair, October 20 - 25, at which home-made food will be sold. Proceeds will go towards the new 4-H building in Reading. Virginia Taylor gave a safety talk, stressing the proper way of caring for food m the home. The nominating com mittee for new officers is Mamie Hafer; Lottie Burkepile and Edna Angstadt. The next meeting, on Tuesday, Sept. 2 will be at the home of Mamie Hafer, R 2 Oley. one of the largest State Parks in Pennsylvania. It is named Prince Galhtzin and it not only has large beaches for swimming but also a big marina It contained many types of small pleasure craft wluch were for rent It was a pleasant place to wile away a few hours with the breeze from the lake to cool us As a bonus, we drove through State College on our way home and visited one of our older sons who works m a research laboratory there He was surprised to see us and showed us the greenhouses nearby We amved home from our short trip to fmd that our children had run the farm okay without us and that the sweet com was ready for freezing DESIGN EFFICIENT EFFICIENT Enrl-^A,rS ys ' (m IM * , WoVuC.rg Va.v. interlock Conuois , T y _ 7 L r ,v ' Dr/mq mfs Equipment Available | I DONALD E. LICHTENWALNER & SON | R D 2, Macungie, Pa | Phone 215/965 5214 LI 4-7 79 Cumberland Co, Society 10 The regular monthly meeting of Cumberland County Society of Farm Women Group #lO was held July 17 at the home of Mrs. Florence Clough, R.D. 1, Shippensburg. Devotions were led by Mrs. Abbie Myers followed by the Pledge of AUegience and the Lord’s Prayer. Roll call was answered by giving a patriotic quotation. Twelve members were present. The business meeting was in charge of the President, Mrs. Gertrude Staver. Plans were completed to entertain several other farm women groups and to visit Claremont Farms on August 13. The remainder of the evening was spent visiting. Delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the Rehobeth Community Center on August 21 at 6:30 p.m. Barrow performance test slated LANCASTER caster County Swine Producers announce a barrow performance test to begin Wednesday, August 27 Barrows will be accepted at the Carl Harnish farm, R 6, I-ancaster, between 6 30 and 9 00 p m No more than four barrows per producer will be accepted Barrows should weigh between 40 and 65 pounds All barrows will be penned according to size All entries will be identified so that accurate information can be available For more information on this test which is being conducted in conjunction with the Penn Manor FFA call the High School, 717-372- 4202 and ask for the Vocational Agriculture Department mux AuC,‘ r Hook op ? Dual F jci ( u p and NG) I Portable ? A j!c matic Moisture r ontrol * JS B t . < b < Egypt President Anwar el Sadat was impressed with the solar cookers during a recent visit to CARE’s project to help fishermen on the lake behind the Aswan High Dam. The ATTENTION! HOME OWNERS WITH HOT WATER You can eliminate or drastically reduc your heating costs with the SFB-3 WOOD FIRED BOILER • Utilizes Existing • Controlled Electrically l System • Remote installations • Fully Automatic possible • Pays for Itself Diameter 27 in Boiler volume 9 69 gals Length —30 in Approx weight 235 lbs Firebox diameter —23 in Log length approx 18 in Height approx 40 in (with gauges) QUALITY COMPONENTS Honeywell electrical units large airtight cast iron door with camming lock handle 11 gauge steel boiler and firebox - Each unit leak and pressure tested 1 Return this coupon to LEACOCK COLEMAN CENTER * i 85 Old Leacock Road j RDI, Ronks, PA 17572 | □ We are interested in more information | on the Wood Burning Boiler. I □ We have a stove business and are mter ■ ested in dealer information ■ Name Lan- ! Address City jj’hone No NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW DEUTZ TRACTOR Always a best buy - the Deutz models D 4506 (45 hp), D 6206 (61 hp) and D 6806 (68 hp) tractors These tractors with their durable engines provide more lugging capacity and durability Stop in now and buy an exciting Deutz formula DX line tractor Two and four wheel drive DX9O (84 hp), DXIIO (100 hp) DXI4O (135 hp) and DXI6O (145 hp) All with new rugged heavy-duty synchronized tran smission and equipped with the world famous Deutz air-cooled diesel engine which operates at higher temperature to deliver better fuel ef ficiency —AUGUST PROGRAM -1 Settlement Allowances of $BOO 00 to $2BOO 00 Plus - financing thru Deutz credit at 10% APR Offer expires 8/22/80 2 Or, Waiver of Finance charges to 3/1/81 in lieu of settlement allowance Interest at regular rate I) Stauffer Diesel Inc. 3 t 2 W. MAIN ST., NEW HOLLAND, PA project improves living conditions ' for ap proximately 6,000 fishermen who catch over 27,000 metric tons of fish each year. Since the solar radiation level is SPECIFICATIONS Deutz Aug./Sept. Sales Program very high and fuel is in shi supply, CARE has perimented with solar ow built with help from Florida Institute Technology. For more inform, write or call LANCASTER 340 INTERCOURSE OLD LEACOCK RD LEACOCK COLEMAN «t r CENTER *Leacock Coleman Center is the I Factory Rep. for SFB-3 Boilers. SEPTEMBER PROGRAM 1 Settlement Allowances of $7OO 00 to $2500 00 Fin ancing rate not yet available 2 Or Waiver of Finance charges to 3/1/81 in lieu of settlement allowance Interest at regular rate e; r ei thi A Typical Installation * x 717-354-4181 101
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