A Jk% ir BY roasting your corn & \flu b SOYBEANS WITH A MIX vfl W b MILL ROAST-A-TRON ROASTING GRAINS HELPS INCREASE YOUR PROFITS Regular soybean meal contains only about 10 lbs of unsaturated fat per ton while - roasted soybeans contain ap proximately 360 lbs per ton Roasted soybeans provide ap proximately 20% more digestible and metabolizable energy than commercial concentrate • Dairy cows increase in butterfat, increase in aver age production, improvement in herd appearance and health • Feeder pigs get off to a better, faster start • Hogs are ready for market earlier • Beef cattle gain faster and hit market weights sooner Above statements are vertified by University studies Northwest Missouri State College - Milk production in creased over 10% for cows fed roasted soybeans in stead of soybean meal. Auburn University - Hogs ha.d 9 8% faster gams at 7% lower feed costs lowa State - Beef fed roasted corn had 9% faster gam on 8% less feed Purdue University - Heifers had 12% faster gams on ' 12% lower feed costs. Compare their unique features and advantages. Preserves grain quality, less shrinkage & stress cracks. Conserves energy, lower operating cost, from 3 c /bu. for 10 points. Both systems dry 35% moisture corn, requires no wet holding tank or babysitting. Both systems include a G.S.I. Drying Bin, in & out ladders, roof ladder, Cor-lok floor, steel floor supports, transition, fan & heater, ventilator cleaner, motorized spreader, unloading auger system with total enclosed motor, and freight to our warehouse. MARTIN FLO-MOOR SYSTEM L ** * * 2 STAGE CONT. or RECIRCULATING Includes Martin Electronic Moisture Control With Motor Starters. Drying capacity up to 12,600 bu /day 15 to 36 ft. diameter bins Operating temperature adjustable 90° to 160° Add wet gram as fast as you harvest. Large storage capacity for fast unloading Twin tapered sweep augers unload faster Extra heavy gear box assures trouble free operation Automatic gram level shut-off Gram Cleaner removes trash for better drying SPECIAL SALE 136’ Low Temperature Drying 1 System w/storage cap of ! 17,703 bu & capable of drying ’ 1000 bu /day at 10 pt total ! system, with electric wiring & 1 controls, 2 yrs old Call for I Low Low Price MARTIN GRAIN DRYING SYSTEMS * WE RECEIVED TOP PA DISTRIBUTOR AWARD FOR 1977,1978 and 1979 By GSI. MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. - ft*- £ * * Batch With Low Temp. Control • Drying Cap Up to 6400 Bu Per Day • 15 to 48 ft diameter bins • The only system with gas heat (up to 30°) backup to prevent spoilage • The Martin Low-Temp Control monitors and automatically controls the temperature and the humidity The ther mometer, hygrometer and monometer display operating con ditions, thus eliminates all guesswork in the easy operating management • Built-in safety controls assure trouble free operation • It operates automatically around the clock in sunshine or ram, heat or cold, without any babysitting or readjustments Rl, Lebanon, PA 17042 Phone 717-866-4906 or 717-866-4555 ★ BETTER DISEASE CONTROL by eliminating the possibility of feed trucks carrying in diseases from other farms. ★ COMPLE T ELY AUTOMATIC systems are available that make up to four different rations and deliver each to the right feed tank as needed with out anyone touching the system. ★ MEDICATION adjustable amounts added automatically by flipping a switch. ★ AUTOMATIC FEED DELIVERY up to 450 ft. from th ★ SAVE ON LABOR requires no shoveling, bagging, connecting PTO shafts or work ing in rain and snow. ★ Grinds ear corn, shelled corn, or high moisture corn ★ Various' sizes available; no system too large or too small. EXAMPLE OF SAVINGS POSSIBLE IF YOU ARE BUYING A COMPLETE FEED 10 Ton Per Week __ @ $195 = *1950.00 Cost when making your own feed with a FARM FEED MILLING SYSTEM Ingredient Costs * 1643.00 Grinding & Mixing Cost 1.50 Depreciation or Leasing Cost Total Feed Cost EXTRA PROFIT PER WEEK MARTIN LOW-TEMP SYSTEM Stirring Equip Option ★ FRESH FEED DAILY improves production, eliminates stale feed. ★ LOWER OPERATING COST grinds and mixes for only 10' per ton. ★ SAVE UP TO $3O PER TON by purchasing ingredients at wholesale prices. ★ HIGHER QUALITY FEED using only good wholesome ingredients. ★ LESS DUST full circular hammermill screen or roller mill produce a more granular feed which aids digestibility. ★ ACCURACY up to 99.9% accuracy with automatic individual ingredient weigh out. WAREHOUSE SALE Prices Limited to Items In Stock New Mix Mill Soybean And Corn Roaster *3.900 Used Mix Mill Soybean And Corn Roaster *2,200 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—C1S 83.34 *1727.84 I t *223.00 I Name I Address {City •state. I Phone. 5l FREE INFORMATION PLEASE SEND INFORMATION & PRICES ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS; Martin Flo-Moor Martin Low-Temp. Meyer Batch Dryer Stoi age Bins Hopper Tanks Transport Auger Grain Cleaner Bucket Elevators Dump Pit U Trough Auger Chain Conveyor Mix-Mill Feed Factory Mix-Mill Grinder Mixer Automatic Mill System Pneumatic Feed Blower Soybean & Corn Roaster Feed Tanks Feed Auger System Flex Augers Alcohol System Others nif i
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