—Lancaster FanwinK,S«turd«y, December 24,1»77 12 Livestock market an Baltimore USDA December 19,1977 CATTLE 350: Slaughter steers and heifers on limited test, steers $l.OO higher, heifers firm, eons steady, bulls |2.00-3.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: few Choice & Prime 2-4 1000- 1300 lbs. 42.00-45.00; scat tered sales Goodfe Choice 2-4 950-1150 lbs. 38.50-39.25. ' SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: few Choice & Prime 2-4 800- 1000 lbs. 36.0009.00. COWS: Utility 2-3 24.01- 27.00; lev Individuals 27.25- 2835; Cotter 1-2 20.50-23.50. BULLS : Yield Grade 1-2 1000-1600 Us. 90.0034.25; Individual 15351b5. 26J5. HOGS 600: Barrows & Gilts sLflo higher early, $1.50-1.75 higher later; US 1- 2 200-240 lbs. 44.50-45.00; late 45.00-45.75; US 2-3 230-260 lbs. late 45.00.50w5: 50-1.00 higher; US 1-3 300600 lbs. 33.00- 33.50. VEAL & CALP AUCTION 75; Prime Vealers 200300 lbs. 55.0065.00; Choice 150- 250 lbs. 41.0049.00; Good ISO 275 lbs. 30.0037.00; Good & Choice 100125 lbs. 32.50 39.00; 75-100 1b5.23.0032.00. Amlersons Omaha Cattle Omaha, Nebraska December 22,1977 Cattle. - compared with the previous weeks close- Three successive days of abvancing prices left the closing trade on slaughter steers and heifers 1.00-1.50 higher with choice and prime usually showing the greatest advance. Cows closed 1.00 higher and bulls finntol.so higher. Four day receipts 15,200 as compared 18,600 previous week and 14,800 a year ago. Pre-Christmas demand was generally good, and prices on slaughter steers and heifers reached the high point of the year to date during the current week. However, late demand was curbed somewhat by the approaching noo-slaugfater weekend. The upturn in live prices was supported by an uptrending carcass trade although some tran sportation difficulties were still reported in moving beef eastward. Supplies were moderate and''were fairly weU distributed over the trading period. There was a modest showing high-choice and prime steers and heifers, but a large share were good to average choice. Slaughter steers made up approximately 43 pet and heifers 33 pet. cows comprised 11 pet and feeders 11 pet. STEERS: At midweek, a load choice and- prime predominantly 3 with end 4 1139 lbs. 45.50, highest for the year to date. Six loads choice and prime 3-4 1218-1253 lobs 44.75-45.00, two loads choice 3 1044-1275 lbs. 45.00. Choice 241000-1275 lbs. closed 43.50- 44.50. Mixed Good and choice 2-3 950-1225 lbs. 42.2543.50. Good 2-3 38.5042.25. Stan dard and Good 2-3 36.50- 38.0 C. Average of LS-214, detailed quotations, for choice 900-1100 lb. steers this week 43.75; dunce 1100-1900 lbs. 43.96. Average weight steers first three days 1142 lbs. as compared ITS lbs. previous week. Average weight heifers first three days 906 lbs. as compared 9771b5, previous week. HEIFERS: Eight Loads Choice and prime 3 lbs. 43.2543.50. Choice 24 875-1050 lbs. dosed 41.50- 43.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 850-1000 lbs. 40.0041.50. Good 2-3 38.5040.00. Stan dard and Good 2-3 33.50- 35.50. COWS; Utility and com mercial 2-4 24.50-26.00. Capner and Cutter 21.00- 24.50. BULLS: 1-2 1400-1800 lbs. 1 naive 28&W1.00, few individual 1 liPlia 32.00-34.50. & With the approach of the Holiday Season, S it is a pleasure for all of us at \ | S.K. SHOTZBERGER, INC. \ P.O. Box 925. Lancaster, Pa. 17604 - Phone (717) 3934641 \ to wish you a joyous Holiday and a New Year abounding with Health, Happiness and Prosperity GeneZwally, President , Marvin Johns; Secy.-Treasurer Drivers; Earl Shenk, Bob Shonk. Herman Gebhard, Leonard Hoover, Raymond Miller and Oliver Brooks 1w M Sent N«t $m into Dm WofU To Cmbin The Mfofki; But That Tiie WMd Him M%hf B 0 Smdr JMm 3:17 DECEMBER DISCOUNTS CONTINUED* THE ORDER MUST BE IN OUROFFICE BY DECEMBER 30. 1977. VARIOUS SIZES FROM 3 RINGS TO 22 RINGS x 60 FT. DIAMETER GRAIN SYSTEM!* INC. /* SHIWERS 7 HOPPER TANKS FANS & HEATERS DRYING FLOORS GRAIN SPREADERS BUCKET ELEVATORS GRAIN CLEANERS STIRRING DEVICES Y-TROUGH CONVEYORS GRAIN SPREADERS CHAIN CONVEYORS AIRWAYS FINANCING AVAILABLE— • ASCS ■ To 8 yrs, at 7% interest - 15% down payment. • LEASING * 5 yrs. plus • 2?1w% down • $22.40/month per $lOOO.OO. • PRODUCTION CREDIT - Up to 100% financing. CALL OR WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS ON COMPLETE GRAIN HANDLING, DRYING AND STORAGE SYSTEMS FEED GRINDING, MIXING AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS, BULK FEED TANKS. METERING, WEIGHING, AND HANDLING EQUIPMENT. MARTIN DISTRIBUTORS INC. Livestock Transportation At Its Best! • Beat the approximate 7% price increase effective Feb. 1. • Get an extra discount for ordering now. • Eliminate warehouse overhead and extra handling costs. • Order now and avoid last minute rush & back order problems. • Avoid delays in shipping due to strikes & shortages. • Assemble it yourself with easy to follow instructions. THE BEST QUALITY EQUIPMENT AT DISCOUNT PRICES Sales Designing Installation Parts & Service on Modern and Mix Mill Equipment Rl, Lebanon. PA 17042 • Phone: 717-866-4906 - 866-4555 GSI STORAGE BIN PRICES IN EFFECT TILL DEC. 30. 1977 INCLUDES: CENTER FILL VENTILATOR • ROOF LADDER • MAN HOLE • 2 RING ' WALK-INDOOR BINDtA. RINGS 15-7 18-7 21-7 24-7 27-7 30-7 33-7 36-7 42-7 48-7 CONTINUOUS-FLOW DRYING SYSTEMS 4& 6"AUGERS MOISTURE TESTERS -v J >~— LIST JEffICE $ 2,259 '2,707 3,328 3,741 4,357 5,287 5,951 7,043 9,449 11,307 BU. CAP. 2,974 4,350 6,011 8,064 10,227 12,804 15,708 18,948 26,481 35,436 HUTCHINSON TRANSPORT AUGERS UNLOADING AUGERS - Y-TROUGH 4-6-8-10-12 AUGERS ® MODERN MILLING. FEEDFACTORIES HAMMERMILLS ROLLER MILLS FEED MIXERS FEED AUGERS &ACCES. FEED BLOWERS SALE RBJgE.. $1,395 1,672 2,055 2,310 2,690 3,265 3,675 4,349 5,835 7,353
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