—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 52 Ida’s Notebook The big day has come and gone. AH the flourish and fanfare are a thing of the past. It was a beautiful wedding and a wonderful reception and we have gained another daughter. The evening ceremony was resplendent with flowers and candles. The huge cake was a sight to behold with a simulated fountain and playing lights in the center of it. All evening my eyes kept following my youngest high school-age son, with his six foot stature, walking around in his dark suit with tails as he ushered people to their seats. How did he grow up so quickly? But as we all know, it isn’t what is on the outside but rather what is on the inside that counts. And to prove it - the week before I had washed and waxed and polished our car to be ready for the special event. Wouldn’t you know it, the car could not be started. Never before had it behaved this way! So, our second son loaned us his 1950 Dodge and Holly coming LANCASTER - The 10th annual Holly Trail tom sponsored by the Lancaster Branch of the American Association of University Women will be held on December 3 and 4 from 1 to 6 p.m., featuring homes of Lancaster area residents decorated for the Christmas holidays by gift shops, florists, and nurseries. This year’s tour features six homes including the Ralph Frey home, Route 272 Willow Street, a large home decorated by the owners, Frey’s Evergreen Plan tation. The Robert Smith home, 755 Barrcrest Lane, Lan caster comes complete with a sunroom featuring a unique display of antiques and a prized 1790 Banjo clock decorated by the Dew Bee Shop. The William Haiges home, 1036 Marietta Ave., Lan caster, will be decorated by Stauffers of Kissel Hill. The William Duncan home, home of the president of Millersville State College is located on the college campus. Huber’s nursery will accent the beauty and the tradition behind this home. v ’ r > s * Ida Risser we were on our way. It is good that I decided the day before to do a kind deed and had washed all three cars in the driveway. One reminder of the day is a large arrangement of fall flowers on my coffee table. And, another reminder that will be around a bit longer is the floor length gown, one of only a few which I’ve owned, that hangs in my closet. My daughter, Judy, made it for me and also made her own gown. Hers was a last minute affair as she hem med it on her way home from Penn State - after getting up at 5:30 a.m. so that she could home to help me with the rehearsal meal. One other thing that made the day eventful was the arrival of our daughter and her husband from Portland, Ore. The next day they left, in their rented 1978 car for the Philadelphia Airport, and flew to Nassau in the Bahamas for a week’s vacation. It should be a nice place to visit in November. Trail in Dec. The James Appel home, 2005 Millersville Pike, is the 1977 Idea House. The theme is “getting ready for a party” and will feature ideas on how to decorate for various types of Christmas get-togethers. All decorations for this home will be made by the University Women. The Edmund Heltshe home, Stone Hill Road, Conestoga R 2, will be decorated by Funk’s Farm Market. The Heltshe family will be demonstrating the making and selling of blue spruce wreaths for the benefit of the American Cancer Society. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 222 North George Street,- Millersville, will be decorated by Girvin’s Flower Shop. Biemesderfer Executive Center, Miller sville State College, will be decorated by the Village Flower Shop. Tickets for the tour are s2.2s and may be purchased by any of the stops on the trail or by contacting Jeanmne Free, 2148 Kent wood Drive, 717-569-9289. Children under 12 are free. ABYSS, a bottomless gulf; chasm. 2 Anything too deep for measurements “Well,” said the elementary school teacher. “Now that you know the meaning of the word ‘abyss’, give me an example of one ” - Immediately, I raised my hand Being an overeager learner, 1 usually got called on, and this day was no different. “An abyss," I said with expertise, “is like the hay hole over the bull pen--tf you fall down there, you’ll never come out ” Not being a farm child, my teacher was at a loss to understand the sage wisdom I had just im parted, and to Cover up her lack of understanding and even possible disagreement with my statement, her brows knitted, and her eyes wandered helplessly over the entire room, hoping some other more intelligent child might come to her rescue. No one ever did So, we went on to the next spelling word. But, it is true, you know. Hay holes have always been the terrors walking around the upstairs of the barn. They are all strategically placed-one above the steer pen, another above the bull pen, one above the cow stable, and a fourth above the entry. Cleaning barns is part of your everyday routine. Badger keeps it routine. When you’re running tight, Badger keeps you on-schedule with a dependable, trouble-free barn cleaner. Badger’s chain is designed to operate smoothly with minimum wear. Every link is heat-treated forged steel, joined by heavy carbon-steel pins. The closed links reduce chain stretching...so there’s no need to clean your barn twice a day, if you have a Tong installation. Badger chain is built to carry a full load. SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Rd. Lancaster, PA Ph.(717)299-2536 CECIL DAIRY SERVICE CARL L. SHIRK RDI Rt. 274 pn( . >/* Mi. South Rising Sun, MD . . p . Ph (301)658-6923 Ph .(7^74"m36 My Thoughts And welcome fo i hem See Your Local Badger Dealer; GRUMELLI'S FARM SERVICE Mechanics Grove Quarryville, PA Ph.(717)786-7318 Three of the four sit right out in the open-- unprotected-and the trick is that sometimes they are open and sometimes they are closed. And, when they are open, they swallow children up and throw them into the black depths of the bull or the steer pen from which children never return again -or so I’ve been told. I’ve never fallen down any, but there have been some close calls, like the time (to be continued next week). Crossword puzzle answers Across: I. Pilgrims 3. potato 4. at 5. dog 6. she 7. bees 8. Autumn 9. so 10. see 11. two 12. prayer 13. meat 14. row 15. peas 16. Thanksgiving A barn cleaner’s an “everyday” machine. builds ’em to last LLOYD LKREIOER RDI Cochranville, PA Ph.(215)932-4700 A. C. HEISEY FARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDI Jonestown, PA Ph. (717)865-4526 By JOANNE SPAHR Assistant Editor Down: 1. 2. Indians 7. butter 13. milk 17. leaves 18. November 19. cars 20. home 21. get 22. ho 23. son 24. turkey 25. yes 26. ax PETERMAN FARM EQUIPMENT York Road Carlisle, PA Ph.(717)249-5338 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RD2 Oley.PA Ph.(215)987-6277 FISHER BROTHERS 136 W. High St. Red Lion, PA Ph.(717)244-2178 & 862-3406
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