Horiie (Continued from Page 46) 3 cups raw cranberries 1 cup sugar |cup finely chopped apples * Dissolve the lemon gelatin in the boiling water; add the cold water and salt. Cool. Grind together the whole orange (including the rind) and cranberries. Add sugar and mix well. Then add apples. Combine with the gelatin and place in refrigerator in molds, or in oblong pyrex plates. Serve on lettuce leaves and top with mayonnaise and a green cherry. This makes a pretty Christmas salad. Serves eight to ten - . CRANBERRY FRUIT BREAD 2 cups flour 1 cup sugar Vh teaspoon baking powder Vz teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg, well beaten 2 tablespoons melted shortening t 2 cup chopped nuts 2 cups raw cranberries, cut in halves 1 orange - juice and rind Sift dry ingredients. Combine juice and rind and add enough water for % cup liquid. Add beaten egg and on the Range shortening. Pour over dry ingredients and mix until dampened. Add nuts and cranberries. Bake in loaf pan in 325 degrees F. oven for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool before slicing. CHRISTMAS CRANBERRY PIE 1 cup raw cranberries IVz cups sugar 1 tablespoon butter (or margarine) Vz cup water V*. cup lemon flavored gelatin granules 1 tablespoon flour Dough for two crust pie In covered saucepan combine berries, water, and sugar. Boil until berries pop; add gelatin. Cool. Line pie pan with bottom crust. Sprinkle flour on crust. Add cranberry mixture. Dot butter or oleo over mixture. Roll out top, cut slits, place over berries. Bake at 425 degrees F. until brown. Above four recipe by: Mrs. James Coombs Gardners, Pa. xxsx CRANBERRY APPLE RELISH 1 pound fresh cranberries 2 medium apples (cored) Weather-resistant RAMIK Brown rodenticide keeps shape, freshness, taste, potency. Count on a long period of excellent control. Potent treatment costs little in comparison with loss of just a few of your trees. What’s one of your trees worth? What will a bushel of fruit bring? Figure what your loss would be from just one dead tree root-pruned or girdled and killed by orchard mice (pine or meadow voles) Then figure the application of highly effective Ramik Brown weather-resistant rodenticide You’ll find Ramik well worth it 1 Ramik bait is 26% protein As food sources diminish after harvest, meadow voles go all out for highly palatable, apple-flavored, mouse-sized Ramik pellets and leave your trees alone Most other foods simply do not attract rodents as high-protein Ramik does The quiet killer Ramik Brown pellets contain a small amount of the well known anticoagulant, diphacinone a killing agent used by professional exterminators Diaphacinone thins out the blood so that the vole bleeds internally, painlessly, and dies Because diphacinone is in such low concentration, the vole does not react violently Ramik does not “signal” its killing ingredient Chance of bait shyness is much lessened Ramik lasts long, does the job A special patented manufactunng process helps Ramik pellets retain shape, palatabihty and potency, 2 oranges (quartered and seeded) 2 cups sugar 1 cup walnuts (optional) Put cranberries, apples, oranges, and nuts through a food chopper. Mix well. Add sugar and chill. Keep several days. Nita Dodrer Littlestown, Pa. FFA pumpkin HUMMELSTOWN - The Lower Dauphin Chapter of the Future Farmers of America recently held their annual pumpkin growing contest. Sponsored by the FFA for elementary school students, the program is run primarily to encourage students to become in terested in agriculture and the FFA. The pumpkin seeds were passed out in early June to students in the Lower Dauphin school district and were later judged in the following categories; best carved, largest in cir cumference, heaviest, and best decorated. The winners mcluded; best carved; Steve Wyley, first; Adam even under high-moisture conditions Also chemically treated for mold- and insect-resistance, weather resistant Ramik keeps fresh over a comparatively long penod Get ready to bait with Ramik Brown As it says on the label, apply Ramik pellets after harvest and before snow Ramik will knock down the hungry vole population Later, when the snow recedes, a second application can be made to control high density populations or the voles that may have reinfested the vacated tunnels Registered for use only in Colorado. Idaho, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia and Washington RAMIK 6 Brown from VELSICQL VELSICOL CHEMICAL CORPORATION 341 East Ohio Street Chicago Illinois 6061 1 Note Before using any pesticide read the label Donations presented when Grange meets UAKKYN- Fulton Grange 66 met in regular session November 14 at the Grange hall, Oakryn, with Edward L. Zug, master, presiding. Donations were given to Teen Haven, Lancaster results posted Capage, second; and Randy Famey, third. Circumference winners were Suzanne Zerphy, first, at 33 inches; Tammy Weisling, second at 26 in ches; and Cindy Evler, third at 21-Mi inches. The heaviest pumpkin weighed 35 pounds and belonged to Dave Bahajak; second weighed 17 pounds and was owned by Shelly Jones; third belonged to Tammy Weisling at seven pounds. Bradley Geyer decorated his vegetable the best and won a first place for his efforts with Karen Breidenstine taking second and Eric Fackler taking third. Ramik is a pesticide Handle it as you would any other orchard chemical Never allow exposure of drums to non target species Do not expose bait in small piles, or m a constncted pattern The bait should be scattered evenly over the orchard floor at the rate specified on the label Rcseal any unused portion of the bait and store in a closed storage area Lancaster farming, Saturday. November 19,1977 County Mental Health Association, and Christmas Seals Lancaster Co. Deputy State Grange Master Richard Maule presented Mrs. William Rhoades a first place award ribbon for her report on subordinate Grange women’s activities committee projects from the State Grange W.A.C. and a second place ribbon to Mrs. Charles McSparran for her Pomona Grange W.A.C. report. Mrs. Thomas Galbreath, women’s activites com mittee chairman, assisted by Mrs. Charles Reath, presented prizes to the following winners in the pie contest: plain pumpkin - 1. Mrs. Clifford Holloway, Jr.; 2. Mrs. Charles McSparran; Spiced pumpkin - 1. Mrs. Clifford Holloway, Jr.; 2. Mrs. Donald McCallin; Apple - 1. Mrs. Clifford Holloway, III; 2. Mrs. Richard Holloway. Judge of the pies was Mrs. William Fredd with Arba Henry judging the com. Henry presented prizes in the multiple ear class to: 1. Edward Zug; 2. Tun Hanks: 3. Debbie Zug; single ear class -1. Richard Holloway; 2. Edward Zug; 3. Charles Wallace. The theme for the program at the November 28 meeting will be Thanksgiving, and for the December 12 meeting “Energy”. Each member is asked to bring a suggestion on how to save energy to the December 12th meeting. A Christmas party with a $1 gift exchange will be held at the Grange hall December 23 instead of the regular meeting December 26. Preceding the party the Grange will go caroling at 7 p.m. Produce license suspended LEWISTOWN - Samuel Eugene Elsesser, Lewistown, Pa., has failed to pay a reparation award issued under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities (PAC) Act and is not now eligible to operate in the produce business under the Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has said. Elsesser may not be employed by or affiliated with any licensed produce firm without USDA ap proval. The PACA license issued to Elsesser, doing business as Elsesser’s Produce Service, was suspended after the firm failed to pay a $4826 reparation award issued by USDA in favor of a Maine shipper for two lots of potatoes shipped during March and April 1975. USDA ordered payment of the award after Elsesser failed to answer the complaint. The PACA establishes a code of good business con duct for the produce in dustry. It requires that in terstate traders in fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables be licensed and authorizes USDA to suspend or revoke a trader’s license for violating the Act. SALE KNIPC© portable heaters Buy a KNIPCO heater 47
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