—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 46 Cranberries go with both Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, and this week “Home on the Range” is featuring 12 recipes to try out for the upcoming holidays. From punch to bread to salads and pies, cranberries make versatile ingredients to many foods. CRANBERRY JELLO MOLD Vz pound cranberries 3 apples 1 orange 1 cup sugar 1(6 oz.) box of black cherry jello 3 cups water 1(1 pound 4 oz.) can crushed pineapple Grind cranberries, apples, and orange. Prepare jello with two cups boiling water and then add one cup cold water. Let set until partially jelled. Add ground fruit and pineapples. Pour into large mold. Prepare 30 to 36 hours before serving. Mrs. Raymond Wenger Lititz, Pa. xxx CRANBERRY CREATIONS 1 cup oatmeal Vz cup flour 1 cup brown sugar Vz cup margarine 1 pound cranberry sauce jellied or whole cran berries Combine oatmeal, flour, brown sugar, and cut margarine into ingredients to make crumbs. Place Vz of crumb mix in 8 by 8 greased dish. Cover crumbs with cranberry sauce, top with remaining crumbs. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees F. CRANBERRY PUNCH 1 (3 oz.) cherry jello 1 cup boiling water 1 (6 oz.) can lemonade 3 cups cold water 1 quart cranberry cocktail juice 1 quart gingerale Dissolve cherry jello with one cup boiling water. Make lemonade and combine all ingredients. Serves 25. A bove two recipes by; PatSechrist York Haven, Pa. FIESTA 1 (14 oz.) can condensed milk Va cup lemon juice 1 (20 oz.) can drained crushed pineapple 1 (16 oz.) can whole cran berries 1 (9 oz.) container whipped topping % cup crushed nuts Mix first four ingredients together, then fold in whipped topping. Put in big size glass baking dish. Sprinkle nuts on top. Freeze. (Take out a little before serving.) Mrs. Merle Mishler Hollsopple, Pa. xxx CRANBERRY HOLIDAY SALAD 2 (3 oz.) boxes orange jello IV* cups boiling water 2 cups cold water and pineapple juice 1 medium sized can of crushed pineapple 1 (16 oz.) can cranberry sauce 1 cup celery, diced very fine 1 can mandarin orange slices, drained Prepare gelatin by mixing it with hot water. Add the cranberry sauce to the hot mixture and stir until dissolved. Drain the crushed pineapple-reserving the liquid. To the reserved liquid, add enough cold water to make two cups. Add to the gelatin and stir. When it begins to set, stir in pineapple and celery. Place in a mold. Decorate the top with mandarin orange slices. Mrs. Merle Mishler Hollsopple, Pa. XXX CRANBERRY ORANGE MUFFINS legg 1 cup milk V* cup salad oil 2 cups all-purpose flour Vt cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease bottoms of 12 medium muffin cups. Beat egg; stir in milk and oil. Mix in remaining ingredients just until flour is moistened. Batter should be lumpy. Fold in one tablespoon grated orange peel and one cup cranberries (cup cranberries in half) into batter. Fill muffin cups % full. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Im mediately remove from pan. Makes 12 muffins. Sylvia Quesenberry Blain, Pa. CRANBERRY ONIONS Water 1 teaspoon salt 1 pound small white onions (peeled) cranberry jellied V* cup sauce 1 tablespoon light com syrup Bring Vz inch water and the salt to boil. Add onion and cover and cook for 12 to 15 minutes or until tender. Drain well. Add cranberry sauce and corn syrup. Stir over low heat until sauce is smooth and onions are coated. Makes four servings. CREAMY SAUCE (For steamed cranberry pudding) Vz cup margarine or butter V* cup sugar Vz cup cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Cream together margarine or butter and sugar. Add cream. Cook slowly until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla extract. Serve hot over pudding. Above two recipes by: Mrs. Charles Biehl Mertztown, Pa. XXX SPARKLING CRANBERRY PUNCH 1 large can jellied cranberry sauce Recipe Theme Calendar .. “Left-over Turkey Recipes” 60 Deadline November 12 DECEMBER „ “Christmas Candy Favorites” o Deadline November 19 “Holiday Puddings” 10 Deadline November 26 .. “Christmas Stuffings” 17 Deadline December 3 “Gelatin Whip-ups” Deadline December 10 “Party Appetizers” Deadline December 17 2 Va cups water % cup sugar mint Vz cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon almond extract cups ginger ale Clove-studded lemon slices Crush cranberry sauce in can with fork and empty into saucepan. Beat with rotary beater. Add water and beat until sauce is melted. Add sugar and cool. Stir in lemon juice, extract, and one cup ginger ale. Just before serving, dilute with remaining % cup ginger ale and serve well iced in frosted glasses. Garnish with mint and clove-studded lemon circles. Serves 12 punchy cups. HOLIDAY CRANBERRYSALAD 2 boxes lemon gelatin 1 pint boiling water (2 cups) 1 cup cold water V* teaspoon salt 1 whole orange (Continued on Page 47)
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