TA YS ... ‘Give A Gift Tha ,asts All Year Lo SUBSCRIPTION!^ I I - I : SEND THE LANCASTER FARMING TO: & ONLY $6.00 PER YEAR, or $lO.OO FOR TWO YEARS IN PA, NJ, MD, DE. NY, VA AND WV. (Other Areas $B.OO Per Year or $15.00 For Two Years CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TO: LANCASTER FARMING, P.O. BOX 266, LITITZ, PA. 17543 Subscriptions Will Begin With Christmas Issue CASTER FARMING Will Send A Gift Certificate Announcing the Start of the Gift Subscription 1 ~.., ...... County ird to Read from*—- * ur Pennsylvania Health Department’s PEN DOOR cc staTE th I- M V *< tj 1 TOLL FREE STATE HEALTH LINE 1*800*692-7254 FOR THE STATE HEALTH CENTER NEAREST TO YOU • BLOOD PRESSURE j^CHECK PLEASE BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU Stale 4 !SSMSSSSWSS HEALTH SERVICES FOR YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE WHY NOT CHECK US OUT ? /E'RE PROBABLY CLOSER TO YOUR HOMETOWN THAN YOU THINK •FREE CHILD CARE •FREE IMMUNIZATIONS •FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS •FREE NUTRITION COUNSELING AND MANY OTHER FREE SERVICES CHILD IMMUNIZATION CHECK PLEASE BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU Livestock firm suspended for bonding violations HARRISBURG - Cattle Sales, Inc., Scenery Hill, Pa., has been suspended as a registered market agency for violating bonding requirements of the Packers and Stockyards Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has said. The firm does business as Scenery Hill Stockyard. Its trade territory is in south-! western Pennsylvania. The order was issued in default when Cattle Sales, Inc., failed to answer charges in an administrative Food wastes tume by automated processor NEW YORK, N.Y. - Through the use of a special new stainless steel in stallation, the waste parts of vegetables, chicken and meat can now be further processed into cattle fodder. The completely automated installation is produced by ENBE 8.V., an engineering concent at Asperen, the Netherlands. It is now available for export to the United States and can be employed for the benefit of farmers, ranches and farm cooperative organizations. -I :z| The completely automated installation consists of a waste water separator, a crushing machine and a blanching machine, assembl ed in a compact unit. The FAMILY Lancastei farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 complaint filed by USDA’s Packers and Stockyards Administration. Administrative law judge Victor Palmer suspended the respondent’s registration, starting Nov. 14, until it files a reasonable bond. The firm may not operate as a market agency or dealer during that time. Cattle Sales, Inc. was also ordered to cease and desist from operating as a market agency or dealer without filing and maintaining a reasonable bond. The cease separator has a drum with .7 mm perforations. The waste is drawn by a plunger pump from a collection trough and fed into the drum. All solid particles larger than .7 mm are passed along the drum into the crushing machine below the separator. The waste is then reduced to a maximum size of 25 mm. Afterwards, the waste is processed by the screw blanching machine into cattle fodder ready for consumption. Together with the smaller particles, the water passes through the perforations in the drum of the waste water separator and through an outlet pipe into a reservoir The dirty water goes to the water drain via an overflow system and a stench trap. THE BOBCAT ccrnes as BUY OR RENT a variety of narrow as 35 is built buckets and other low to work in tight areas attachments Bob-Tach turns full circle in its locks thern on ( ast and own tracks so||d LET US DEMONSTRATE what the Melroe Bobcat loader can do for you Drop in or call Bobcat—for the new breed of farmer and contractor STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Main St. New Holland, PA Ph: 717-354-4181 and desist order, like a permanent injunction, was issued to insure future compliance with the Packers and Stockyards (P&S) Act. Market agencies and dealers are required under the P&S Act to maintain a reasonable bond as a measure of financial protection for the sellers of livestock. The P&S Act is a fair trade practices law. It promotes and maintains fair and open competition in marketing of livestock, poultry and meat. into feed Simultaneously, some of the separated water is utilized through a recycling system and a spray pipe situated above the drum to keep the perforations open constantly. When con stituents containing fat are processed, steam injection has to be employed. According to ENBE 8.V., the installation is available in a variety of sizes. For further information, please write to the Netherlands Consulate General, Commercial Division 616, One Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. 10020. 113
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