—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 114 Bergland says U.S. has national food MAQUOKETA, lowa, - Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland said Nov. 10 that for the first time, the United States has a national food policy that protects farm income, hedges against food price inflation, and provides for expansion of farm ex ports. Speaking at the United Livestock Auction here, Bergland declared that the food issue should be handled as “a single national problem and not as three or four separate problems. ’ ’ For too long. Secretary Bergland said, we have treated the food issue solely as a farm problem without regard to consumers or the tremendous impact our farm exports have on farmers themselves and the nation as a whole. But, the secretary added, “our first and primary concern - is to keep our farm family system of agriculture strong and productive - for without our farmers there Guard .20 a Am® D BoosoTCooe© €®k)[P®dd^ "I rn inl u( farmers since Founded by Lancaster County farmers in 1896 and still dedicated to providing the broadest coverages at the lowest cost to all farmers in Pennsylvania. See our agent in your area. JOSEPH A. RIGG Box 154, Elverson, Pa. PAUL I. SHEAffER AGENCY Intercourse, Pa. MELVIN P. SHENK R.D. HI, Grantvifle, Pa. WILSON COMPANY Lawrenceville, Pa. HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. 1 Mile North of Lititz on Route 501 MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21,1977 FURNITURE, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD 1970 Chrysler 300 4 dr., PS, PB, Air Cond. to be sold at 7:00 P.M. Beds, Tables, Sewing Machine, Gas Stoves, German doll, Ideal doll, S & B Twin Dolls, Lionel Scout Train, etc., etc. NO SALE THANKSGIVING Closed for receiving Wed. Nov. 23. WE SPECIALIZE IN PUBLIC AUCTIONS, ESTATES AND ANTIQUES WILBUR H. HOSLER 306 Owl Hill Road, Lititz Harold K. Galebach, Partner HAT & GAVEL AUCTION CO. SELLS ON COMMISSION - CALL 626-0254 Receiving Hours: Monday, Noon to 9 P.M.; Wednesday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.; Tuesday, Pickup Day, Positively No More Garage Sale Leftovers Will Be Received. Robert Bergland can be no food policy of any kind.” In outlining the national food policy, Secretary Bergland stated: “We are not offering promises we cannot keep nor policies that do not work... we are of fering the farmers and the nation a food policy based on hard realities.” “In- the long run,” the 5:30 P.M. policy secretary said, “these policies will mean a more stable agriculture, more protection for the nation, and a better and more humane use of our food throughout the world.” ■ PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1977 10:00 A.M. Located along Dead End Road in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, Pa. Consists of 1.65 acres woodland fronting on dead end road with an outstanding stream of water to rear. Thereon erected a 1 room Bungalow suitable for year around enjoyment. This is a rare opportunity you will not want to miss. You must see to appreciate. 200’ frontage M/L. 10% on day of Sale. Balance in 30 days. Sale By: HELEN BERMEL AND CHARLES E. BOWMAN, JR. EXECUTORS FOR CHARLES E. BOWMAN. SR. Estate BOX 383 / LititzßDe PA. 17543 Elmer Murry 626-5244 - 626-2636 Richard Murry 626-8175 Ken Miller 665-2073 Professional Auctioneers, Appraisers, and Advisors Since 1953 Gibbel and Kraybill • Atty’s. PUBLIC SALE of 95 ACRE FARM Friday, December 9,1977 At 1:00 P.M. Located approx. IVz miles south of New Holland along South Kinzer Ave., Earl Twp., Lane. Co. GROUND 95 acres, approx. 85 acres tillable, remainder in pasture with stream, very clean fertile soil, no rocks, terrain level. BARN Bank Bam 45’ x 98’ with other attached buildings. Cow stable with 40 good stanchions, open stable with 60 free stalls & automatic feeder, barn cleaner, tile milk bouse, also horse stable. SILO’S 20’ x 60’ Harvestore, 16’ x 60’ Harvestore, 14’ x 55’ Concrete, all with unloaders. ONE STORY FRAME BUILDING 25’ x 106’ tin roof, also other frame building including heifer pen & imp. storage. HOUSE 2% story double, First part 5 rms. incl. kitchen & bath on first floor, 2nd fl. 4 bedrooms, full bath. Perma stone siding, slate roof. GARAGE 46’ x 26’ Cement block, tin roof. ZONING R.A. Lot size 20,000 sq. ft. approx. 1950’ frontage along South Kinzer Ave. COMMENTS Buildings setting back off raod in nice farm lane, terrain around buildings level, with as fine farming soil as in available anywhere. Buildings in good condition Inspection anytime by Appt. Call HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. 215-286-5183 Terms; 10 per cent down day of sale. Terms by GEROGE WEAVER Atty. Dennis Ward Aucts Eitoi. Alvin Horning Mam blf-vt Morg.n r 'tovv” Pa Secretary Bergland stressed the need for better understanding of the impact farm exports have in determining domestic farm income and the hard economics of our nation’s balance of payments. Mr. Bergland said we are going to avoid previous costly mistakes of “needless export controls'.and em bargoes which lead to the loss of foreign markets and reduce confidence in our reliability as suppliers of food.” 1944 - The National FFA Foundation, Inc., was created to give interested organizations, businesses and individuals an op I JL CONSIGNMENT 11|P HORSE SALE J SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26,1977 % _ 12:00 Noon Sharp ■< KEISTER’S MIDDLEBURG AUCTION SALES, INC. j v' Route 522,3 miles East of Middleburg I i 5 miles West of Selinsgrove | 1 Load Canadian Draft Horses by Ken Pierce. 1 Load Sharp Standard Bred Driving Horses. ? Horses Hitched at 9:30 A.M. ; < Tack Sold at 11:00 A.M. £ For Information Call \i' 717-922-1490 or 717-837-2222 | Last sale, top team horses sold for $lB7O to Harry i Reiff, Leola, Pa. & three top driving horses brought i $9OO a piece. 1 §. THIS WILL BE OUR LAST HORSE SALE % U. FOR THIS YEAR 1 CHRISTMAS TOY SALE FRIDAY NIGHT. NOV. 25,6 P.M. Also new homemade furniture • & dry goods. KE STIR'S MIDDLEBURG AUCTION SALES, INC. Rt. 522 - RD 3, Middleburg, Pa. Owners, j ' DON & WALT KEISTER Larry Long, auctioneer Trucking Available | Terms: Cash PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT AND HOGS THANKSGIVING DAY NOVEMBER 24,1377 Situated on Plum Creek Road, Center Township, Berks County, Pa., 2Vz miles north of Bern Church (Route 183), 8 miles north of Reading. Watch for sale signs on day of sale. International Harvester tractor 1066, 1250 hours; Farmall MD; Farmall H; 8 N Ford; Massey-Ferguson gas 410 combine with cab; 13’ grain head Hume reel with floating cutter bar; Oliver Cletrack crawler, Model A.D. for parts; 7’ dozer blade for International Harvester Crawler T.D. 4; International Harvester #l7O 6-bottom plow, automatic reset; International Harvester 4-bottom plow; International Harvester 2- bottom plow; Ford 3 point hookup, 2-bottom plow; Glencoe 7 tooth chisel plow with tines, 2 years old; Brillion 16’ transport spring harrow; International 350 10’ transport disc; Ford 7’ 3 point hookup disc; Massey- Ferguson 7’ 3 point hookup disc; International Har vester #44 four-row corn planter with fiberglass fer tilizer hoppers; 2-row mounted corn planter for Far mall H; Ford 2-row 3 point hookup com planter; In- Harvester'grain drill; Smoker 24’ bale elevator; Case 4 bar side rake; John Deere side rake; Gehl #95 grinder mixer; International Harvester #46 baler with #lO thrower; International Harvester 8’ x 16’ high side wagon; John Deere 8’ x 14’ dump wagon; wagon running gear; 2-row cultivator for Farmall 4; 2- row cultivator for Ford; 25 V 7’ hydraulic lift grass mower; Cunningham crusher; McCormick flail chopper; MM portable com sheller with cob stacker; New Idea 12 A manure spreader; New Holland silage blower; 1951 International L 160 truck with 8’ x 14’ siding grain body; Poland chain saw; snowplow to fit 1066; 8’ x 14’ Diamond plated car carrier body; Sauders loader for Ford and numerous other items. Not too many small items. 8 tons wheat straw; 5 tons oats straw; 6 tons first cutting hay; 4 tons second cutting hay. 10 Sows with young, 1 spotted boar; 36 feeder pigs sold after equipment sale. SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Conditions By; Paul E. Bixler & Gerald G. Kramer, Auctioneers - Refreshments by Central Berks Fire Company Not Responsible for Accidents. portunity to make a financial investment in the future of agriculture 1)y providing funds for FFA incentive award programs. 1947 - Members voted tqi start their own supply service thus beginning the National FFA Supply Ser vice in 1948. Restaurant Open 11:OOA.M. FARM EQUIPMENT HOGS WILLIAM & MARY SPATZ i
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