■» *- - VV- ;«, - Hki^***+?****<*- 6— Lancaster 1977 1 livestock market an Pa. Auction Summary Harrisburg, Pa. July 29,1977 CATTLE 9326. Compared with 9,098 head last week, and 7,774 head a year ago. Compared with last Friday’s Summary, slaughter steers steady to 50 cents higher. Slaughter heifers and slaughter bullocks unevenly steady. Slaughter cows 25 cents to |1 higher. Slaughter bulls steady to $1 higher. High Choice & Prime Yield Grade slaughter steers 39.75- 41.85, Choice Yield Grade 37.75-41.30, Good 34.00-38.00, Standard 30.00-35.00, Utility 27.00- Choice Yield Grade .slaughter heifers 34'.0038'.85, Good 31.253fc00, Standard. few - Utility 24.0030100.'Utility?*. High Dressing „ Cutter' slaughter--cows •24.75-27.75,' Cutters 23.00-27.00, Canners ' 20.00- Shells to 15.00, - Choice /slaughter bullocks 34.10-38.35, -Good" 31.5036.00, Standard 28.00- 34:50, few Utility 26.00-29.90. Yield Grade No. 1 1100-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.00- 37.00, Yield Grade No. 2 900- 1700 lbs. 29.9034.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Good & Choice‘3oo-750 lbs.feeder r steers 28.00-40.50, few Good , ,360300 lbs. . feeder heifers 26.5031.00, Medium 300375- lbs. 18.75-28.75, Medium & Good 400-700 lbs. 25.0032.50. CALVES 5333. Compared with 5,161 -head last week, and 5,005 head a year 'aog. Vealers steady to $4 lower, few Prime vealers 52.50- 65.00, Choice 43.00-60.00, Good 33.50-50.00, Standard &- Good 110-130 lbs.-28.50-42.00, 90-110 ,lbs. - 22".00-36.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 18.00- 29.00, Utility 50-110 lbs. 13.00- 25.00, Farm' calves,''Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 30.00-49.00. HOGS 6268. Compared with '6,357 head, last week, and. 7,176 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts $2.50 to *3.50 lower. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 44.25-46.30, No. 1-3 200- 250 42.60-45.30, No. 2-3190-260 tbs. 39.25-44.00, few No. 2-4 250-300 lbs. 37.10-40.00, No. 1- 1 120-175 lbs. 30.00-42.00. SOWS; US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. 12.00-3750 lbs. No. 2-3 350-700 bs. 28.00-33.50. Boars 21.00- 29.00. FEEDER PIGS 1875. Compared with 1,648 head ast week, and 1,581 head a r'ear ago. Feeder pigs steady o $2 lower per head. US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 14.00- per head, No. 1-3 55-50 lbs. 24.00-38.00. SHADED FEEDER PIGS >5192. Compared with 2,378 lead a week ago. All prices jwt basis. Feeder pigs showed some uneveness, mostly $5 to $6 lower, with Some selected sales ranging ill to $l7 lower cwt. US. No. -2 20-40 lbs. 73.00-101.00, 40- 10 lbs. 72.00-94.00, 60-100 lbs. *>6.00-79.00; US No. 2-3 20-40 ‘bs. 6.00-100.00, 4000 lbs. ,<5.00-77.00, 6000 lbs. 43.00- 19.00; US No." 3-25-55 lbs. *O.OO-70.08 US Utility 20-50 pS. 44.50454.00. * - 4 SHEEP'636-. Compared kith. 80! head last week.and " 594. head *p'year r ggp. Spring ■*' Slaughter> lamtsL.|i' to |5" |)wer.. Choice ’ 60410 */lhs.;" spnhg«laiighter •50.00 few t 057.00, G6ii(is(higS -2, J3;50-45.00f Utility '504»1 lbs.' 5.00- Slaughter -ewes '■ y .00-16.50. ' 'I Middleburg Auction Mlddleburg,Pa. -August 2,1977 CATTLE' 220. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter steers grading Choice 25 cents to 75 cents lower; Good steady to 25 cents higher. Slaughter cows steady to mostly $1 lower. Few High Choice & Prime .. . , p. . „ . inn „ • Utility 2ff.00-31.75. Few No. 2-4 1175-1300 lbs. £ ht : Choice slaughter heifers slaughter steers 39.3540.50, ™ 2fS? 33.85-36.00, Good 33.0034.50, Choice No. 24 950-1250 lbs. r w LnLrH f « w Standard 30.25-31.50. 38.00-39.75, Good 35.00-38.00, Urililv 28 50- utflit y and High Dressing few Standard 32.00-34.35. »' Wini™ daughter Cutter slaughter cows 2SI2S-' Choice slaughter heifers few iood 27.60, few to 28.35, Cutters 3S.t sindkrd J. 7- £ Cam. e « '» Utilrty 27.0(W<X50. Uhhty & 31 75 ' Utility 25.50-29.50. ' High Dressing Cutter T lti ,j* v & Hteh .Dressing ■ ?’19.85. Few Utility-slaughter .darter atSf “? b „ a ; 2s S??™ Y ;' ld . one- at 27.85, . Cutters 24.00- ofifiA pnimWnwnn rutt#rc 1 1300-1700 Ibs. '26.00, Canners 21.00-24.50, aE Shells-down to-19.75. Few Shells down -to ew6^J^ 7 ®? lbs - fceder il 17.85. 'Few-Good slaughter 36.003825, few buUocks.34i6o-35.85, few , to; '5£ r 2S?^ S SS , Utlity 27.75-30.60. , <Yield Grade No. 1 1100-1900.1b5. ;?! I SSWSs 1100-1750 lbs. slaughter bulls g wht, r bulb i 32.0035.00. - G00d.i41.0051.00, c Standard. 33.0039.10. \teS 450380 Ibs. -feeder and,Good HOlSOdbs.mOO- - CALVES 185. -Vealers 25.0030.00. grading Good & Choice $2 to $5 higher, Standard & Good CALVES - 244. * Vealers ; 70-110 lbs, ’-about ? steady, about steady. 1 Choice-vealers ~ Choice vealers 48.00-58.00, 47.0036.00, Good 39.00-48.00, , Good 40.00-50.00, few Standard it Good 110-130 lbs. Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 34.00-40.00, 90-110 lbs. 29.00- 35.00- 90-110 lbs. 28.00- *.OO, Standard 70-85 lbs. 34.00, Standard' 70455- lbs. •• 24.00-28.00,-Utility 00-90 lbs. 25.00- Farm calves, 15.00*25.00/ Farm, calves, holstein bulls 95-120 lbs. bolstein bulls 90-120 lbs. , 35.00- holstein heifers 30.0045.00. 100-110 -lbs. 30.00-35.00, couple to 45.00. HOGS 473. (Monday, •August 1,1977).~ Barrows & gilts $1.25 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230'lbs.' barrows-& gilts 43.70-45.00,-No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 42.7043.90, No. 2-3 230- 270 lbs. 38.5040.50. US No. 1-3 350450 lbs. sows 34.00-37.00. Boars 24.00-29.00. FEEDER PIGS 239. US No. 1-3 1020 lbs. feeder pigs 13.58-20.00 per head, No. 1-3 30-40 lbs. 28.0036.00, No. 1-8 40-75 lbs. 36.00-45.00 per head. SHEEP 12. Few Choice 75- 105 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 39.00-44.50, few Good 70-75 lbs. 33.5036.50. GREEN DRAGON LIVESTOCK SALES i|l 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA COVJS COWS cows BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Ray Kyper, Bob Kennedy, Dale Brewer and Ed Stover plus local consigners. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY ’ Bulls, Steers; Slaughter Cows, . Lambs and veal calves. , , - 11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers'& Feeders 200 to 250 each week. ,12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows . 7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Sale r . » { e' , - ' I* 7 p., i . , -V , n'-'r ''%**■ v for Special Sales pncLHerd Dispersafs.od the* farmoratotiir bamorDtlmr/marketirtformation cdll>7office>7l-7-733f444. . •, ' . tWattei?H.Risser, Proprietor frf* T - ' 4 r i s v**J *K ri ,y “^»^^/^*^^,j : -^"v 7 r^ i »* ttv* * Dewart Auction Dewart, Pa. August 1,1977 CATTLE 264. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers grading Good & Choice 50 cents to $1 lower. Slaughter cows grading Cutter & Utility steady to 75 - cents lower, Canner 25 cents to 75 cents HOGS24B. Barrows £ GUts ' Ujs. >25 cents to 75 cent* lowerttJS • *Z* No. 1-2200-21Qlbs. barrows* \ ? lbs, .ffiMfc Kilts 44.70-45.50, No/1*3>215- iilg 00 - -230 lbs. «.OOiH.« r No.rW ;■ Few Cho ? 0 - 200-250 lbs. -42.10-43.70.‘ US W te * slaughter „ No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows lambs 39.00-45’,00; feWrGoOT 35.00-37.25, No.' 2-3 350*625’ ?3s.o(W7.oor'Few lbs. 32:50-34.50., Boars 22.50- " slau e ht€r 7'.5M2.00. 28.00. FEEDER PIGS 216. US No. 1-212-15 lbs. feeder pigs 14.00-16.00 per head. No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 21.00-29.50, No. 1-3 50-75* lbs. '34 00-37.00 per head. SHEEP 18. Few. Choice 85- 95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 49.00-55.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00-15.00. . d auction Ghambersburg Auction : Chambersburg', Pa. July 28; 1977 CATTLE .319. Compared withiast Thursday’s market, slaughter cows were steady to 75 - cents higher. ’Pew Choice No. 24 1000-1200, Tbs. slaughter steers 37:75-39.35, few Good 36.10-37.85, Standard 31.60-35.00, few >29:(KW4fOQ,f -Standard *-70£Hlbs: 26.50-V 30;00£Utility 50420 25.00.Earm calves;?Holstein bulls-00-120 lbs. < 32.00-49*00.; ' HOGS 147. Barrows; and Gilts $3 to $3;50 lower,;USNo. 1-2 300-245 lbs. '43';35-44185, No; 1-3 210-225 lbs. 42.35- 43;35,-lotNo. 1-31701b5. 36.50. US No.l-3 lbs. , sows 32.0034.90, Individual 36.25. ■'’Few'- boars'2s.oo-36.50. • ■FEEDER PTGS4O. Fevr LebanonValleyl Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. - August 2/1977 CATTLE ,218. Compared 'with last Tuesday'smarket,: slaughter steers $1 to' ' :lower. Slaughter- cows’: steady to 75 cents lower. Few High Choice & Prime 1110-' 1300 lbs. slaughter steers 40.00-40.75, Choice 24 870- 1490 lbs. 36.00-39.85, Good 30.25-36.60. Few Choice 915- 1170 lbs. slaughter heifers. 36.85-38.10, Good 32.0(134.85,. few Standard 28.00-29.75, Utility and High Dressing tlllWS HO6S m - Barrows and * gats unevenly US No. lbs.-barrows and gilts'44v6(Ms:ia, No. 1-3 195^245Jb5.; 44.0044:50; N0;.2- lbs. 41:7543185, few No. 24 280-300 lbs. 38.00- 41.75, few No. 1-3130-170 lbs. 32.50-38.25. Sows $2.25 to $3 higher. US No.l-3300400Jb5. sows 34:25-36^00,"N0. 2-3 285- 630 lbs.-33:25-35.25. -Few Boars 25.00-29.50. ;25.00- ■2Bdo, individual Commercial at 23.10, Cutters“24;oo36;so, Canners , 20.6033.60, 'Shells down to 10.00. Couple Choice 'Slaughter bullocks-36.10 and 37.00, few Good 32.0034.50. Yield’Grade.No. 1,1530 and 1590 lbs. slaughter bulls, individual’s 33.25 and 33.35. CALVES 251.- Vealers unevenly steady, 50 cents to $1 higher. Good and Choice vealers 38.0045.25, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 32.50- 38.50, 90-110 lbs.- 29.0035.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 21.00- ViNTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. " lOmi.Eastdftancaster oil Rt 30 Bdx3oo, Paradise. PA 717-442-4181 . i 0r768-8204 ; » EVERY THURSDAY AT 12N00N \ ;' 1 -'■''l'i A Grain Sale ] 'I We? have plenty oi good buyers cach week. - - Weueed consigners. I Contact: , j LRobert Frame, manager SJiOrIB.OO. Earm iCalves: •Holstein SbulLs lbs. V 40.0(W7;50, few t0f56;50. SHEEP 31. Few Choice 70* 105 lbs. spring -slaughter lambs 44.50-51:00, Good 40-75 lbs. 34.50-38.50, few to 40.00. Few Slaughter ewes 7.50- 11.50. j(f u* ’i » try > "j ■ vf r < ®*>£ y i tC Jri s*. n*h
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