CBOT booklet explain^ CHICAGO, HI. - This year Such seemingly unrelated the price of soybeans rose factors as the weather last above $lO a bushel for only Summer, the government the third year in history, soybean embargo of 1973 and rfwwwi £ I I I f 5 !r S g I I g Sr I £ DAVID WINDLE and h.s TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER Born: August 28,1974 Sire: Keystone Fleetfoot Dam: Springlea Ivanhoe Star Tana Freshened: April 1,1977 Tulip has averaged 101.6 lb. milk and 3.2 per cent fat in her first three months on test. Her estimated 305 day record is 25,578 lbs. milk and 812 lbs. fat. She has recently been bred to Paclamar Triune Complete on her fourth heat period. For More Inf ormation.... Call or Write Your Nearest Agri-King Southeastern Penna. George F. Delong Regional Manager 225 West Woods Drive Lititz, PA 17543 Call Collect 717-626-0261 Lebanon Co. Melvin Herr Henry DeLong, Jr. Aldus R. Kin* Marvin Meyer RD2 New Holland, PA 17557 RD280x69 RDI,Box67A RD2,80x157 Ph: 717-354-5977 Peach Bottom, PA 17563 Atgien, PA 19310 Annville. PA 17003 Phone: 717-548-3471 Phone: 215-593-5952 Phone: 717-867-1445 Eastern Lancaster Co. AGRI-KING SALUT Serviceman Northwestern Lancaster Co. Earl B. Cinder Ben Greenawalt Roger Heller Thomas Heist RD2, Manheim, PA 17545 RD2 Conestoga, PA 17516 RDI, Robesonia. PA Mam Street Phone:7l7-665-3126 Phone-717-872-5686 Phone 215-693-6160 Alburtis, PA 18101 Phone 215-965-5124 Southern Lancaster Co. | 1 [ AGRI-KING I TO PROFIT .. soybean buyers’ fears of further export controls this year are among the real forces that were behind the price of soybeans - not ex cessive speculation in the futures markets - according to a new 13-page booklet released Tuesday by the Chicago Board of Trade. What in the World Is Happening to the Price of Soybeans? And Why? is a careful analysis of the supply and demand factors affecting the price of soybeans in 1977. Yet, far from an economic treatise, the booklet explains this year’s crunch in soybean supplies in terms meaningful to America’s food producers and consumers. The booklet begins with the importance of soybeans in today’s world markets, then follows with a discussion of the factors of supply, demand and the effects of the market on price. Some of the major points covered are: High soybean prices seem to make more sense when viewed as a result of the increasing popularity of soybeans as an excellent source of protein and oil. Soybean meal is a major ingredient in most livestock Southwestern Lancaster Co. Northeast Berks Co. astern Penna. soybean price factors feeds. Also, soybean meal and soybean oil are finding their way into more and more processed foods and industrial uses. Soybean supplies are affected each year by carryover, acreage planted, weather and foreign production. Demand is seen as a delicate, yet logical, balance between price, foreign consumption and availability of substitutes. Aside from straight supply-demand factors, the expectations of suppliers, buyers and speculators play an important role in determining the short-term price of soybeans. The booklet explains how ex pectations of high prices become a self-fulfilling prophesy as the marketplace attempts to match supply to demand. Brazil’s emergence as a major agricultural power, especially in the world soybean market, is becoming a major factor in the pricing of soybeans in Chicago. Brazil’s production was highly uncertain during the time prices skyrocketed. Also,'slight changes in the value of the U.S. dollar in relation to foreign curren- Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 16. 1977 cies play a vital role in foreign demand for our soybeans. In recent weeks, the balances of world supply and demand tipped sharply in a new direction. Soybean processors reacted to the high prices by buying fewer soybeans and cutting back production of soybean meal and soybean oil. Soybean supplies also appeared to improve as Brazil an nounced a larger-than expected crop. In addition, U.S. government reports indicated a large crop of Copies of What in the soybeans may be harvested World Is Happening to the in the U.S. next fall. Price of Soybeans? and Just as in the price surge why? are available on earlier this year, the world’s request from: Literature buyers -and sellers of Services, Dept. SB, Chicago soybeans have adjusted Board of Trade, LaSalle at price to balance supply with Jackson, Chicago, m. 60604. Order pnce: ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Market administrator Joseph D. Shine this week announced a base milk price for June 1977 of $10.24 per ES "TULIP" [h & Northampton Co. Lehii Chester Co. William Windle RDI, Atglen, PA 19310 Phone:2ls-593-6143 demand. The result, based on the new factors, was a rapid price decline. Soybean prices on the futures markets closely follow cash soybean prices. Uneasiness on the part of soybean processors and producers resulting from uncertain supply and demand is mirrored by the volatility evident in recent soybean futures trading. Futures markets merely reflect the myriad of economic forces behind soybean prices; they do not control them. 4 milk $10.24 hundredweight for the Middle Atlantic Marketing Order and an excess milk price of $8.44. The weighted average June price is $10.04 and the butterfat differential for the month is 11.6 cents. The June base milk price is up 18 cents from May and is 14 cents higher than die June 1976 base price. Order No. 4 prices are announced for 3.5 per cent milk f.o.b. plant location within 55 miles of Philadelphia, Pa. and also within 75 miles from the nearer of Washington, D.C. or Baltimore, Md. There is a 6-cent direct-delivery dif ferential applicable to producer milk received at plants located within 55 miles of Philadelphia. Shine reported that June producer receipts totaled 472.4 million pounds, a drop of 3.5 per cent from May on an average daily basis, but 5.7 per cent above a year ago. Class I producer milk accounted for 54.45 per cent of toal June deliveries, compared to 53.29 per cent in May and 55.21 per cent last year. Base milk represented 89.17 per cent of total June production. A total of 8030 dairy men supplied Middle Atlantic handlers during the month and the average daily delivery per producer was 1961 pounds, 7.3 per cent above the June 1976 daily average. Middle Atlantic Order pool handlers reported Class I in area milk sales of 7.23 million pounds per day during June. When ad justment for variation in calendar composition is made, June fluid sales were down seasonally by 4.8 per cent from May but were 0.9 per cent above last June. have a nice weekend... talk to a neighbor ff IT 15
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