20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 9,1977 Bull testing nominations accepted HARRISBURG-- Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Kent Shelhamer has announced that nominations are now being accepted for the 1977-78 Pennsylvania Bull Testing Program. The test is sponsored by the Penn sylvania Department of Agriculture and is conducted at the Meat Animal Evaluation Center located on the Penn State University campus. Shelhamer said that bulls bom between October 1,1976 and April 15, 1977 are eligible for this Fall’s test. They must have a type score of 12 or higher and an adjusted 205 day weight of 475 or 525 pounds depending on the breed. The bulls must also have an adjusted 205 .day ration of 100 or higher. First choice in the testing program is given to Penn sylvania producers. If open space remains, then out- Kids 9 recipes in print PARK RIDGE, HI. - The American Egg Board has responded to the need for child-tailored recipes with a bright new recipe leaflet, “Kids in the Kitchen.” School-aged children can easily master the nine Demo . planned NORRISTOWN, Pa. - Dried apples, apricots and banana chips along with com and other dried vegetables are appearing on the market. Campers and back-packers are finding them convenient, others enjoy them. There is interest in how to dry vegetables and fruits at home. Penn State Extension home economists will have a demonstration on how and a discussion of safe practices for drying foods on Wed nesday, July 20, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the 4-H Center, Snyder Road, Lansdale, Pa. The leaflets available at the meeting will show how to construct trays for dicing in the oven and directions for making a dryer using electric lights. There will be an exhibit of dried foods and a demonstration of making fruit leathers. Everyone is welcome and there is no fee or pre registration required. Q A Why are Huskee Bill general purpose buildings so popular 7 They arc versatile and economical Plus we offer you a wide range of options multiple colors, big, wide doors, high eaves, stress rated lumber, skilled crews and Huskce-Bilt reliability if you need a machine storage building, hay shelter, animal shelter or repair shop, you’ve got it in the Huskee-Biit General Purpose Building. You’ll be surprised at the low square footage price. ALSO ask about Thrive Center Environmental, our Total Animal Confine ment Systems of state bulls will be ac cepted until the pens are full. Shelhamer said that sale prices for performance tested bulls over the past few years show that people are willing to pay more for a bull that has a good honest performance rating. “If we look at the Angus bulls that sold this past year,” Shelhamer noted, “bulls with a final Index Ratio below 100 averaged $475 per bull while those bulls with a final Index Ratio above 105 averaged $BO7 each. The program is designed to provide information into improvement of the breed, Shelhamer said, and both large and small producers can participate and have their bulls compared under similar conditions. The deadline for nominations is Aguust 15, 1977. Any person wanting a copy of the Bull Testing recipes specially developed for this leaflet. From the kid illustrated cover to the in structions on “How to peel a hard-cooked egg,” “Kids in the Kitchen is designed and written at a level to which children can relate. All the recipes have been child-tested for appeal and ease of preparation, and combine some child-appeal regulars - like bologna, hotdogs, pizza - with that nutrition favorite, eggs. The recipes range the menu with beverages, sandwiches, main dishes and snacks, including step-by-step in structions for frying and hard-cooking eggs. “Kids in the Kitchen” is available from AEB, 205 Touhy, Park Ridge, 111. 60068 for $1 per 100. ERTH-RITE SOU COHOmOHER MAXICROP LIQUID PUNT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and poultry. ZOOK & RANCH, INC. RDI, Gap, PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 MERVIN MILLER RR 2 —KEENER ROAD LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE: (717) 626-5204 Rules and Regulations or applications should contact the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture, Meat Animal Evaluation Center, University Park, Pa. 16802, or phone 814-238-2527. GET PREPARED WITH STANDBY POWER WINCO GENERATORS PTO - Sizes 15 KW to 65 KW Portable Units 1000 Watts to 7300 Watts Stationary Units 25 KW to 100 KW ► ►► GRAIN DRYING EQUIPMENT <<< • Read Grain Bins • Circle Grain Bins I USED 36 FT. 16,000 BU. STORMOR IN-BIN I DRYER WITH 2 - 24" HEATING FANS, I COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES. tS “ SUPER B AUTOMATED BATCH GRAIN DRYER SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E Woods Drive Lltitz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-626-1^ Bulk Tanks & Therma • Stor - After 5 P.M. Call Titus Burkholder 717-859-1620 Our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED Jobs added In rural areas • -WASHINGTON, D.C. - cent of the U.S. total during The nation’s rural im- that time period, according provement effort has been to a USDA economist, getting a boost from a steep The USDA’s Economic rise in the number of non- Research Service says that metro jobs. the rate of gain was about Nearly four million non- twice as great in non-metro farm jobs were added in areas as compared to metro rural and other small areas. In all major non-farm communities between 1970 categories, non-metro and 1977. That’s about 40 per employment rose 22 per cent • Grain Legs • Grain Augers GT BATCH RECIRCUUTING SALES—INSTALLATION—SERVICE •Continuous Flow Dryers • Grain Cleaners (3.8 million) from ] metro areas reported j per cent increase million) from 1970. The biggest increases were in sem (39 per cent), mining (35 cent), and finance, suran£e and real est groups (34 per cent). TRY A CLASSIFY • 6T Batch • Recirculating Dryers CIRCLE GRAIN BINS FEED BUS -2E -3c
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