20—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 14. 1977 Merle and Aaron Click review a summons which was delivered to their farm earlier this year by a federal marshall. Although the Clicks say they're operating entirely within [Continued from Page 1] remarks such as Felt ner’s. Telling Lancaster Fanning he started from “scratch,” he said he and his family have worked hard to get to where they are today. He wants to protect his livelihood and insists he’s operating entirely within the law except that he isn’t filing a monthly report to the Federal Milk Marketing Administrator in Alexan dria, Va. As far as he’s concerned, his production SEE BEFORE YOU BUY.. CALL FOR MORE DETAILS C&M SALES INC. FARMILLCONSTRUCTION RD#l Soudersburg, Pa. 17577 Honesdale. Pa. 18431 Phone 717 687 7659 Phone 717 253-1612 . KAFFERLIN SALES & A. E. cNGEL, INC. SERVICE f, 0 ., 80 * 21 . b R.D #2 D . l .. nt Union Oty. Pa 16438 Phone 609-983 4404 Rhone 814 . 438 3 jgo the law, federal authorities demand that to prove it they must file production and sales figures to them on a monthly basis. and financial figures are none of the government’s business. The Federal Order people, however, have a different view. Glick'has failed to file reports since Order 4 ex - panded into his area in June of 1975. After repeated fruitless attempts to get him to file, the Federal Order decided to issue a summons. It was delivered to Click last January by a federal marshall. Ordered to appear in court, Click and his lawyers have since suc- Butler famnaledr Buildings ceeded in having the proceedings waived in definitely. But the Lancaster County dairyman is con vinced the issue will come up again. Feltner’s words, among others, have him worried and he’s concerned about protecting his in vestments. The nearly $300,000 of borrowed money he spent in late 1974 covers only the processing room, store, equipment, fur nishings, and inventories-not the dairy herd, land, and other fanning essentials. KNOXVILLE CONSTRUCTION Knoxville. Pa. 16928 Phone 814 326-4188 ORVILLE MACK LEROY E. MYERS, INC. O. A. NEWTON & P.O. Box 47 Route #l, Box 163 SON CO. Nazareth. Pa 18064 dear Sprint Md. 21722 Bridenitte, Delaware 19933 Phone 215 7591331 Phone 301-582-1552 Phone 302-337-8211 Milk jugger f Emphasizing that be has nothing against the Federal Order and milk inspectors, and pointing out that the milk produced and sold on his farm has consistent excellent ratings, Glick says his only coinplaint is being lumped into fee same class with dairy store giants such as supermarkets. He’s against filing complicated reports and paying an assessment of IM> cents per pound on all of his produc ' tion. Provisions within the Federal Order allow juggers such as Glick to purchase 10,000 pounds of milk per month to meet their own marketing needs. If they do that, they’re required to pay Vh. cents into the pool on each pound of milk which was not produced on their farm. Juggers who exceed that figure, however, are assessed for every pound sold on fee farm. It’s a penalty designed to keep juggers from absorbing too much milk in any given area. The law would still allow them to do so, but as such they would become pool handlers rather than juggers. In Click’s case, fee federal authorities do not know what or how much Glick is buying and selling. They do not know whether or not he’s a producer-handler (jugger) Slope-Wall OR Straight-Wall INSIDE OUTSIDE You’ll see the big value difference with BUTLER All-Steel Buildings ALMAUER P.O. Box 78 Cambra. Pa. 18611 Phone 717-864-3135 or a pool handler (big dairy). The dividing lines can be pretty thin, depending on how much milk the business takes in from outside. Until Click files his reports, the Market Administrator won’t know how to classify him or what his assessment will be, if any. He is not assessed at all now, and has not been. According to Market Administrator Joseph Shine, Click is one of very few (possibly the only) jugger out of 60 within Order 4 who still refuses to file monthly reports. Many juggers have found the filing of reports to be a difficult pill to swallow at first, but they are filing nonetheless. “It’s like filing income tax forms-most of us don’t like that either, but we have to do it,” commented a staffer at a milk marketing cooperative. Click claims the forms are too bard to fill out and would require the hiring of a secretary. Shine says it would take a half hour per month at the most, adding that the form only looks complicated because it’s the same one used for all han dlers of milk-be they juggers or big supermarkets. Shine explained further that all his office needs from Click are two figures: 1. total farm milk production and 2. total sales of milk. “We have no way of BUTLER AGRI-BUILDER CONTRACTOR 113 Walnut lane West Newton, Pa. 15089 Phone 412-872-6804 determining a unless he files Shine told Lani ming. Click ackno\ he has records produced and Shine suggests, producer alreai figures for his doesn’t take mi the figures to ' Although Glit officially uni Shine points ' classification been made for legal recourse to contest it. involve filing a which is mere!; a hearing. The southei County dairyman problems as a ‘ when Federal panded into his area. He claims it has discouraged other dairymen from going into jugging. Bill Foust, chief of the Division of Milk Sanitation, Bureau of Foods and Chemistry, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, affirms, however, that new jugging operations have sprung up in the area within the past two years. On the other hand, .some have also gone under. The total number of juggers in the state has not increased. As of Thursday afternoon 189 SERVICE R.D.M WinßeW, Pa. 17589 Phone 717-837-3201 D. E. SMITH, 17 > Mifffintowi, Pa. 170 H Phone 717-436-ZISI
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