ATTENTION Mi PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA CODE. Mail Box Market way pole barn for sale. 175 x 80' iOO excellent condition Ph 717- 13003 ited - JD M cultivator Ph 717- 3431 Sale - 8 white faced Hereford ers, ready to breed, 2-Vz years , exellent heavy weight. Bill itko 717-378-2820 (Sat and i) 609-227-2443 evenings. Sale ■ Oliver 70 with cultivators, 10 as is, m running condition. Ph -17*6-2226 Sale - American saddlebred Igy horse, 4 year old Chestnut rel, has papers, good broke, non W. Hoover, R D. #l. von. Pa. 17555. Sale - 28 sows, most of them d Ph 717-925-6939. r Sale - Ml 10A manure spreader steel m new condition, $lOOO. in R Peachey. Star Route. Box t, Belleville, Pa 17004. Sale - 1954 Diamond T dump h 12 x 4 gram body, twin inders. NH735 grain dryer, PTO electric. 7x12 colb wagon body 215-678-5009. r Sale - MHSP combine, hume si, 8 ft. cut, $2300, Wagoner ider fits 8N Ford w/slash bucket, d snow blade, hyd. drump. $450; 2001 loader Ph: 215-234-8376. Lancaster Farming SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label from your old address, write in your new address below. ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. Attach with your check in the amount of $4.00 ($B.OO per year outside of PA, NJ. MD, DE. NY. VA, & WV). Payment must accompany order. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet). i 1 I When writing us about your subscription { I please attach your Lancaster Farming | I mailing label here and mail the whole form | 1 10 LANCASTER FARMING, 1 I P. 0.266. LITITZ. PA 17543 j L J PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING $4.00 1 YEAR ENCLOSED IS A UCHECX, GCASH GHONEY ORDER ( )NEW SUBSCRIPTION ( )RENEWAL ( )CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME ipIHM pMI ADDRESS BOX CITY COUNTY ZIP CODE STATE Moil Box Market For Sale - Fish emulsion $23/case (4 gal); $22/case for two or more cases A non-burning, quickly available plant food, concentrated Ph- 717-859-3266. For Sale - 15 metal folding chairs, $3 each Thomasville, Ph: 792- 1648. For Sale - Farmall 350 diesel, fast hitch, in good shape Contact John N Wengerd, RDI Myersdale PA 15552. Wanted • Windmill, in good con dition. State price, size and con dition in first letter. S N. Kanagy, R D 1 Box 208, Belleville, PA 17004 For Sale - 3 Big Dutchman rollaway nests, like new 4in feed auger. 25 ft long, w/motor. 717-656-9764. For Sale - Two black Columbian wood or coal cook stoves; White Majestic combination gas-coal, Prizer, Kalamazoo stoves. Abram L. Stoltzfus, RDI Christiana PA 17509. Wanted -10 to 15 head of Ito 3 year old Suffolk ewes. Ph; 215-323-2068 after 5:30 P.M For Sale - OeLaval dumping station, vacuum operated. 100’ new plastic hose 201-479-4262. For Sale - Yorkshire feeder pigs, sl/lb; Yorkshire boar hogs, approx 250 lb , $l5O. 717-529-6239. For Sale - Ford front angle dozer blade & equip, for BN. 9N, etc., $2OO 215-582-3066. Moil Box Market’ For Sale - 4 ton mixed hay. $6O a ton or $l4O per bale Titus N. Weaver. RD #3. Ephrala 717454-7043. For Sale - Seed oats, Funk's G and Hardy seed corn, alfalfa, grass seed, fertilizer, hogs, 2 cows with calves. Ph 717-444-3968 For Sale - IH 2 point implement hitch. $3O brake drums for tractor trailer. 7” wide, cattle rack. Surge electric water heater Ph 717 273-6683. For Rent - pasture for 25 head of heifers at 22 cents per day For Sale - 460 Int utility tractor w/3-16" b fast hitch plow, $2OOO. Ph 717-273- 0627 For Sale -150 Ghostly Pearl leghorn chickens. 13 months old. Amos F Lapp. Leola, RD Ml. N. Maple Avenue. Pa. 17540. For Sale - 1969 Dodge power wagons. 85000 GVW with 8000 lb. front mounted winches, 318 V-8 with four speed and locking hubs, $1495 or best offer Ph; 201-689-3276 after 6 PM. For Sale - 9 year old bay sad dlehorse, traffic safe and sound. Ph -215-445-7179. For Sale - Myer hay condibon on rubber in good condition; tobacco lath; Wanted - tomato baskets. Isaac K Lapp. R D. #l, Holtwood, Pa. For Sale - 3 nice Suffolk ewes, $225 2 strong ewe lambs. $lOO. Ph: 215-286-9826 after 9 PM For Sale -1952 DeSoto 4 door, body in good condition, engine excellent. $l2O or will talk price Ph: 717-872- 2562 For Sale - Nl 1 row tobacco planter, good condibon Ph 717-354-7113. Wanted - experienced herdsman farmer for registered beef cattle - home furnished Ph: 717-2662867 York County For Sale - service age Jet Stream bull out of Kingpin dam with over 700 fat. $325. Will deviler within 25 miles, free. Ph- 717-665-4239 For Sale - 350 Yamaha street only 471 miles, $625, VW van only 6,000 miles on a 1971 Super Beetle engine, good rubber and condition, $1350. Ph 717-382-4778 afterr 6:30 PM Box 46 Cochranville, Pa. 215-932-2607 is the distributor for Semen from all the bulls at <SELECiyM| SIRES^> Herd Counsel services Southeastern Penna. and the state of Delaware. The following Herd Counsel technicians can breed your cows or sell and deliver Select Sires semen to your tank. They will also arrange for you to have your herd coded by aAa. Area Representatives: So. Chester Co. & Del. Don Taylor 717-529-2212 No. Chester Co. & Lane. Co. Aaron Stoltzfus 717-442-4074 Cumberland Co. Jeff Reasner 717-776-5181 Franklin Co. Joe Miller 717-264-4962 York Co. Bob Morris 717-382-4592 Wanted: Herd Counsel has a sales management position available to someone with A.I. experience. Call 215-932-2607 for a con fidential interview. Moil Box Market Wanted - cast irorv hot air furnace. Ph 445-5796. Wanted - Loader'or blade for JD crawler M.C prefer loader. 40 or 420, crawler loader might fit Ph 717-733-0223 Wanted-WF for 2510. 3010. 3020 4010, or 4020; trade HD rol-a-mabc front weights for sale Ph 717-597- 7295 For Sale - Girton automatic tank washer, like new Ph 717-626-8933. Purebred Togg buck from high producing dam. sired by Little Orchard Zip's Tuborg Registered and disbudded, $lOO Ph. 215-262- 0828. For Sale -14 Suffolk breeding ewes. $3O each. Sheep shearing machine, two years old, $65 Ph 215-754- 7201. Wanted - Farmall Super C for parts Ph- 717-653-1714 or write to Charles H Zerphey. R D. #2. Box 172, Mt Joy. Pa. 17552. For Sale - 1962 M 5 Moline tractor, good rubber and good condibon. $2OOO. Ph: 609-935-4640 For Sale - Registered brown swiss cows, dairy type with show records Ph 215-346-7410. Goats for sale • milking nanny. 10 month old nannies, grade Nubian doe kids. Nubian bucks, Nubian milker, Ph; 215-756-6285 For Sale - Approx 3 acres good quality alfalfa. Elizabethtown area. Ph. 717-367-5822 For Sale - paper potato bags. 12 cents each, delivered. 1,000 or more Ph: 717-866-5589. For Sale - Dried blood meal for tobacco beds and gardens, while supply lasts, glass lined 75 gal pressure tank and Jet pump. Jonas Z Lapp. R. D. #2. Box 276. Myerstown. Pa. 17067 For Sale - Big 17' Thunderbird boat with deep U hull. 120 Mercurj cruiser, new top, depth finder, CB, many other extras included, twix axel trailer. $2BOO. Paul Miller, Jr R. D #3, Box 126, Mohnton. Pa. 19540 For Sale - JD 35 harvester with grass and 38" two row corn head. New knives and shear bar. good con dition. $2475. Ph- 717-786-4935. . COUNSEL COUNSEL Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977—87 Moil Box Market For Sale - mixed timothy and clover hay Ph 717-626-7192. For Sale - Roller bearing top - buggy, good condtion Call 215-445-5455 For Sale - Sico oil furnace, electric hot water heater Samuel K Stoitzfus, Box 125, Kirkwood PA 17536. Sproul Rd 1936 McCormick-Deermg T-20 track tractor in running cond one for parts, $BOO for pair; price firm. Call 717-566-2015 (Hummelstown) weekends or 4 to 6 P M weekdays 3" Galvanized pipe, 21 ft lengths, can be used for basketball poles, fence posts, etc $4O a length. 1- 301-398-2162 For Sale - 4 aged ewes. $7 each. Ph 215-756-6659. Kempton PA. For Sale - Garage bldg, ideal for auto & buck repairs, inspection station. Ph. 717-688-4581 For Sale - Potted cantalope, tomato plants Matin Sauder, near East Earl on 322. For Sale - Gleaner G combine, 4 - 38" corn head, excel, cond. Price $13,750. Ph. 717-524-0325. For Sale - Pair 20.8 x 38 dual bres mounted ready to go, everything complete Ph 301-429-2962. For Sale - 4 Universal milkers w/45 lb. OcLaval pains w/Umversal or DeLaval sheets; 2 Conde units w/o pails, 1 good. 1 for parts. Stephen A Lapp, RD2 Oxford. Pa 1 walnut tree 14' 1 30" dia, 8 Jamesway lever stalls, old fence rails 12' 1. $1.50 ea Amos K. King, RD 1 Manheim. 1973 Chevy Impala, auto, air cond. PS. PB, radio, good cond. Cal) after 5:30 PM 717-653-4560. For Sale - New A C. cornplanter, 4- row, no-bll, w/ fert and msectacide attachments, $4BOO. Ph- 717-768- 3941 For Sale - New Century 8 roller sprayer pump. $6O, 1 used pump. $35 Fisher Engine, 3141 Old Phila, Pike, Bird-In-Hand. PA 17505. Wanted - 75 used front rotl-away nests in good condition 717-354- 8598 For Rent - Storage space tor campers. boats. trailers, snowmobiles, etc. 717-665-3770. For Sale - 2500 Hi-Sex Leghorns. 20 weeks April 29, excellent health 717-532-6116. For Sale - Yorkshire boars, open gilts and bred gilts. Out of a herd free of Mycoplasma pneumonia and rhinitis Contact Joel Stern. Route 2, East Berlin, Pa 17316 Phone 717- 292-4634 For Sale - Reg. Duroc Breeding age gilts out of Gusto Impressive and Bullet bloodlines. Delivery can be arranged. W. F. Ruoss & Sons. RD#2 Ephrata. Pa 17522, 717-859-2264 For Sale - Pressure treated fence posts, sawed on 2 sides. 8' long, Heavy tubing farm gates Abner S King, Gordonville RD#l, Box 284, S Shirk Road. For Sale - New Holand 66 Baler in very good condition 717-244-7288. For Sale - Registered Jersy Family Cow $350; 400 gal. bulk milk tank $4OO. (2) Delaval milkers #73 Delaval motor and pump 215-942- 3998 Wanted to Buy - Young tame buggy horse suitable for girl's to drive Call evenings 717-354-7687. For Sale - Holstein Heifer over 16.000 lbs DHIA average 717-698- 6597 For Sale ■ Farmall Cub with plow and cultivators 215-267-3281. For Sale - Field sprayer AgChem heavy doty pulty type. 300 gal tank, flotation tires, stainless steel nozzles, new com) 717-637-6433. FREE Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Subscribers using the Mail Box Market mil be governed by the following rules: Limit your advertisement to 20 words; area code must be added to phone number; ail advertisements must be in our -hands ~bf-Tuesday at SriM P.M. or same will be held over for next week's paper; no business advertisements accepted. Best Offer- Reg. Keeshound female, 4 year old, friendly, 717-626-6517. For Sale - Good used rebuilt elec Sunbeam Stewart sheep clippers, ready to good with extra baldes. Elam Z. Zimmerman, RDM Lititz, Pa 17543. 717-733-6698 For Sale - 100 Quaker Made roll away nests. 2000 ft grill for Big Dutchman medium troung, 4 white feed scales with counters. 1 ton Birch egg room cooler. 717-367 5081 For Sale - Mobile home axles with electirc brakes; also horse cultivator. 215-267-5345. Photographer National advertising weedmgs, brochures. Newswanger'i Studio. 1028 Penn Grant Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone 717-464-2221 or 394-4219. Save Fertilizer Dollars by usm; poultry manure Delivered fo $15.00 per ton Peat Moss am Mushroom soil delivered for $65 0> per dump trailer load. 717-733 0052 HOOF TRIMMING by a professional Have tools will travel Write Pet Hubbell, R 3. Malone. MV. 12955 Landrace and Duroc Boars and Gilts Pure or Crossbred on order Harol Mummert. 717-741-2170 Interested in saving fuel and ge more H.P. and less friction, Usi Conklin products in gas and fuel diesel, and furnace oil Eli B Stoftzfus. Rl. Strasburg. Pa 1757! May Post Office Road Wanted - Currier and Ives and othe good prints Please send price anc condibon to P Shannon. Box 502 Schohaßic. N Y 12157. For Sale - Plow shares and parts; 1 to 8 horse trees and neck yokes Also Wooden Tongues. Daniel S Click, Windy Tor Road, 3 A mile Northeast of Bards Crossing. Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass Cham ptonship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2. Strasburg, Pa 717-786 2562 For Sale - Registered Shropshire Sheep. Rams, lambs, and ewes Large flock from which to choose Warn Menhennett Cochranville Phone 215-593-5726 Wanted tb Lease - Small farm witt home and barn or out buildings Pasture suitable for dairy goats Must be within 20 miles radius o Pottstown 215-935-2587. For Sale - Baby Chmcdlas witl cages Grey $4O. Beige $5O. 717 284-2127. For Lease - Productive 334 acr dairy farm Suitable for 60 cows Harvestore - other silos Excefler bams (607) 849-5545 evenings weekends for Rent - in Myersfown. Pa are large farm bouse and fatalities fr three acres of tobacco on tt shares. Ph: 215-5892294.
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