—Lancaster Farmim 86 Mail Box Market For Sale - 50 KW Portable generator 51.275 15 Bale Clover Baler twine $lO 50 Ph. 717-665-3865 For Sale - 8 ft. pick up truck camper sleeps 4, heater. Ph 717-665-3032 For Sale International Cub tractor with plow and culbvators. $l,OOO or best reasonable offer Ph 717-354- 9634 For Sale - One anbque wooden propeller, made by Sensemch Corp in great shape. $lOO or best offer, also real good motorcycle helmet $lB Ph 665-5296 Married or Single person to help in dairy operation in northwestern Pa Salary negotiable, apartment, all utilities Call Collect. 814-725-1216 Myers sprayer. 3 pt. hookup, good condition, $350. 12 ft gleaner combine w/hume reel, good condition, $4OOO Ph 717 426- 3286 For Sale - 64 Guinea Pig or rabbit pens Also 1 egg grader and 1 brooder stove Ph 717-733-0058 For Sale - 5 tons Timothy Hay Ph 717-626-7213 For Sale - 352 New Holland Grinder- Mixer with long auger, Hesston PTIO haybme, both in excellent condition Also Grove wagon with flat and racks Ph 717-423-6317 For Sale - 5 ton crane $lBOO Ph 215-267-6974 For Sale Used Silo Matic silo unloader with good 3 H P motor for 20x50 silo, also good tripod, cable and ampmeter Ph 717 259 0495 Wanted - Good used block for Farmall A tractor Ph 717-755- 5035 For Sale - John Blue Fertilizer and weed sprayer 330 gal SS tank and booms ground driven. New Holland 33 flail copper Ph 717-739 2247 For Sale modified Chevy engine, 454. open chambered. 650 hp never used balanced, blueprinted, perfect for tractor pull or modified stock car, $l7OO Ph 215-298 2566 Wanted electric fence charger, two or three chickens, cinch strap for saddle Elizabethtown 717-367-5946 evenings For Sale -730 D excellent condibon Ph 717-866-5093 For Sale - Ford 8N tractor, good condition, mower for same Hand operated meat sheer, large anvil Ph 215-255-4579 For Sale cattle truck bed with roof. 17 ft 6 in long, Bft wide, 6 ft 6 in high in good condition Ph 814- 479-7682 Attention 1 will do custom chair earning John S King R D 11, Box 118, Christiana. Pa 17509 along Route 372 1 mile east ol Georgetown. Pa 17509 Wanted wheel weights for Ford 2000 tires 12 4 x 28 on 11 inch rims W B Huth Getting Road Monkton Md 21111 301 472 2527 Wanted to buy - JD 60 or JD 620 State price and condition Write Box 242 R D #l, Danville Pa 17821 or Ph 717 275 0228 For Sale John Bean 400 gal high pressure field or orchard sprayer PTO drive 1949 Dodge V tag truck 1100 gal water tank no cancer 1500 bu wire corn bm Ph 717 275 2527 Case 150 combine 13 gram head new drive belts new knife SlOOO 2 Srmdley 6 hole hog feeders 150 each or $lOO for both Ph 717 758 3648 after 5 30 PM For Sale Full set of steel wheels rea, fits 38 wheel front is for 6 lug For more information call 717 532 3755 For Sale Guernsey bull around I’// years old Tomato Baskets used one season Write Aaron Z Carman R D #2 East Earl Box 258 A Pa Saturday, May 7,1977 Moil Box Market For Sale - 1974 Chev crew cab 350 4 speed. 30,000 miles CB and 36" x 8' insulated cap $4BOO Ph 215- 582-3709 For Sale - 2 DeLaval milker units 4 DeLaval buckets and 3 McOeenng #9 mowers, w/s’. 6’ and 7’ bars Pideon Stoltfus. R D #2 Box 463 Littlestown. Pa 17340 For Sale - 50 gal oil drums. $2 00 each One open front carriage for sale Stoltzfus Harness. R D #1 Ronks, Pa 17572 For Sale - 1971 Ford window van. 302 engine, automatic. $2200 or best offer, Ph 717-354-7764 For Sale - Nl transplanter, late type. $l5O Real good condition 215-267 6551 Far Sale - 1977 JD 4230 cab. PS. 100 hours. $20,000 offer. IP drags, die. IH plows. David Chamberlain 315-253-8504 Buggy for sale, has sturdy wheels, sealed beam lights David B Miller. R D #l, Box 168, Christiana. Pa 17509 For Sale - 1 Wood cooking range. $lOO Ph 717-292-4748 For Sale McOade 36" hay drying fan, 5 horse motor, electric timer $475 Ph 717-285-5004 For Sate JD 30 combine. 7ft auger head, $6OO. nice condition Ph. 717- 432-2762 For Sale - Used Ezee-flow root worm applicators for 4 row corn planter Ph 717 866-2603 Wanted to buy - used Jamesway cow watering bowls Ph 717-393-7839. Charles G Luik, 77 Keller Avenue, Lancaster, Pa 17601 For Sale - Ford 5000 tractor gas 600 hours, NH rake 2 row cultivator. Mayrath auger PTO, all like new Ph. Lehighton 215-377-1218. For Sale Wright power saw w7new blade, good condition. $75 Wanted - 4 steel window sash. 6 lights. 40" x 40" Ph: 717-656-6801. For Sale 40 Cockshutt tractor Ph 717-993-6559 For Sale 1976 Nova 4 dr automatic 6 cyl, power steering and brakes, 3,000 miles, black Ph 215-445 6409, lie new For Sale 300 gal plant food. 9-18-9 at $2 18 a gallon Ph 717-933- 8281 For Sale 1971GMC '/? ton pick-up 307 engine, auto, PS. PB. reasonably priced Ed Hildebrand 717 766-3083 For Sale - 72 Jeep. 23.000 miles, excellent condition, guinea eggs for hatching Ph 717-284-4920 For Sale flock of 39 purebred Dorset sheep and various sheep equipment Ph 717-694-3293 Wanted chicken nests Ph 717- 733 9504 For Sale 4030 JD WFE. good rubber. $7BOO 30 day warranty John H Reiff. R D H 2 Box 235 Shippensburg Pa 17257 For Sale 15 large Holstein heifers dams going up to 23 000 lbs of milk Ph 717 229 2055 between 12 and 1 PM Wanted (nt combine 93 for parts For Sale Midwest lift harrow for plow $lOO Ph 215 249 3623 Good home wanted for 1 year old male Roftweiller excellent waf chdog Lancaster Co farm only Ph 215 445 5120 Sale 7 year old sorrel work mule $4500 30 feeder pigs Levi F Stolhrfoos R D #3 Quarryville Pa 17565 Ml Pleasant Road Wanted four standard six stud For Sale Gehl forage wagon bu 710 *agon nms with or without tires co 502 Oliver gear 11 00 16 8 ply Luke H Molt R D|#l Box 149 tires NH 36 fail chopper bo'h good 'KuWown Pa 19530 Ph 215 683-, good condition Ph 21 d 532 8597 8687 Mail Box Market For Sale -100 bales orchard grass hay. rained on, $5O Ph 717-838- 3696 For Sale - JD 55 self propelled combine. Kmgswyse elevator Ph. 717-469 2349 For Sale ID 290 corn planter gram drill A-C chopper w/grass and corn head Clay barn cleaner Ph 717- 222-3928 For Sale - Ferguson #2O for palls. $5O Water tank on wagon. $l5O. Long transmission 3 speed for 59 or 50 Ford 8 pick-up. $25 Ph 215- 286-5088 Wanted - rotary mower, pull type, will use with WD tractor Write Box 1424. R D #l. Spring Grove. Pa 17362 or phone 717-225-1045 For Sale -67 Ford van. 6 cyl, 59 Ford pick-up, 8” x 8” x 4’ marble posts Phone 215-488-6862 For Sale - 11 black Angus feeder bulls. 700 to 900 pounds From purebred Angus herd Ph 717-933 5103 after 8 00 PM For Sale - (2) Big Dutchman poultry feeders. 250 ft of trough each. 2 timers, 6 Air-o-mabc exhaust fans Levi L. Beiler, R D #2. Montgomery, Pa 17752. Wanted - glass toys such as Amos & Andi Taxi, Toonerville, Trolly, etc 940 Second Avenue, Royersford, Pa 19468 Ph 215-948-5274 For Sale - 16 ft all-metal storage trailer, $750 or will trade for corn cash, hay or feed. Ph- 301-465 3087 after 600 PM ' Unloading units for 3 wagons with power unit, chicken feeders, several 8 ft like new. metal nests and 2 Buckeye coal brooders Ptr 717- 229-2352 For Sale ■ cert strawberry plants several varieties J Wade Groff, 644 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, Pa 717-464-2147 For Sale - single horse trailer, metal cattleracts for pick-up truck Ph 215-756-6515 Wanted - vegetable washer with brushes, roofers, water spray, approximately 18" wide and 24" long Ph 717-458-6742 Wanted - new or used in good condition #2 bale thrower for JD 14- T baler Must be complete Ph 201- 996-2983 after 6 30 PM For Sale - Six high grade Guernsey heifers, freshen during summer Ph: 717-7624974 Trout to stock your pond-Rainbow or Brook-will deliver York 717-252- 2938 or 717-757 2453 For Sale - 400 tomato baskets. 1 sorrel mule, works anywhere Daniel S Dienner R D #l. Gap, Pa 17527 Buena Vista Road For Sale - large spring wagon buggy in good condition Harry W Moyer. Route 2. Mt Pleasant Mills, Pa located at the Cider Press For Sale service age Holstein bull out of good dam sired by Don Auger Carnation Royal JoJo health chart Notice AKC Samoyed stud service champion bloodlines Ph 717-866 5204 For Sale 1240 JD corn planter 4 row Robert McSparren Ph 717 548 2618 For Sale Cunningham hay crusher New Holland hay baler #269 Ph 717 626 5505 Help Wanted experienced person with up to date milking parlor and machinery Small but modern bourse Ph 301 452 8569 alter 4 PM For Sale McCormick 2 row cultivator 535 Moses K Blank Gap #1 on Amish Road at Millwood Church For Sale NH. 276 baler w/58 thrower Edwin W Shirk. RD 4 Ephrata S Farmersville Rd THE RIGHT CONNECTION Used Value Buns Call Marv Brown 717-733-2283 |late Model Used Tractois j 19751H1066 w/cab, diesel, less than 700 hours 20” rubber 1975 MF 165 diesel, 8 speed trans, 813 hours I USED TRftCTOrt VALUES I Far. 460 Far. M. diesel Far. 450 diesel (2J Far. M Far. 350 Far. H I USED hisceuaheossl I.H. 3200 A skid steer loader, new engine, ex cellent rubber I.H. TOO, 91 series crawler, with Drott loader, engine, and power train overhauled WAIVER OF FINANCE FORAGE El FOUR WAIVER OF FINANCE SPECIALS 915 Diesel Int Combine, 4 Row narrow corn head, 14 ft. platform Int. 990 Mower Conditioner 1 only - $3500 510 Massey Ferguson Combine w-4-row narrow corn head and 13 ft platform, quick attach, diesel, big rubber, excellent condition. I.H. Model 580 Manure Spreader, 313 Bu. - Special r Aim is to Ser For Sale 24 Yorkshire open gilts 20 ready to breed Elwood E Houser, R D #5, Lebanon, Pa 717-272- 5798. delivery can be arranged NEW & USED COMBINES 4JIP. - HAY EQUIP. - MANURE SPREADERS For Sale - Registered Vi Simmental bull calf. 7 months, pure white, naturally polled, his sire noted for easy calving. Ph. 301-833-3494. Used Tillage and Planting Equipment AC wing disk harrow, 16 ft., lyr.oid Pittsburgh 12 ft. disk harrow |dkk 30 acretl t.K. 350 disk harrow, II ft. € t.H. #37 disk harrow, 11 ft. € I. 550, 5-16" plow, mw bottom t.H. 541, 4-16" plow J. 17x7 grain driß i.D. 13x7 grain drill I. 13x7 grain drill IH 400 air planter, 4 row J. 494 A, 4-Row plantar *
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