—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, May 7, 1977 84 MONTGOMERY COUNTY 20 Acres Zoned Commercial Ground south of Bally on Route 100 $2,000 00 per acre 75 acres, $3,500 00 per acre large amount of road frontage 20 acres Industrial ground for sale $6,000 per acre 6th Street in Red Hill NEW!! 40 Acre 8 room house and barn ready for renovation Located along Rte 663 Tremendous possibilities - $125,000. BERKS COUNTY 95 Acre horse farm with the most outstanding restored historical brown stone eight room house, bath, fireplace, guest house, smoke house and spring house. Very large and outstanding 16 stall barn with large addition for steers, very good limestone soil with enough level land for a race track For the race horse lover Registered with Pa historical society-$375,000 Commercial and residential 43 acres near Bally. $2500 per atre NEW! 161 acre dairy farm 43 stalls, pipeline milker, bulk tank and fixeo equipment 2 concrete silos with unloaders, reconditioned farmhouse with eight rooms. 3 bay shed/garage and full line of machinery and cattle A ready to go operation all for only $335,000 A gentleman's farm 64 acre steer farm zoned industrial, set up for over 1000 head 5 steer barns, lot fences, feed center, 5-bay garage, exceptional new farmhouse with 8 rooms, 3 baths, fireplace, swimming pool, etc $500,000.00. 2 Acres wooded lot Barto area $lO,OOO. 208 Acre dairy farm Large 9 room stone house with fireplace. & attached frame addition, beautifuo setting Large barn with slate roof 62 stanchions, 20x60 & 12x50 silos, pipeline milker, bulk tank & outbuildings IVi mile of macadam road4rontage running through farm intersecting long fields making hauling easy 160 acres tillable Must be seen to be appreciated $416,000 BRADFORD COUNTY 155 Acre dairy farm 64 stanchions, 2 silos, bulk tank. & barn cleaner Modern frame house Machinery & cattle available $138,000. 23 acres hunting ground mostly wooded accessible by road through most of property $550 00 per acre 230 acre dairy farm, 155 tillable, good alfalfa ground, two houses and one mobile home w/additions Mam house is modern Nice kitchen, fireplace. 7 rooms and 2 baths Large barn. 120 stalls, 6 unit milking parlor 2 bulk tanks, 600 and 700 4 silos includes two Harvestores New machine shed and shop All for $240,000 Cattle and machinery, optional 200 head Also 130 acres available for rent 78 acres new dairy barn 41 stalls heifer barn machinery shed. 3 silos, beautiful 2st house, w/9 rooms and 1 l /z baths, completely modern kitchen farm pond and creek 70 reg Holstems, full line of machinery produce and supplies plus 100 acres optional for lease Everything for $145,000. Dwelling-10 room frame house with garage on 100x200 ft lot Outside of Wyfox - $lB,OOO. 220 acre dairy farm. 175 I, new dairy barn w/86 tie stalls, barn cleaner, pipeline, bulk tank, (2) 16' x 50' con silos, (1) 12' x 55' silo, large 2 story 9 room house, gramery, corn crib and outbdgs All for $165,000 Also available full line of machinery and 80 head of cattle. $85,000. Adjoining acreage - 6 7 acres w/8 room brick house and small barn $44,900. 49 3 acres w/6 acre pond. $27,900 56 7 acres of woodland $24,900 33 37 acres of woodland $7,500 All total adjoining acreage - $105,000. 248 acre dairy farm 160 T new dairy barn 72 free stalls 8 stall herringbone parlor. 800 gal tank 80 cow bunk feeder. 20 x 60 cone silo w/unioader liquid manure heifer barn and dry cow barn also storage barn. 2 story frame house 7 rooms and bath w/upstairs apartment All for $2OO 000 Also cattle and machinery available and mobile house available (12 x 65) 215 acres dairy farm 100 T new 82 stall dairy barn bulk tank, barn cleaner and heifer barn 22 x 65 silo w/unloader 10 room frame house w/bath $160,000. 163 acre dairy farm 1001 57 free stalls milking parlnr 4 cows ea side . 2 story 7 room house w/attached garage $19,000 128 Acre dairy farm 96 tillable bulk tank barn cleaner 50 stall barn and silo 43 milk cows 12 heifers full line of machinery 6 room house and bath. $150,000 OTHER FARMS AVAILABLE Please Call and Tell Us Your Preference PAUL M. LONGACRE Rt. 100 Hereford, PA 18056 Pb: 215-679-5919 Real Estate 310 acres huntins ground, 70 acres open farm ground,,s32o 00 per acre 110 acre dairy farm, 50 stanchion barn, 2 story shed, silos, machinery included Colonial type house. 9 rooms. I'A baths, $98,000. TIOGA CO 780 acre dairy farm in a picturesque setting Free stall barn w/extra stall m old barn 2 harvesters and one cone silo on mam farm w/double 5 milking parlor and bulk tank 3 houses Mam house absolutely beautifully remodelled Excellent second house plus a good 3rd house, heifer barn and many extras Farm lies thru out entire valley Must be seen to be appreciated IT S BEAUTIFUL' All for $375,000. Cattle and machinery available under separate contract CENTRE CO. 70 acres. 601 of excellent Hagerstown limestone ground Hoghut for 400 hpgs-90x40 w/healed floors and gas furnace (2) 7 ton galvanized feed bins w/automatic feeding and watering systems Liquid manure pit Also 2 st bank barn-66x45 w/'/z bottom set up for hogs and 'A for storage (cone) 60x22 cone block building and two car garage Well and hook up for trailer All for $97,500. SOMERSET COUNTY 260 acre dairy farm. 240 tillable, new freestall barn, 113 stalls and second 2-S dairy barn, 65 stalls and heifer barn, new U-shaped milking parlor with automatic shut-off units (2) 20 x 80 and (1) 20 x 60 Harvestores. (1) 20 x 60 con stave and (1) 24 x 40 Herd King silo with automatic feeding systems Beautiful red brick house, 3 bedrooms and bath, full basement with 1,000 sq ft greenhouse attached Second farmhouse 4 bedrooms, 2 baths - $365,000 Also cattle and machinery available WYOMING CO. 103 Dairy Farm 31 stanchions, 2 silos and outbuildings Modern 7 room house with two car garage Property could be divided $120,000 YORK COUNTY 365 acres 150 comfort stalls in two rows all tie barn, 310 ft long w/pipelme, barn cleaner, bulk tank and office space. Old barn with hay storage and loafing space for heifers and dry cows Two Har r vestores trench silo and corn crib. Two modern recently built houses. 1 brick and 1 stone real showplace - with four trailers for hired help Second farm with very large barn, remodeled house and outbuildings Must be seen to be appreciated, outstanding' All for $700,000 8 acres 8 room frame house, oil hot water heat, double corn crib, beautiful setting back off road with %m pond. $58,000. LEHIGH COUNTY 102 acre steer farm, barn feed lot and silo Large stone house, center entrance, ready to be renovated $160,000.00. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY , Hunting ground, 165 acres, approx 8 acre lake. $550 00 per acre WESTMORELAND COUNTY 142 acre ready-to go fully equipped jug milk store with complete meat store operation Paper and jug milk processing 110 cows, full line of modern machinery, 3 houses, sheds and barn, Harvestore Silo. Milk store on 7 acres next to development in town 135 acre dairy farm with sewer line to edge of property located with 6 1 /? miles of new VW plant to start production within a year. What a wonderful opportunity for good operator with sound business sense All for only $650,000. COLUMBIA CO. 147 acre Gram Farm. 130 tillable, very nice large field, gently rolling Large frame 7 room house, modern kitchen new oil H 0 W heating system, barn & outbuildings $150,000. LUZERNE CO. 141 acre General Farm, 110 acres tillable, good frame house. 9 rooms & bath, some outbuildings need repair. $140,000.00 SCHUYLKILL COUNTY Thriving 18 hole golf course 90 acres zoned commercial Electric cart shed, club house restaurant patio a new 3 bedroom ranch house, 2 car garage A farm house. 9 rooms & bath (5 bedrooms) machinery & storage shed all for $4OO 000. CLINTON COUNTY 180 Acres Frame barn. 37 comfort tie stalls, bunk feeders, 7000 bu corn cnb Lays in the beautiful Nittany Valley All level tillable Hagerstown soil No house available $375,000. POTTER COUNTY 89 Acre New 84 Free Stall barn new milking parlor, silo. 10 room frame house, 2 car garage gram bin & outbuildings $85,000. 40 Acres of mountain land 10 acres open Remainder woodland borders on hard road one side $20,000 Real Estate For Sale - 28 clay comfort stalls, $lO each You tear them out. (1) 400 gallon bulk milk tank. Ph 717-264- 4320 For Sale - 702 D Nl um-wifh 729 A sheller and 3 row 30" head As a unit or sparately Ph: 301-374-2273 For Sale - set of soybean plates and backer plates to fit M-F 4 row planter. $25 New solid walnut gun cabinet Ph- 717-8666287. Wanted pick-up head for 350 or 16 IH chopper, state price and con dibon Ivan G Hoover. R D #4. Ephrata. Pa 17522 Real. Estate LEASE QUALITY DAIRY CATTLE _ Various plans available. Call or write: Dairy Farm Leasing 1700 Dupont Ave. South Minneapolis, Minn. 55403 612-377-1489 BEAUTIFUL POTTER COUNTY 112 A 2 bams and home for $49,500.66 A pasture T, 40 wooded, pond and spring, very nice apple orchard and sugar bush, 2 story 30 x 50-beef bam, 2 story 30 x 30 horse bam w-shed, 15 x 30 garage, 2 story 8 room home, 5 bedrooms, spring water-gas heat. Adi in good condition. Terms: 29 per cent down, 8-% per cent interest for 15 years. McKEAN COUNTY 188 A for $2OO per acre, large amount of road frontage and Alleghany River frontage, open and wooded land Lays level to rolling large young apple orchard, old two story house with two fireplaces in poor condition. Send for free catalog: SAFE-BUY REAL ESTATE AGENCY, INC, 302 Vine Street Coudersport, Pa. 16915 Phone 814-274-7213, LANCASTER COUNTY HORSE FARMS Northern Lancaster County near Turnpike Exit. 42A modem house, bank bam, 3 car garage, pasture with stream, 30 acres tillable. Southern Lancaster County. 90 acres, 60 A * Tillable, balance pasture with stream, bank bam, large pole bam, old stone house, slate roof, 8 rooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Has lots of potential Com mercial possibility! 58 acre general, 2- l a story house, hot water heat, house with three bedrooms, with bank bam, near FUieems exit off Koute 283. BERKS COUNTY 150 acre tillable, dairy bam for 50 head, silos, large house. CHRISTIAN MOSEMANN 734 Main Street Akron, PA. 717-859-1004 717-733-1224 Mail Box Market For Sale - Soybean seed. Cutler and Williams mixed. 98 per cent ger mmabon certified seed last year Ph 717-786-3435 Wanted to buy - 800 gallon milk tank or will trade 600 gal Girton tank for 800 gal Ph 215-693-5524 Moil Box Market — Wanted - old clocks, wall regulators, kitchen, shelf, schoolhouse, etc State price, condition, etc. Jack E Spearing. R.D #2. Box 110, Lewisberry, Pa 17339. . For Sale - M Fl3O manure spreader, 3 years old, 100’ of litter carrier track and bucket' Ph. 717-323-0009 or 323-1950 For Sale - hay and corn wagon. Case 1 4 to 5 ton, excellent condibon and rubber, $3OO. Cooper 30 gal. water tank, like new. $5OO. Ph: 717-799- 5495 For Sale - #lO Nl picker, $llOO. Stoltzfus lime spreader and truck, $2100; 80 turkey feeders and fountains Ph 717-624-8124 Wanted -12 volt milk tank, agitator motor. Willis N. Zimmerman, R D #l. East Earl. Pa 17519 For Sale - Smoker 36' elevator Also Nail kegs Call 717-354-9584 For sale - New 8 ton wagon gear with 111 x 15 flotation tires - $495.00 Orchard View Farm. 68 S Weavertown Road Rooks Pa 17572. For sale - Male Fox terrier - good on mice and rats 717-354-7186. For Sale - 14 Angus home raised steers. 500 to 600 lbs 42 cents per lb Also T Massey Harris Mower $125.00 717-359-5834. For Sale - Levy hay tedder PTO or engine driven, takes up to 21 ft Asking $l4OO good condition Jonathan R King. RD#l Gordonville. Pa. Box 342. 17529 along S Groffdale Road For Sale - (2) 16 9 x 38 tires with rims to use on duals, like new $4OO 717-933-8764 For Sale - 2 front tractor tires, size 500 x 15 new. also 7 50 x 15 12 ply Low-Boy on rims. 8 25x20 on rims $l5 00 each Phone 717-273-6018 For Sale - Tobacco scaffolding - (7) 3x5x18 $5 00 (21) 3x5x16 $4 25. (26)3x5x12 $3 50 or all for $3 50 215-267-7915 For Sale - Int 56 4-row cgw planter with dry fertilizer andjtjjfndy insect and herbicide boxes jtrttrf food cond. 717-244-5335. For Sale - One Ewe Suffolk Lamb. 2 months old 717-786-2531. For Sale - Jacobsen 21" Lawn Mower, self propelled in {ood condition $lOO 717-626-7760 For Sale - 12 ewes. 3 years old Frank N Hoover. New Holland RD#l, N Shirk Road, near EX Mfg Co. For Sale - 4 year old Palomino gelding, rides western 717-733- 9196 Wanted to Buy- 40 to 80 H P used 4 or 5 ft telescoping PTO shaft with 540 PTO adaptor on both ends 717- 665-2561 For Sale - 2 Yorkshire boar hogs service age 717-865-2812 For Sale - Approx 600 bales Ist cutting Alfalfa hay. $7O 00 per ton Manheim 717-665-6059. For Sale - John Deere Model 300. 16 H P hydrastatic drive mower implement hitch, snow blower $2,495 Four cylinder in line. Wisconsin motor, excellent condition, pump with motor $2OOOO 717938-6692. 1976 Chevy Impala, auto, air cond PS. PB. AM-FM radio, excel cond Call after 530 p m Ph 717367- 6039 Seven pigs, 65 to 80 lbs. $3OO Paul Yerger. Auburn PA 17922 Wanted - Holstein feeder bulls, 400 lbs to 1000 lbs 215-678-0891. For Sale - House shutters. 46 , /;xl4'/?. also 2 round porch posts 717-733-8021 57 Chev 'h ton pickup classic f/g body 43.000 mi Very sharp 609- 629-8313 after 6 P.M (Mi)
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