Reol Estate TALKING ABOUT FARMS!! 90 Acres, nearly all tillable, limestone, plenty of frontage, beautiful buildings, modern brick home, 48 gf ? n<! ; 600 gallon tank. Be sure to* call on this one located in Cumberland County. $320,000. MENNONITE NEIGHBORS, fertile 39 tillable acres, 20 acres woods (pines) w-frontage in a little peaceful valley, 13 acres meadow which offers a good spot for a pond, farm buildings. Oh yes, a landing strip included, Snyder Co. $82,900. 120 ACRE going dairy operation w-pipeline. Plenty of frontage near rtes 22 & 181. Offers many possibilities. Owner financing, Dauphin Co. $200,000. COLUMBIA CO. 65 acres poultry farm. Presently 50,000 broilers, 14,000 pullets. Fine buildings'. $125,000. CALL TODAY! Ask for one of the Farm Men at: IB|Kihgsway Realty I3R ii Mtj 'jn * J Phone 299 079! iS iS v* u* iS U* i/ 0 \ A SPERW=4=I\EW HOLLAND \ AJA \ OUR POLICY ON MACHINERY PARTS & SERVICE ) « QUALITY RUST* AT a FAIR PRICE \ \ \ \ \ THE SEASON IS HERE X WE HAVE THE HAY TOOLS TO \ HANDLE Yquß VvqRK LOflD \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ \ \ AVAILABLE IN 13-15-24 H.P. ALL - 2 CYLINDER DIESELS The Diesel Tractor with the necessary muscle, small size, short turning radius and operatic economy for mowing, digging post holes, small area ptowing-harrowing-cultivating, hauling and many more uses. CALL OUR FRIENDLY SALESMAN \ BAD r«MT7 OFFICE 397-5179 808 GANTZ or 687-6002 Home 653-5020 v sales and serv,ce PARTS AND EQUIPMENT * 1. H. BRUBAKER, INC. \ 350 Strasburg Pike Phone 717-397-5179 Real Estate Irealtoi lower Conditioni CO SI ME EE iS is is is IS WAIVER OF FINANCE Oil SPREADERS t MIXERS TILL AU& IST. KAY EQUIPMEIIT DU JUNE 1, AND FORAGE EdIHPKCNT Till SEPT. 1,1977 Used Equipment AC model C tractor Int. 4 Bot. plow 300 Far. Tractor 276 N.H. Baler w/thrower 1880 NH forage harvester w- AC 302 baler w/engine “J? * ? I, 0 * h . M{ * Load King forage box NJt 350 Gnnder-mixer |2| Grove Forage boxes NH 351 Cnnder-mixer w/wagon running gears 180 Bu. Starline Spreader IH 370 disc harrow 11 ft. (excellent cond.l ARPS HD Manure Loader AC - Gl « jn « r Combine w/grain Farmall MD tractor H«J * «m Head [2] 18 Ft. Hayrack wagons [2] 10 Ft Brillion cultipackers SPREADERS AVAILABLE WE HAVE FERTILIZER FOR LAWN & GARDEN PLUS-GRASS CONDITIONERS, WEED & FEED FARMERS’ FERTILIZER We have planters in stock Priced to move - Air & Conventional, 2,4, and 6 Row PARTS and SERVICE I/ 0 u* A MUX-OMMUf \ iS I/ 0 IS iS Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 7,1977—83 Real Estate CENTRAL PA. FARMS. Centre County - 217 General Farm. 5 miles from State College, limestone ground, good buildings. $260,000. convenient terms available Centre County - Ideal as a farmette or weekend retreat and located approximately 12 miles from State College This property contains 103 5 acres with 21 acres tillable and 82 5 acres woodland It features an almost new semi-A-frame two story home in excellent condition, a small barn 4 springs & a small year-round stream With good access, seclusion and privacy and low taxes it is fairly priced at $75,000 Huntingdon County - Ideal for general or livestock farming or for investment This farm contains 180 acres with 100 tillable, 60 acres pasture & 20 acres woodland. Featured is a sound brick home built in 1842,'excellent, never-failing spring water, a large 2 story frame barn with horse stalls & 2 horse riding areas Located 2 miles off Rt 222 near Huntingdon & 7 miles from the Raystown dam Priced at $135,000 with owner financing at 7 3 /i percent interest Huntingdon County - Nice 277 acre Dairy farm with 240 acres tillable, 33 acres pasture. & 4 acres woodland Featured is a 2 story frame house, with yhimmum siding, 2 story frame barn with 50 stanchions, milk house with bulk tank. & water heater, large concrete block garage & shop with cement floor, ail in good condition & several miscellaneous buildings The majority of this farm lays quite nicely. Located 20 miles from State College. Priced at $275,000 with owner financing available Huntingdon County - Good General, Beef, or Hog Farm. 160 Acres. 100 Acre Tillable, 30 Acres Pasture & 30 Woodland. Large double house, barn with liquid manure pit & cemented floor (fixed for finishing 200 hogs), 2 trench silos (cemented), excellent spring water, pond & productive soil Only 40 minutes from Raystown Dam, the farm has good frontage & very low taxes. Equipment available & it adjoins state game lands. Priced at $128,000. Owner financing with only 20 percent down Blair County - 200 acre farm and nursery Features 9 room stone Colonial house, 50' x 80' barn and new 26' x 91' combination greenhouse and shop Approximately 50,000 pieces of nursery stock plus large amount of equipment 94 acres tillable land, 76 acres pasture. 30 acres woodland Approximately ’A mile road frontage plus ‘A mile river frontage having a variable interesting topography with several limestone caves Great potential in scenic, histone Central Penna with mineral rights intact Priced at $330,000 complete PLANNING TO SELL YOUR FARM? Our Farm t Land Department would be happy to talk to you without oblitation, to explain our detailed farm sales program. We have l had excellent farm sales this spring, and have prospects now looking for farms for the spring ot 1978. Our Farm I Land Department specializes only in farm & rural land sales to provide the best professional service for the buyer I seller. We would welcome the opportunity to chat jvith you at your convenience. > CENTRAL PA. LAND, CABINS Mealier Weekend Relaxation Many properties have terms available Centre County ■ 210 acres prime hunting ground on Nittany Mountain joining state-owned land, 2 springs, nice laying topography, owner financing, $79,500. 19 3 Acres all tillable, along Rt. 45, excellent location $29,500. 1 Acre - top of Centre Hall Mountain, Cabin - $lO,OOO. 3 38 Acres - wooded lot in Corl Acres subdivision in Ferguson Twp. approximately 4 miles from State College $20,000. 189 Acres - wooded, adjoining State ground - privacy - could be split - $72,765 68-Acres - wooded, good hunting area - price reduced' $29,500. 218 9 Acres - wooded ground, stream, good hunting - Priced at $350 an acre 100 Acres - wooded - two springs, excellent weekend home • ex cellent hunting 39 Acres - wooded - frontage on Penn's Creek - $17,000 100 Acres - pond, orchard and woodland - excellent hunting and fishing - $75,000 35 Acres - two acres clear - balance wooded - some nursery stock $21,000 50 acres at $450 an acre; (with year round spring), light timber, good bird hunting, electricity available, suitable for building a cabin Mifflin County - 15 98 Wooded acres with excellent A frame home, good hunting area, ideal for weekend retreat. $48,500. Huntingdon County - Located near Huntingdon and the Raystown Dam. 150 acres of woodland, good access, many streams, nice view, good hunting $65,000. &ASSOQATES FARM & LAND DEPARTMENT Evenings Call Don Myers Fred Strouse F J Kissinger 245 South Allen St. PH: (814) 234-4000 “Serving Central Pa, Since 1033" Real Estate Ftealtors PH (814)422-8111 PH (814)364-1705 PH (814)466-7372 State College
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