124— Lancaster Farming. Saturday, May 7, 1977 Computer now in farm management HARRISBURG - Glen Engle, from Cochranville, Pa., recently used the computer as a management tool for the farm. Engle participated in a workshop called Pro-Ag. This is a computerized farm management service offered exclusively by In ternatial Harvester, ac cording to company officials. Engle took part in the workshop held at the Host Inn here. Used in the session was a computer terminal. It Loan, purchase rates announced by USDA WASHINGTON, D.C. - The 1977 county loan and pur chase rates for oats will result in an increase of 27 per cent per bushel over the 1976 rates for all counties, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced today. The new rates reflect the national average loan rate of $1 per bushel, an nounced April 4,1977. There are no adjustments in the county-to-county and are-to-area relationship from those in effect for 1976. GLICK'S Distributor for ROOFING & SPOUTING BAKED ENAMEL TIN ROOFS Colors: Turquoise, Red, White (only) - FULL SERVICE DEALER SALES & INSTALLATION SAMUEL B. CLICK R.D.I, Kinzer, PA Ph. (717) 442-4921 Please call before 7 A.M. or after 6 P.M. No Sunday Calls HUSKEE-BILT MAN! $ CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT BUILDING A Thrive Center controlled environment building means heavier healthier animals, reduced labor and feed costs and almost no manure handGnf or odor They pay for themselves in no time! YOUR HUSKEE-BILT MAN was connected via telephone lines to IH’s computer operation in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. At the workshop, IH in structors helped Engle develop farm-related data on his operation. Such in formation included his labor, machinery and equipment, cost per acre, and produc tivity. Also assisting in the workshop was C.B. Hoober & Son, Inc., an IH dealership in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. This information, IH said, was then transmitted via a The 1977-orop county loan rates for 1977-crop oats is unchanged from 1976. Copies of 1977-crop oats county loan rates as ap plicable are being sent to states and will also be available from the Grains, Oilseeds and Cotton Division, Agricultural Stabilization and Con servation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20013. pp#^* Also Ask About Our MERVIN MILLER RD2, Keener Road, Lititz, Penna. Phone (717) 620 computer terminal to the IH computer. The computer then provided an in dividualized analysis of the farmer’s operation. Highlighted was such data as cost per acre, primary profit sources, and opportunities to hike income. With this information, the farmer then tests alter natives affecting- land, labor and equipment. “Pro-Ag showed how important planting time is and which crops produce the best returns,” Engle stated. “The program also helped show what our equipment needs are,” he continued. According to IH, the aim of the program is to allow the participant to continue making changes until he finds the best way to boost profit productivity. £&&&£•£&■ i .f4SSO&. Save $lOO Coupon good for $lOO off regular price of any new John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor p i 'r v ToCustomer Please beadvised oMollowmg conditions (l)thecashvalueofcouponis 1 20thoftcent (2) coupon is void if use is prohibited or restricted by law (3) you will be required to pay any sales tax applicable to the transaction m which you use coupon—such tax rnay be payable on (ull value ot goods and (4) you must fill m your name and address in places provided below This coupon is being distributed by a John Deere Dealer who owns his own store and sets his own retail prices Price of merchandise offered on coupons subject to change without notice Further dealers may not have merchandise against which this coupon may be applied m slock at the time you present coupon However merchandise will ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere by participating dealer Other items may not be available at all if sales exceed anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond dealer s and John Deere s control Use of coupon subject to availability of such merchan disc Limit onecoupon per item Mr Dealer You areauthonzedtoactasouragentforredemptionof this coupon m accordance with the terms thereof Dealer must fill in nameand account number Presentation for redemption without such compliance constitutes fraud This coupon and all others you redeem for Spring 1977 Direct Mail Program are to be turned m to John Deere Territory Manager Offer expires May 31 1977 I* $ ?» Customer Name (P<ease Print} Address Town State Zip m® &S&IM ip* P>/J ite| « Coupon good for $2 off o3VC «D!A regular price of one (1) John Deere Rake, Shovel, or Hoe (TY4215, TY4216, TY4217, TY4218, TY4221, TY4225. 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INC. A A computer terminal hooked to a store of farm management telephone and a man to operate it is knowledge, all that’s needed to plug into a vast. ■ra£*~^S^v lUffiHl mm •n/fij *s?' \WJteaJWujQ I s&ST&h SlffiSS I'iSf«V«l' JOHN DEERE COUPON 3g| !SISmS s® ssss; Ask for Free John Deere Outdoor Thermometer 1305 MANHEIM PIKE Wf DEERE COUPON W Mr Dealer Name (Please Print) Branch Code No CP Acct No 30CDDZ No 2 & mMsjm &fmML'*r4 Mr Dealer Name (Please Pnnu BranchCodeNo CP Acct No & v^se^sH2!L9 Mr Deaie' Name iPioase Prihfi Branch Code No CP Acct No PK LANCASTER, PA. 4- pTws^sr^ SltasSi Sj^jUSj lS^a~%a tezeslZ ssi feLZ S&L Uss (mwmTTT^ No 4 Sfi^S^Ssj sepia l~m No 7 -- ft 717-393-3906 - V 5 JOHN DEERE NSW I Sr I ii^Al^l?A~* OTE P**H if_ .. • SSI iSKivfc p •«*) &SS 5% fit fill ssi i ss& M 1 H % i m i tii
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