12 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 7,1977 Livestock market MayS Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction 8,100 Same day last week 11,238 Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves steady to firm; Majority receipts mixed good and choice and choice 400-850 ib feeder steers and 400-650 lb feeder heifers; including moderate amount of offerings from wheat pasture. Moderate at- tendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb 44.50-49.50; 500-600 lb 41.2543.75; small lot 537 lb at 44.50; 600-700 lb 41.5043.00; 700-800 lb 40.25- 42.00; 800-900 lb 40.0049.65; Mixed good and Choice 490- 600 lb 40.5041.25; 600-700 lb 40.2541.50; 700-800 lb 39.75- 40.75; 800-900 lb 39.00-39.75; Good 500-750 lb 38.5040.00 Few 800-910 lb 38.00-38.75; small lot good 509 Holstein steers 36.10. FEEDER HEIFERS; SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 350-500 lb 35.56-37.50; Choice and Prime 3-4 1150- 500-600 lb 35.50-37.25; 600-700 1300 lbs 42.00-42.75; late lb 35.56-36.75; Mixed good 42.00-42.50; load 1450 lbs 34, and choice 300-500 lb 34.75- 42.00. On Monday, near two 35.75; 500-700 lb 34.50-35.50; loads 43.00. Choice 24, 950- Good 400-620 lb 32.00-34.50. 1275 lbs 41.2542.00; load 1000 For the week: Compared lbs. 2-3, 42.25. Mixed good to late last week, feeder and choice 24, 900-1300 lbs cattle and calves closed 50C 40.0041.50. Good 2-3, 37.50- SALES SERVICE ROLLER - PISTON • CENTRIFUGAL {[BRIGGS & STRATTON! SPECIAL 10 HP WITH CLUTCH ", ■ ' •«5.” $66.00 69.00 85.50 95.00 145.00 2 H.P 3 HP 4 HP. 5 HP. 8 HP. Authorized Service Center FISHER ENGINE SERVICE Amos L Fisher 3141 Old Phila. Pike Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 Oklahoma Cattle to 1.00 lower; cows closed 1.00-1.75 lower, bulls closed steady to 50 C lower. Salable receipts near 20,700 com pared to 22,364 head last week and 14,559 head the comparable week a year ago. Cows and bulls near 7 per cent of cattle receipts, feeders near 91 per cent of the total. Peoria Auction _ May 5 CATTLE: Receipts this last year 3900. Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers weak to 25, instances 50 lower. Slaughter hiefers weak to 25 lower. Cows steady to 50 higher. Bulls steady. Receipts about 70 pet slaughter steers, 25 pet slaughter heifers and the balance mostly cows. Teejetr BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINES 2 to 16 HP. c t'V May 4.1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close: demand and com mitments light for beef with both sides taking a wait and see attitude Choice 3 steer beef steady to firm in limited test. Not enough cow beef or boneless beef con firmed to establish trends. Fresh pork loins .50 to 3.00' higher. High Standard to low Choice veal in very good demand 6.00 to 8.00 higher.. Spring lamb steady to 1.00 40.00. Good and Choice 2-3; Holsteins 37.00-37.50. Few standard and good 2-3, 35.00 36.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Choice and Prime 3-4, 900 1050 lbs. 40,56-41.00; several loads 41.2541.50, Monday, couple loads 41.7542.00. Choice 24,850-1075 lbs 39.00- 40.50. Mixed good and choice 24, 800-1100 lbs. 38.00-39.00. Good 2-3, 35.56-38.00. Stan dard and good 2-3, 33.50-35.50 COWS; Utility and com mercial 2-3, 26.50-27.50. Few high dressing Utility 28.00- 28.50. Cutter 1-2, 24.00-27.00. C’anner 20.50-24.00. BULLS; YG 1-2, 1100-1800 lbs 30.50-35.50. Few YG 1, 36.00-37.00 Morton Confinenu Mean Planned Po • TOTAL CONFINEMENT • FARROWING • NURSERY • FINISHING Put your swine operation into a Morton System. Gam the labor and feed efficiency that only a confinement system can offer. RD4 Box 34A Gettysburg, Pa. 17325 Ph : 717-334-2168 |[J Send mformat.on on MORTON Square Post Buildings, I I ri | Box 126 Phillipsburg N J 08865 I '—' Have your sa ' esrnan ohone me for an appointment. ■ Pb: 201-454-7900 ’ i NAME I i— - | RD 6 Meadville, PA 16335 I ADDRESS I Ph: 814-336-5085 I | RD 2 Box 30 Homer, NY 13077 ! Telephone No I Ph: 607-749-2611 / East Coast Carlot Meats lower in stances 2.00 off. Mixed old crop and spring lamb steady to 3.00 higher. STEER BEEP 6 LOADS CONFIRMED CHOICE 3 600-700 lbs. selected: 70.00 load. CHOICES 600300%. 70.00 steady to firm. CHOICE 4 600-900 lbs. 65.00. COW BEEP 3 LOADS CONFIRMED UTHITy.BRKG 3-5 550 lbs. up 48.50. UTILITY BONING 1-3 500 lbs. up 55.50. CANNEH-CUTTERI-2 350 lbs. up 57.00. CHOICES PRIMAL BEEP CUTS 2 WADS CONFIRMED FORES 130-210 lbs. 50.50 51.00 weak. ARMCHUCKS 90-130 lbs, 51.00 load. HEIFER ROUNDS 6085 lbs. 60.00 load. FULL PLATES LTD. 34.00-35.00. FLANKS 30.5033.50. SPRING LAMB CARCASS CHOICE & PRIME 3-4 20 LOADS CONFIRMED 55 lbs. down 117.00-118,00, bulk 118.00; steady to 1.00 lower, instances 2.00 off. MIXED OLD CROP & SPRING LAMB CARCASS CHOICE & PRIME 34 11 LOADS As compared to last week: 45-55 lbs. 115.00-117,00 steady to 2.00 higher; 55-65 lbs. 110.00-113.00 steady to 3.00 higher 65-75 lbs. 105.00 108.00 few 104.00 3.00 higher. PRIME led) 180 250 lbs. 116.00-120.00; high Standard to low Choice northeastern suppliers 34 lbs. down 54.00-60.00, late 60.00, 6.0041.00 higher; 3544 lbs. 56,00-62.00, late 62.00, 6.00-8,00 higher; 45-54 lbs. 58.0064.00, late 64.00, 6.00 8.00 higher; 55-64 lbs. 60.00 66.00, late 66.00 r 6.00-8.00 higher; 65-75 lbs. 62.0068.00, late 68.00, 6.00-8.00 higher. Midwest and west coast suppliers- 3040 lbs. mostly part loads 58.0063.00, late 62.0063.00; 40-50 lbs. mostly part loads 60.0065.00, late 64.00-65.00; 50-60 lbs. mostly part loads 62.0067.00, late 66.0067.00; 60-70 lbs. mostly part loads 64.0f1M69.00, late 68.0069.00; 70-80 lbs. mostly part loads 66.0071.00, late 78.0071.00. FRESH PORK CUTS „ LOINS 14 lbs. down 78.00; 14-17 lbs. 76.0030.50 3.003.00 higher. TRIMMED LOINS 14-17 lbs. 84.50. n T —\ ''m Tt. a , . ' I a * 1% L' } ; FARROWING | NURSERY font Finishing Building - VEAL CARCASS HIDE ON INTERIOR BUTTS M lbs. 58.00. SKINNED HAMS 17-20 lbs 69.50. ' CURED & PROCESSED MEATS BACON ENDS 33.50. BONELESS BEEF 1 LOAD CONFIRMED 90 PCX. chemical lean fresh 76.50 LTD.; 85 PCT chemical lean, fresh 73.50 LTD. BEEF TRIMMINGS 2 LOADS CONFIRMED 50 PCT. chemical lean, fresh 36.00. Vintage Feeder Cattle Vintage Sales Friday, April 30 400 - 600 lb. choice steers 41.00 - 46,00; 700-900 lbs. heavy steers 40.00-44.00; heifers 400-600 lbs. 30.00- 35.00; heifers 700-800, 32.00- 33.50. Bulls 400 lb. 40.50; 700-900 lbs. 37.00-37.50.
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