Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher Inc.) SANDBLASTING end SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office & Shop • 667 Hartman Station Rd. Residence - 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike' Lancaster, Penna. For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 Look neighbor.., REPLACE WORN CHAIN Jamesway forged link chain fits most barn cleaners. Let us install new chain for your cleaner now. DOVETAIL IGN KEEPS LINK PIN TIGHT Impact swaging dovetails pins so they can’t loosen. (See diagram) Reversible chain lasts longer. But don’t take our word for it. Ask a neighbor who owns Jamesway. AGRI-EQUIP. RO2. Farmersvilfe. Ephrata, PA 717-354-4271 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN RDI (Shartfesville) Hamburj. PA 19526 717-4« 8134 P ' PA 17527 215-562-7218 or 215-488-1904 ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. C * RL . k L SI J ,RK 22-26 Henry Avenue, New Berlmville. PA m Leban °" A 215-367-2169 - 717-274-1436 I. G.’s AG. SALES Rt 113. Box 200. Silverdale PA 215-257-5135 4-H Spring Fair winners announced MEDIA, Pa - Last weekend the Delaware County 4-H Spring Fair filled the Granite Kun Mall in Lima, with the sights and sounds of Spring. 4-H members from Delaware County competed in over 225 projects Spring lambs and kids (the goat variety, of course) baaing and bleating bees busy in their hive, an abundance of greenery in dish gardens, hanging plants and flowering fushia, reassured everyone that Spring was hopefully here to stay. /V s ' f V. ..sS, / UNDIS BROTHERS INC. 1305 Manheim Pike. Lancaster PA 717-393-3906 * y /0\ M. S. YEARSLEY & SON 114 £ Market St West Chester. PA 19380 215-696-2990 HARRY L TROOP Rt 1 Cochranville PA 19330 215-593-6731 SWOPE & BASHORE, INC. Frystown R 1 Myerstown. PA 17067 717-933-4138 DEPENDABLE MOTORS Honey Brook PA 215-273-3131 Displays and live demonstrations were provided by various 4-H clubs Some of these in cluded: indoor gardening techniques, beekeeping advice, nutrition I.Q testing, care of sheep and goats, the art of quilling, hand sewing ideas, pig, poultry and rabbit care, fondue snacks, and cake decorating Project champions and reserve champions were awarded as follows- Indoor gardening: Sally Scully, Robbie Campanara, Drexel Hill; Bobby Mita, Bryn Mawr; Ann Mane Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 30,1977—99 Bacon, Jennifer Gray, Ridley; Janice Mears, Morton; Spencer Johnson, Chester; Chris Mannozzi, Clifton Heights; Joe Luc chessi, Havertown; Steven and Gregory Crecelius, Brian Arrell, Springfield; Monica Kinsley, Stacey Butler, Dawn Forsythe, Norwood. Foods: Mary Jane DeLuca, Alana Brattim, Lon Zingani, Kathy Rudisell, Gern Cimeo, Iren Seman chuk, Springfield; Carmen Santana, Salvation Army, Rhonda Hall, lisa Dam, Chester; Janet Kahler, Sharon Hill; Francis Dwyer, Havertown Learning about Horses; Joe Cunningham, Kelly Ann O’Donnell, Pilgrim Gardens Handyman- Joseph Car fogna, Peter Santori, Extension offers help in understanding OSHA NEWARK, Del. - The Delaware Cooperative Extension Service will schedule training meetings for farmers to help them meet standards required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). ' Under OSHA regulations, farm employers are responsible for ensuring that all employees receive proper training on how to perform their jobs safely. The regulations specify that instruction in the safe operation and servicing of all equipment must be given to each employee “at the time of initial assignment and at least annually thereafter." Delaware extension farm safety specialist Kon Jester says that OSH A also requires the employer to FOUR CAN WAYS A STEDIWATT SAVE YOU MONEY ONLY *189.« Plus Tax 120 days Satisfaction Guarantee One Year Warranty “I want to thank you for letting me be the first supermarket in my area to put on the STEDIWATT. I felt that the electricity will never be any cheaper, so I had nothing to lose. But I bad alot to gain - a total savings to date of $285.00 per month. I’ll take that any day, and so would anybody else.” P.S. The 2nd Month Show Greater Savings. YOUR ANSWER IS “THE STEDI WATT” YOUR SECURITY AND ENERGY CENTER HIESTAND DISTRIBUTORS INC. Box 9$ Marietta. PA 17547 Phone 717-426-3286 See Us At Root’s Every Tuesday Night Building No 5 Drexel Hill. Quilling: Kathy Ann Siti, Folcroft; Patty Lynch, Sharon Hill. Ceramics: Denise Mally, Janet Kahler, Sharon Hill; Christine Murphy, Kerri Tolata, Springfield. Photography: Bernie and Stephen Sunasek, Haver town. Clothing: Sally Scully, Marjone Kean, Drexel Hill; Colleen Kean, Cathy Dwyer, Anne Mane DeFehce, Francis Conaghan, Eileen Lamarra, Amy McNally, Christine Geary, Haver town; Kelli Long, Traci Cramer, Holmes; Christine Murphy, Springfield; Sman tha Batten, Brookhaven, Tomi Jo Fucetolo, Folson; 'Barbara Cortese, Colhngdale; Susan Scott, Cindy Scott, Sharon Hill. provide a safe place to work -including machinery guarding, grounding elec trical tools and a working environment free of recognizable hazards. OSHA does not require documentation of training but it recommends that farm employers record their training activities in a special safety file. Small farmers are en couraged to arrange joint training sessions with two or three other farmers. To schedule a meeting, contact Jester at the University of Delaware Substation in Georgetown or call the area county agent’s office. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! The Sediwatt Stops Surges Equipment operati more efficiently. Light bulbs last longer. Valuable electrical equipment is protected. Vernon Ross IGA Supermarket, Dillsburg. Pa
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