—Lancaster Farming. Saturda 20 Ketosis is basically an energy problem [Continued from Pace 16) liver is often irreversibly damaged and there will be no response to any treatment. Individual therapy is liest handled by your veterinarian who is familiar with your feeding program and what has been successful for him. There are a few items which can be helpful for prevention. Most importantly, do not have cows ex cessively fat at calving. Increase level of concentrates rapidly after calving, dividing them into as many feedings a day as is practical, and with sufficient energy to provide for all the needs of production. Do not make abrupt changes in rations during early lactation or do anything that might tend to throw a cow off feed. Make all changes gradually. Use only high quality roughage and grain to encourage high feed consumption. Avoid high moisture grass silage which is relatively high in butyric acid. Most importantly, provide a balanced ration. Ketosis can be prevented. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Truly effective ventilation re quires a well planned system of air exchange, designed for the particular needs of the building it is to serve, and incorporating quality, efficient mechanical fans and properly designed air inlets and controls. Kg Dutchman, backed by years of research, offers a complete line of ventilation equipment and plan- ning service to provide precise environmental control in any poultry or livestock confinement operation. Contact us for personalized in formation and service. • 30”, 36" & 48" Big Volume Fane • Vent-Made Fans • Air Inlet Systems • Evaporative Cooling Systems • Variable Speed Fans • Time /Temperature Controls TUT HERSHEY EQUIPMENT [COMPANY, INC. c i r N Sycamore Ind. Park 255 Plane Tree Drive Lancaster. PA. 17603 (717)393-5807 Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit AUTHORIZED 3iq Dutchman t DISTRIBUTOR il 30. 1977 BAIMVEL DISTRIBUTOR P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. • J Pre-emergence tonkrmbc controls grassy and broadleof weeds o giant first step toward total weed control in field com Successful on millions of acres where corn is the mojor crop, the Bonvel + Lasso herbicide combination can give you "near perfect"control of a wide spectrum of grassy and broodleof weeds, when used according to label directions. ttonvel + Losso herbicide is compatible with most fluid fertilizers. It needs no ROHRER’S ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR BANVEL SEE OPPOSITE PAGE Smoketown, PA without carryover Da nvel‘+Lasso ROYSTER CO./TJ 500 RUNNING PUMP ROAD ! Company) LANCASTER, PA. 17601 717-299-2541 Phone 717-299-2571 incorporation. There is no carryover. Take a giant step toward total weed control. Cali about the Danvet + Lasso combination. Remember, the "near perfect" herbicide is the one you build...starting with Danvel herbicide...from Velsicoi. *The combination Is effective on oil major soil types, except light sandy soils. Lasso is o registered trademark of Monsanto Company. To achieve best- results, be sure to read, understand and follow the label.
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