— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9, 1977 72 Help Wanted Help Wanted - Horse and Mule farm needs man or couple, pay based on ex perience, modern house with all utilities, plus incentive. 301-879-4900. Married man for general farm work on dairy farm, experienced milker preferred but not com pulsary, good wages, 10x60 mobile home plus other benefits, Mansfield area. 717-662-3053. Married couple to work on family farm, milking parlor. References required. Burlington County, New Jersey. House available. Start immediately. Send response to P.O. Box 266, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Mature or semi-retired married couple with farming experience to do some grassland farming, care for' polled Hereford beef herd and act as caretakers for country estate near State College, Pa. Living quarters in separate three room first floor apartment. Write stating past farming ex- Eerience to Kissinger eonard Associates, Realtors, P O. Box 107, State College, Pa. 16801. Custom Work Custom Hauling - Livestock, Hay, Straw & Com. PH; 717- 626-6904 Custom chisel plowing with Glenco soil saver - no discing needed before plowing. Also, discing and planting. Phone 717-768-356 C. Cold Storage Insulation Fruits - Vegetables SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for tem perature and humidity control. Continuous coating no searns, no adhesive. For Free esitmates call CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & PLASTICS, Inc. 397-3724. After 5 p.m. call 872-2233. Chisel Plowing with Glencoe Soil Saver. No shredding or discing required. Southern Lancaster County. Other areas can be arranged, 717- 548-3402 CUSTOM ROUND BALING Hay, Corn Fodder CUSTOM CHISEL PLOWING Within 15 miles of Oxford, PA Ph: 215-932-5231 Help Wanted Help Wanted to build pole structure buildings. Car pentry experience preferred. Call 717-626-5204. Reliable married man to work on modem dairy farm, housing provided, good salary for the right man. References required, Southern Lancaster County. Phone 717-548-3525. Sell animal health products wholesale to dealer ac counts. Farm experience preferred. Up to one-third overnight travel required. Salary plus commission. Excellent earnings for extra effort and hours. Send resume with income requirement to Salesman, P.O. Box 575, Manchester, Pa. 17345. Reliable experienced married man wanted to operate a dairy farm in Hartford Co., near Chur chville, MD. 2 bedroom house furnished. 301-879- 5409. Young married man in terested in; assistant herd sman or herdsman position on Northern Maryland dairy farm. Call 301-374-2098 or 239- 7326 after 6 p.m. or write Hickory Hill Farm, Inc. 16824 Ridge Rd., Upperco, MD 21155. Wanted - 2 farm workers - steady position, good working conditions. Houses available. Send resume, give references. Box 266JJ, Lancaster Farming, lititz, Pa. 17543. Full time person to work with 500 cow herd at Mason- Dixon Farms, Gettysburg, Pa. Call Doyle Waybrignt after 7:00 p.m. Phone 717- 334-2854. Interstate Mowing Company need tractor operators and spray truck crewmen women. Call 717-284-4490 to apply. MECHANIC WANTED - Experienced mechanic to work in established John Deere dealership located in Northern Daupnin Co. New shop facilities. Good Benefits. Tobias Equipment Co., Inc., RD 4, Halifax, Pa. 17032. Phone 717-362-3132. Crops manager wanted - Requirements: Manage ment experience over 5 years of planting experience. Good referen ces. Lauxmont Farms RDI Wrightsville, Pa. 717-252- 1525. After 8 p.m. 717-252- 3925. Married man with farm experience to work on poultry farm, modem house, good pay. Must be respon sible. Phone 717-582-2352. Help Wanted - Crew truck Iriver and crew helper for iocal silo company. Must live near New Holland or Gap area. Prefer age 21 to 30. Start immediately March 15. Write Box 266 UU, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Herdsman with own family help for 60-cow Holstein herd in Centre County. Home and extras furnished. Only ex perienced people with references need apply. Phone 814-364-9174 after 7:00 p.m. A NEW PARTY-PLAN CO. Starting This Area. Part-time (2) evenings weekly. Do Home- Decorating and Floral Designing Shows. Earn $5O to $lOO per show! Managers also needed. Call 7 days (215) 433- 2211 or (215) 435-6711. Help Wanted Help wanted - Fri and Sat. markets. Wage and benefits. S. Clyde Weaver. 5252 Main St. East Petersburg. 717-569- 0812 Young Christian family to work small dairy farm on shares in Juniata County. Nice house, spring or fall occupancy. Write to P.O. Box 266 N, c-o Lancaster Fanning Newspaper, lititz. Pa. 17543. Person wanted for servicing and installation of milking' machines and equipment in Lancaster, Pa. area. Write to Box 266 M, c-o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Lititz, Pa. 17543. EXPERIENCED SALES PERSON: Large equipment for egg processors. Must Travel. Neat ap pearance. Box 266 L, Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Herdsman for 200 cow herd near Myerstown. Milking parlor and free stall bam, nice house with all con veniences. Good wages for right person. Only those with experience need apply. Phone 717-933-4340. Full-time news person wanted for farm publication. Farm background a must. Formal education or previous writing experience required. Box 266ZZ, c-o Lancaster Fanning, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Miscelloneous For Sale - Curtis C-80 5 hp. air compressor with uniloader, brand new, $495.00, list $622.00. Other sizes available. Authorized fence con troller repairs. Most makes. New and used fences for sale. John L. Beiler, R.D. 1, Colonial Road, Gordonville, Pa. 17529. 1 mile east oi Intercourse. For Sale - fireplace wood, Elm, over three cords, 18 inch lengths, $lOO.OO. Edwin Z. Horst, RD 2, Box 113, East Earl, Pa. Turkey Farm Road. Wanted to buy - Old cup boards of any kind, old dry sinks, jelly cupboards, old furniture, of any kind, old wide flooring, old doors. Write Tom E. Fisher, PO Box 277, Honeybrook, Pa 19344 or call 215-273-2641. For Sale - Riteway wood stove, used two years, good condition, Bennie L. King, Kirkwood, Rl, Pa. For Sale - Lil Colt camper, 11 ft. fully equipped, self contained, sleeps four, used very little. Fits on % ton pick-up. Will sacrifice for $l6OO. Phone 717-444-3682. For Sale - Large 2 bedroom mobile home tor sale. New furnace and plumbing, porch with metal awning, excellent condition. Includes some furnishings. Most be moved from private land in In tercourse, Pa. Call 717-768- 3596 or 717-626-6693. For Sale - saw mill, Fnck, size 01, new wood on husk, $l2OO. Phone 717-359-7479. For Sale - six can side loader milk cooler in perfect con dition. Also Timothy hay no rain. Robert Fulton, Delta, Pa. RD 2, 17314. Phone 717- 456-5700. For Sale - Stock trailer, 1977, 16 X 6 $lBOO.OO. Also horse trailers $1795. 201-988-5067 Miscellaneous For Sale - 3000 feet of cherry lumber, 10 months air dried. 717-532-6619. For Sale - 1972 Duster Plymouth in good condition; 30 Jamesway leber yokes and tops. Pn; 215-286-9343. For Sale - Majestic Cook Stove, excellent shape with hot water tank, also Black Columbia Cook stove. PH: 215-593-5754 For Rent - bam 40’ x 80’ storage-trailers-boats campers-feeds, etc. Also for rent- 40 x 80 storage bam, Elverson, 3 floors 40 x 80 storage-trailers-boats-farm equipment-campers-feed, etc. Phone 215-Mo7-5329. For Sale: Soft ice cream and fast food stand 10’ x 25’, completely equipped. Custom built in York. Ready to move to your lot and be operating in a few weeks. Price $7500. or best offer. For information call 215-539- 1293. Wanted - used guitars and amps. Phone 717-393-1035. For sale. New solid %” black walnut Grandfathers Clock. Call 717-445-5652. For Sale - Certified Bristol Black Raspberry Plants $24.00 per hundred at the farm. Levi S. Ober, RD 4, Box 158 D. Elizabethtown, Pa. 17020. Phone 717-367- 3118. For Sale - Troyer potato splitter-cutter; phone 717- 665-4736. For Sale - Farm market roadside stand along Horseshoe Road, Witmer and Horseshoe Road intersection. Phone 717-394- 8310. ELECTRAC lawn mower for sale. 15 HP. Brand new. $B5O or best offer. 717-859-2266 For Sale - Used Norge, Servel and Whirlpool gas refrigerators - reconditioned cooling units available for most gas refrigerators. MYER’S GAS REFRIGERATION R.D.l,Leola,Pa. Ph: 717-656-7169 For Sale - 1968 Homette Mobile Home, 12x50’, in very good condition. PH: 1-215- 593-2260 For Sale - Prizer kitchen range with warming closet, good condition. Christian B. King, Christiana RD 1, Box 248 Pa. 17509, Unusual low price. New Patz bam cleaner with RH. 40’ late model tripod stacker $2299.00 FOB Wis. plus chain. Selling out New alternators PTO 20 KW with Cart and shaft $1900.00 less 37 per cent - $1195.00, 15 KW $945., 40 KW $2150. Complete all continuous, 5% KW Owen $775.00 215-445-6409 WANT USED LUMBER? House and 24x24 Barn adjacent to Hegins Park, Sen. Co., to be tom down for lumber and materials. Includes modern bath, windows, etc. Bam has lot of good frame lumber. Contact GUY WAGNER 717-682-9616. Custom made storm win dows and doors, aluminum windows and doors for milk house and dairy barns. Ceramic tile (seconds) for cow stable troughs ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS Vi mile North of Bird-in-Hand, on Beechdale Road Miscellaneous For Sale - Semen - 24 am pules Romandale Dividend Performer, $25 per ampule; 24 ampules Posh Sovreign Ivanhoe, $2O per ampule. Phone 814-632-5136, RDI, Box 1, Warriors Mark, Penna. 16877. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $25.00 per ton picked up or bulk load at $200.00. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob GeM. at Leola Supply Co. Inc. PH. 717-656-6811. | RUBBER STAMPS | ■:• Make To Order * § Ink Pads Available & Write or call after 6PM $ %• %• | Gary Hess 451 N. George St. - MißersviHe, PA S 717-872j6245 s§x*x*x*x* FOR SALE Four Wade-Foster stock feed cookers, 2 Stainless steel lined Good condition Package deal or sell separately. Phone 215-294-9563 DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF LIVESTOCK Also Crippled & Down Cattle MARLIN S. IRWIN Quarryvitle, PA PH: 717-786-3016 Prevent Fogging Easily • With "Grayco No-Fog Cloth” zip-seal storage pouch. Economical, Lasls For Years. *A Necessity In Your Car... Wipe windshield and rear window with cloth before driving. One application can last all day long. Inside of your windshield stays crystal clear in rain, sleet, snow or hail. Even in worst weather, windshield won’t fog up. *A Real Convenience In Your Home ... Kitchen: Simply wipe Cloth on windows and they stay clear, even when the kitchen fills up with steam from cooking and dish washing. Bathroom: Wipe mirror with Cloth once and bathroom windows and mirrors stay clear all day-even after a hot, steamy shower! •Perfect to keep eyeglasses and goggles fog and mist free. FREE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE: Buy with confidence. Your “GRAYCO NO-FOG CLOTH" must perform as advertised, fog preventing action must last for at least one year, or H will be replaced to you free of charge. Mail Order To Haroh) E. Shover RMI, Box 359 Newville, Pa. 17241 Please ship Grayco's No Fog Cloth At $ll9 each Total $ Address. City. Miscellaneous LITTLE GIANT LOG SPLITTER *375 Splits logs from 14" to 30” 3 pt. hitch... Works any place Your tractor will!! Free on site demonstration. Call 215-935-2587 [ash for Bill] WINDMILLS Full-size farm windmills are available again Wheel diameters 6 to 14 ft. Towers 17 to 40 ft. high. $1295 and up hilly installed Complete engine kits $465 up Complete tower kits $575 up Comb, hand-windmill pump $125 7-ft. high decorative mills $39.95 [All prices plus shipping and tax] ENERGY SYSTEMS 4874 Cherry Tree Lane Sykesville.Md. 21784 1-301-795-3828 ONLY *1. 19 State.
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