Form Equipment For Sale - Steel and cast iron plow shares and parts. From l to 8 steel horse trees and wagon tongues. Daniels. Click Box 297 Bird-in-Hand R. 1 Fa. 17505 % mile NE of Bards Crossing along Windy-tor Road. For Sale - Farmall M tractor with power pack and remote control, asking $l,lOO. Also International 950 semi mounted 5 bottom 16 inch plow, asking $1,025. Call 717- 933-8713. CDE Al/H Kl A OF bottom unloading CONCRETE SILOS... “We wanted the best storage for the money, and we feel we have it with our 6” Concrete Walled STAR SILO. Our labor costs and our costs per hundred pounds of milk produced are down. The Little David Bottom Unloader has proven to be a low maintenance machine with easy access to all its moving parts.” - J. MOWREY FREY, JR. YOU CAN SPEAK OF BOTTOM UNLOADING CONCRETE STAR SILOS TOO. Phone (7X7) 866-5708 Farm Equipment , For Sale - 510 M-F combine with quick tach 13 ft. head, chopper, cab, pick-up reel, very good condition, $12,000. Phone 609-455-3462. J.D. 9’ Spring Harrow J.D. Transport Disc Harrow A.C. Transport Disc Harrow. J.D. 4-R Tool Bar Com Planter. A.C. 4-R no-till 600 planter. N.I. No. 206 Ground Drive Spreader. M. Manure Spreader. N. 675 sgl. btr. spreader w hyd. end gate. N.I. 702 Gas Uni-tractor. ROY H. BUCH, INC. Ephrata 717-859-2441 ★ WEAVER STAR SILO, INC. ★ Form Equipment For Sale - J.D. 4520 WFE, new rubber, 160 HP, call 717- 548-3402. For Sale • 1971 1520 John Deere ip very good condition, 1800 hours. Phone 717-428-1865. For Sale - John Deere com binder on rubber with PTO - complete $l2O. 717-992-4611. R. 6. Seidoff, Sciota, 20 miles north of Easton, Pa. Rt. 115 and 209 intersection. For Sale - Heavy Duty Fore Carts with springs and auto turn wheels. Elam B. Stoltzfoos, Hess Road, Leola, Pa. 17540 For Sale - Massey-Ferguson 300 combine - quick-tach cab, com and grain heads. Excellent condition. 717-249- 1989 or 249-3231. For Sale - International 316 roll-over trip back plow; Oliver 316 roll-over trip back plow. Ph: 717-354-5360, For Sale - John Deere No. 30 Combine T Auger Head, exceptionally good condition $1,000.00. 717-263-1907. For Sale - Mercury 8000 pound capacity electric fork lift, SI,OM; 2 smaller fork lifts, $3,000. Phone 717-896- 3042. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mowrey Frey, Jr., Sylvie and Dorthy JoAnn, two of their seven children, with the excellent uddered homebred Fultonway Ivanhoe Star Milly VGBB. Milly was milking 108 pounds per day when the photograph was taken. CAU OR WRITE FOR OOR LATEST BROCHURE RD4 Myerstown, Pa. Form Equipment ,For Sale - IH combine No. 205 with cab, grain and corn head, excellent condition, $5900. Phone 215-367-6160. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE - Int. truck with prentice loader, ready to go; Int. No. 225 hay windrower only 2 years old; New Holland No. 1010 bale wagon, good shape; 2 row transplanter $100.00; 1000 gal. water tank $90.00; 3 bottom Oliver back trailer plow $225.00. Phone 717-369- 2806. For Sale -New Idea liquid spreader, 1100 gal. very good condition, same as Better- Bilt with Pearson vacuum pump, Phone 717-264-9169. J.W. Burkholder, Chambersburg, Pa. Olive Model 35 combine with a grain head, good running condition. Asking $l5OO. 215- 469-9169 For sale - B%’ Heavy duty Miller disc. 215-932-8920. Wanted 100 Gallon anhydrous nurse tank. Sale -6 mmumum till attachments for 694 JD planter 6 rotary hoes attachments for JD cultivator. New BF Goodrich 6 ply 18.4-34 tire $325. JD 7 bottom automatic reset plow on land hitch model F 360. (like new) $3,000. 105 JD combine, 2 heads. W. Maximuck, 215-297-5531. *■< ***-5- Silos since 1901 - It’s a family tradition. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 9,1977 Farm Equipment For Sale - Portable sprayer for % ton pickup truck, 300 gal. stainless steel tank. Phone 215-593-2193. For Sale - 20x60 Fickes silo. Call 717-532-2458 evening. Bam mornings only 532-5298. For Sale - 300,000 BTU Thermo-Bloc industrial type hot air oil furnace in very good condition. Can be used to heat a large budding or is also designed to efficiently dry com or hay. Phone 717- 273-6036. MANURE PITS 36 ft.. 48 ft., and 60 ft. diameter. 12 ft. depth, cir cular precast concrete with gunite coated interior. Mar-AUen Concrete Products RDl,Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone 717-733-9404 For sale - No. 6 Ireland sawmill. All electric, also like-new live deck, edger, and planer. 717-942-6761 For Sale - Hesston 3 ton Stakhand & Hesston 3 ton stack mover. Stacks bay or com stalks. Used 1 month. Excellent condition. $ll,OOO. Will deliver. PH: 716-434-7487 One set JD 5-16” plows. Model F-345H with hydraulic reset and lancing. 301-928- 3183 ■Vte'iSSl Farm Equipment New 345 bushel Swartz manure spreader with tandem axle, Price to sell. 215-286-9283. For Sale - Sprayer, Hahn Hi- Boy, 100 gallon plus custom trailer plus truck - $4995. Phone 215-348-9236 evenings. For Sale - (2) 18-4x38 used tractor tires; (2) 18-4x34 used tractor tires; (2) 15- 5x38 used tractor tires. Phone between 7:00 and 8:00 AM 717-656-8138. For Sale - two-wheeled horse cart with lights and roller bearings; also 100 pound warm morning coal stove, used two months. Benuel Kauffman, Box 280, Beil Road, Christiana R.D. 1, Pa. 17509 For Sale - Weaver line, electric silage cart, three years old, used 18 months. Phone 717-334-5770 Massey-Ferguson Diesel tractor Model 1080 with factory cab, fully equiped and in excellent condition. 814-695-2384. For Sale - Used Farmall 1066 D - 1500 hrs., Used M.F. 175 D, Used J.D. 38 Forage Harvester, Used I.H. 225 swather with conditioner. 935-2101. Belleville, Pa. 1000 Gallon Mueller bulk milk tank. Model 2, round. 3 Phase. 7% Horse Coplematic compressor with Unicon unit. Excellent condition. Replaced with larger tank. 609-235-4541. For Sale - ’65 Chevy 80 cab over, 18’ bed with sides, 6V53 Detroit, 12 ton hoist, 36,000 license $3,500. 215-942-2591 For Sale - IHC 1066 diesel tractor with turbo, 1,080 hours with factory cab, excellent condition; also IHC 560 gas, overhauled one year ago, also new engine and torque clutch, very good condition. Mid-Hill Acres 215-638-9927. For Sale - N.H. 1469 S.P. Haybine partial cab, lights, used 3 yrs. $4000; J.D. No. 10 side mounted mower $200.; J.D. 2 bottom 16” hyd. trailer plow $75.; J.D. No. 920 hyd. liftSft.chiselsl7s; Over 1500 bd. ft. weathered bam bds. at .40 per ft. 717-435-0260. For Sale - 4 row International com planter Model 456, 3 years old, one owner, plastic fertilizer and corn hoppers, Gandy insecticide hoppers, all disc openers, very good condition, $1895. Phone 215- 593-5405. For Sale - ’57 Chevy dump truck, 7 ton; fertilizer spreader; JD 4 row com planter with fertilizer attachment with 3 pt. hook up No. 246, good condition. Ph: 717-345-8588. For Sale - (1) 6 ton self unloading fertilizer tender - 7” auger - 8 H.P. Wisconsin Motor. BRAND NEW - Never Used. Call Lancaster Bone Fertilizer, 717-786-7348. FORSALE Late Model 975 N.H. Combine with 2-R Com Head. (4) Used late model N.H. PTO Spreaders. CHARLES S. SNYDER, INC. RD 3 Tamaqua, Pa. 18252 Phone 717-386-5945 For Sale - Farmall A Tractor with equipment & side delivery rake & disc. Call 61
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