26 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 9. 1977 Cinderella [Continued from Page 1] JUNIOR YEARLING BULL DRY COW -3 1. M. Robert Young 2. Jerry Nesbit 3. Cumberland Investors 4. Clarence Mowry SENIOR YEARLING BULL 1. Russel H. Miller 2. Lynn and Bonnie Miller 3. David P Herbert CHAMPION MULL MRV Rockir.an Butch, bred and owned by M. Robert Young RESERVE CH AMPION I BULL Bra-Mar Astio Apollo, owned by Jerry Nesbit INTERMEDIATE HEIFER CALF 1. Kirby L. Horst 2. Woodbine Farms 3 Edwin 6. Todd 4. Charles K. Morrell SENIOR HEIFER CALF 1. Timothy S. Hackenberg 2. Nancy Bradford 3. Hubert S. Miller 4. Dallas Rynd, Gayle Carson and Ed Doebriner JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Glenn H. Stolzfus 2. Bruce Snider 3. Hubert Miller 4. Thomas Sheaffer SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER 1. Robert Morrell 2. William Morrell 3 LuAnnM. Herbert 4. Roy and Calvin Miller JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Pennwood Jay Delicate, owned by Glenn H. Stolzfus. RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Lar-Y-Don Shalimar Surprise, owned by Timothy S. Hackenberg JUNIOR GET OF SIRE Get of Padamar Double Triune owned by Mowry Farms. TWO YEAR OLD NEVER FRESH 1. Timothy Hackenberg 2. Tom and Cindy Sheaffer 3. Roger T. Green 4. Russel H. Miller PRODUCE OF DAM 1. Dean Baity 2. Singing Brook Farms 3. Danny Hoover 4. Ernest Hostetter DAM AND DAUGHTER 1. Linden-Loch Holsteins 2. Paul E. Miller 3. Singing Brook Farms 4: Woodbine Holsteins CLUB HERD 1. Cumberland County 2. Lancaster County 3. Berks County 4. Bedford County ♦ OUR SPECIALTY! PAlimiK POULTRY HOUSES • Roof painting • Sidewalls (interior and exterior) • Repainting work • Utility buildings • Barns ♦ Phone: 717-653-5341 ♦ J (Anytime between 5 30 AM and 9.30 PM) t ? We also travel to other states 4 “It's time to go in and paint when the birds go out.” 808 MORRIS Mt. Joy, Pa. or 4 YEAR OLDS 1. Kenneth and Carol Miller and C.H. and Mabel Guest 2. Linda Kauffman 3. Chester L. and Galen R. Smith 4. Leroy and Joyce Bupp DRY COW - 5 YEARS AND OVER 1. Wendy Shaw 2. John A. Brooks 3. Bob Wilson and Chuck Wiel 4, Arthur Baxter HOLSTEIN FUTURITY 1. James Repard, Jack Pennings, and Louis Schutt 2. Peter B. King 3. Leroy and Joyce Bupp 4. Leroy and Joyce Bupp TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER 1. Burket Falls Farm 2. Linda Yoder 3. Obie Snider 4. Wendy Shaw . THREE YEAR OLD COW 1. Paul H. Knight 2. Chester L. and Galen Smith 3. Burket Falls Farm 4. Richard Curtis FOUR YEAR OLD COW 1. Kenneth,- Steven and Ron Mowry 2. Creedin C. Comman 3. Kenneth Mowry 4. Jeff Miller 100,000 LB. CLASS 1. Woodbine Farms 2. Woodbine Farms 3. Arthur Baxter 4. Obie and Bruce Snider AGEDCOW 1. Robert Kauffman 2. Christine L. Gitt 3. Tim and Cindy Sheaffer 4. Danny Hoover SENIOR CHAMPION AND GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Andfar Astronant Cin derella, owned by Robert Kauffman RESERVE SENIOR AND RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Amply Rag Apple Ormsby Nellie, owned by Christine L. Gitt BEST FEMALE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR Huntsdale Black Eagle Paula, owned by Tom and Cindy Sheaffer SENIOR GET OF SIRE Get of Paclamar Astronaunt, owned by Penn Springs Farm and Linden- Loch Holsteins BEST THREE FEMALES 1. David Burkett 2. Hunt sdale Stock Farms 3. Woodbine Holsteins 4. Smithdale Farms. More than 500 persons attended the annual Representing the local County Farmers’ legislative banquet of the Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association were, left to right: Earl Newcomer, Association in Camp Hill last week,to discuss im- Noah Wenger, Ken Brandt, Mrs. Helen Wivell and portant agricultural legislative issues. Senator Ralph W. Hess.
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