—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 9, 1977 12 Livestock market and auction news Lebanon Valley Auction FREDERICKSBURG, Pa. steady to $4 higher Standard April 5,1977 & Good 70-110 lbs. steady to CATTLE 298. Compared $1.50 lower. One Prime with last Tuesday’s market, vealer at 71.00, Choice 55.00- slaughter steers grading 69.00, Good 39.00-54.00, few Good & Choice steady. Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. Slaughter cows uneven, 35.00-42.00, 90-110 lbs. 26.50- Utility 75 cents to $1 lower, 30.00, Standard 70-85 lbs. Canner & Cutter 50 cents to 21.00-27.50, few Utility 50-65 75 cents higher. Slaughter lbs. 10.00-21.00. Farm calves, bulls steady to 75 cents holstein bulls 100-110 lbs. lower. Choice No. 2-4 1000- 36.00-47.50. 1200 lbs. slaughter steers HOGS 349. Barrows & Gilts 37.00- one at 38.50, Good 50 cents lower. US No. 1-2 34.10- few Standard_ 200-220 lbs. barrows & gilts 30.00- High Choice 36.10-36.70, one lot 37.00, No. slaughter heifers 36.75-37.85, 1-3 200-240 lbs. 35.50-36.10, Choice 35.00-36.50, Good No. 2-3 240-260 lbs. 34.10- 33.10- few Standard 35.35. US No. 1-3 350-500 lbs. 29.00- Utility & High sows 28.00-30.75. One Boar at Dressing Cutter slaughter 20.50, cows 27.75-30.50, one at 30.50, cutters 27.60-29.00, Canners 26.00-27.50, few shells down to 24.85. Few good slaughter bullocks 32.85-34.25, few Standard 31.50-33.25, few Utility 29.50-31.50. Yield Grade No. 1 1100-2350 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.75-37.10. CALVES 148. Vealers grading Good & Choice MIDDLEBURG, Pa. April 5,1977 CATTLE 276. Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Choice -440*1300 lbs. slaughter steers 37.25-38.75, Good 35.00-37.35, Standard 33.75-35.00, Utility 29.50- 33.75. Choice slaughter heifers 34.00-36.60, Good 30.00-34.00, Standard 28.00- 30.00, Utility 25.00-28.50. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.00- 30.85, Cutters 26.00-28.75, FREE MOWER NOW with purchase of a new Take advantage of this great offer on a new 19% HP Satoh Elk right now. Buy the Elk and get the 60-inch mid-mount mower free. 0r... buy a Satoh Elk and get a big $BOO discount on one of these three attachments; a 60-inch Master rear mower, a National loader, or a 48-inch Satoh tiller. That’s a lot of value and a lot of tractor for the money. Around the grounds, on the farm, or in the plant, the long-lasting Satoh tractor stands up to a lifetime of trouble-free service. Ask your participating dealer about financing, and buy now. Offer expires May 14,1977. ABRACZINSKAS FARM EQUIPMENT WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. Catewfsu, Pa. FEEDER PIGS 18. Not enough of any one grade to establish a market. SHEEP 265 Bulk of supply to the Easter trade. Choice 25-40 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 71.00-104.00, 50-80 lbs. 59.00- Good 15-30 lbs. 60.00- Slaughter ewes 6.00- Middleburg Auction Canners 24.00-26.00, Shells down to 22.00. Good slaughter bullocks 35.50- 38.50. Yield Grade number 1 1200-2445 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.85-37.10; yield grade No. 2 800-1200 lbs. 28.00- 33.00. Medium & Good 350- 700 lbs. feeder steers 32.50- 42,75. CALVES 188. Prime vealers 70.00-75.00, choice 62.00- Good 55.00-62.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 32.00- 90-110 lbs. 25.00- SATOH ELK Oklahoma Cattle April 7,1977 Estimated receipts 7,800 Same day last week 4,666 Active, feeder cattle and calves generally steady: Majority receipts choice 350- 850 lb feeder steers and 350- 750 lb feeder heifers. Moderate attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-500 lb. 45.00-50.00; 509-600 lb. 41.25-46.50; one small lot and near 3 loads 533-536 lb 46.90: 600-700 lb. 39.50-43.25: Part load 620 lb. at 44.25; 700-800 lb. 38.75- 4025; 800-1075 lb 36.25-39.25; Mixed Good and Choice 500- 790 lb. 38.00-41.25; Part load this 436 lb. at 44.80; few good 700-800 lb 34.00-39.00. 32.00, standard 70-85 lbs. 20.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 95-115 lbs. 32.00- HOGS 511. US No. 1-2 200- 225 lbs. barrows & gilts 36.25- 37.70, No. 1-3 190-250 lbs. 35.00- No. 24 250-300 lbs. 33.7545.00, few No. 14 150-185 lbs. 30.0034.00. US No. 14 300-600 lbs. sows 26.0043.50. Boars 200-650 lbs. 20.50-25.25. FEEDER PIGS 245. US No. 1410-20 lbs. feeder pigs 12.00- per head, No. 14 20-40 lbs. 20.0045.00, No. 14 4040 lbs. 30.00-42.00, No. 14 60-100 lbs. 42.00-72.50 per head. SHEEP 45.' Choice 20-40 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 70.00- Good 40-60 lbs. 50.0045.00, Utility 60-100 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.00- Slaughter ewes 12.00- QoamwHe, Pa. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-500 U>: 33.75-37.50; two part loads 316.378 lb at 38.00; 500-700. lb 34.00-35.50; part load 529 lb. at 36.20; few 700-8.00-34.25; few mixed good and choice 500-620 lb. 33.00-34.25; part load good 460 lb at 32.30. for the week; Compared to late last week, feeder cattle and calves closed firm to m m Free Hot Water HiPerfbrm Cooing Mueller-Matic Washing dE in* Um heat you rt .wasting when cooling mllkl •In the Fre-Heater the refrigerant is routed to a specially designed con denser/heat exchanger and its heat is transferred to the water 0 A thermostatically controlled valve delivers 140* F water to the Storage tank A mixing valve also delivers * prepping* temperature water • Tests indicate the Fre-Heater con sumes 10% less power than an air cooled system and you get free hot water! • Eliminates the most common causes of slow cooling cold weather start ing problems and compressor fail uras because 1 There is no air-cooled condenser to become clogged or fans to fait or generate noise 2 The Fre-Heater is installed in doors 3 The head pressure Is very stable assuring longer compressor life • A Fre-Heater operating on 60* F well water will produce a volume of 140* F water similar to the amount of milk produced during a milking Bally Prefabs keep fruit and vegetables "dewy" fresh With efficient refrigeration you can handle other products . . . keep loads of stock on hand ... make more sales. Extra profits, and savings from spoilage elimination, quickly pay for a Bally Walk-In. Assemble any size tor indoor or outdoor use .. for normal or low temperature Fast to erect. Easy to enlarge or relocate. Subject to investment ■ —■—— tax credit and fast depreciation. (Ask your accountant) Write JOUBzkH for free literature and urethane wall sample I iWJIeWi RDS, Manheim, PA 17545 PH; 717-665-3525 We’ve Been in Business Since 1946 & Selling Milk Tanks Since 1955. 50 cents higher, instances 1.00 higher; slaughter cows closed 75 cents to 1.50 lower, bulls closed steady: Salable receipts near 16,600 head compared to 12,042 head last week and 18,714 head the comparable week a year ago. Cows and Bulls totaled near 9 per cent of cattle receipts with feeder cattle and calves comprising 88 per cent of the total. ~ot system r. Helen! Mueller Temp-P)ate®evapora tor (cooling ptele) Split evaporator V****"^*""*^*j^“™^ and controls for dual condensing { £ units • Gantl. »ut thq’ough agltat.on aids Q *«L souf SSSS cooling and an automatic Interval *. ■_ JJJJJ lh tlmar Sasur.a uniform bland of t.m MS Sn" wlth°m. 0 .r perature and butterfat dr#m mm ,ne wtsn w#t#r • Service-tree dependability end longer • Simple, I J-elep operation compressor life due to unique control • insert the leHuoe system and factory • sealed. pre- 2 Fill detergent container and check charged refrigerant tubing *cid level 3 Switch unit "on” for automatic operation • win- (S mounted control cablntt (or both cooler and Muallar- Matlc controls datargant wash, hot watar rlnsa, • Muatlar Craftsmanship 100% slain and a cold watar acid rinaa all teas staal construction, lower, aillptl- automatically cal daslgn, and larga radius comars • Unlqua Muallar-Matlc jat-tuba sprmy action and precision - metarad acid *A mWotrmm control syst.m II- £•"”'«» * c b h ul ,2' cantad undaf and covared by ,r )[* rior Milk stona j* Wattlnghousa Patant 3 254.537 and ellmlnatad and bactarla count is parhapt othars sharply raducad for aaty cleaning RUFUS BRUBAKER REFRIGERATION 1* • Daily um on thousands of dairy farms has provad that Muallar-Matic claans tha eoolar conslstantly battar than hand scrubbing • Muallar-Watic gtvas your eoolar a hot watar pra-rinsa, hot-watar and fWI
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