—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 12, 1977 8 MARCH 14-20, 1977 Spring arrive* on Sunday! Get your tomatoes going in hot beds now ... General MacArthur arrived in Australia March 18, 1943 ... New moon March 19 ... Spring begins March 20... Average length of days for the week, 12 hours, 1 minute (day equals night) ... More than the moon will ride high the night of March 17; it's St. Patrick's Day ... Redwing blackbirds ' ’"e back • >rth... Every man is ike architect of hts own f< Home Hints: If the end of transparent tape is stuck to the roll, place it m the refrigerator for ten minutes, it can then be loosened without breaking finger nails or tape OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Week begins with cold and flumes, then Wednes day brings rain and snow through Saturday. Greater New York-New Jersey; Light snow, cold; becoming showery Thursday through the weekend. Middle Atlantic Coastal: Snow and sleet through Wednesday, re mainder of week sunny and mild. Piedmont Ac Southeast Coastal: Cold, showers west, ram east to start, then fair at midweek; rain in sast weekend. Florida: Sunny and warm to start, then rain, cool, frost north Tues day through Wednesday; sunny and mild for week's end. Upstate N.Y.-Toronto A Montreal; Cloudy, cold, flurries through Wednesday; Thursday through weekend, sunny, mild with some showers. (All Rights Reserved, Yankee, Inc, Dublin, N H. 03444) MARCH ANNIVERSARY MONTH At STOLT2FUS MEAT MARKET A REGISTER FOR I SIDE OF BEEF «VV Weekly Specials j I —FRESH BEEF AND PORK— /ll OUR OWN HOME MADE \I:M SCRAPPLE A FRESH SAUSAGE JJM Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats PH. 768*3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772 * Newport Road THURS. FRI. SAT. STORE HOURS 9.5 94 8-5 AARON S. GROFF & SON FARM AND DAIRY SUPPUES Hoffman Products We Give S & H Green Stamps Lunch Served Door Prizes OLD ME* MAMA! Ask the Old Fanner: In the old days it was supposed to be bad luck to get out of bed on the left side. Where did this come from? -W.T, Johnstown, Penn. Yes, and when you got out from die nghthand side, you had to make sure you first put your right foot on the floor. Way back when, people used to pul their beds against a left wall so m the right. PEN HOUSE 2 - BIG DAYS MARCH 16-17 Ephrata, R.D. 3, Pa. 17522 t Weekly 51 cattle: Compared with the previous week’s close: through midweek, slaughter steers were 75-1.00 lower and heifers 75-1.25 lower with late supplies insufficient to reflect the effects of an improved carcass trade. Cows were $l.OO-1.50 higher and bulls Ann to 50 higher. Four day receipts 14,100 as compared 11,200. previous week and 16,400 a year ago. The fed cattle trade con tinued to follow a very erratic pattern. The initial -session was characterized by good demand and moderately higher prices. However, trading dulled abruptly on Tuesday and prices were forced sharply downward with outlet growing more restricted as trading progressed: a meat cutters strike along the eastern seaboard was blamed for part of the bearishness which triggered a $2.00-3.00 plunge in carcass prices, but much of this severe break was recovered at midweek only to again turn downward on Thursday. Local supplies were slightly larger than the previous week but were not burdensome. Slaughter steers made up ap proximately 39 of the week’s total and heifers 43 with a fairly liberal percentage choice. Cows comprised 12 and feeders 4. Steers: Early, several 1 loads choice with end prime; Valley Stockyards, Inc. Athens, Pa. March 7,1977 Reported receipts of 677 calves, 154 cows, 27 bulls, 25 heifers, 95 hogs, five sheep, and three steers. Calf market is good; cattle market is higher than last week’s market. Veals 55.00 - 71.00; bobs 25.00 - 40.00; grassers and feeders 25.00 - 30.00; lambs, 33.00 - 40.00; sheep 8.00 - 14.00; hogs 20.00 - 39.00; heifers 25.00 - 32.00; steers 27.00-32.50; bulls 30.0036.00; cows, good 28.00 • 31.75; cows, med. 24.50 - 26.00; cows, poor or small 18.00 - 22.50; goats 14.00 < 30.00. Easter lamb and goat sale will be April 4. Time: 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M 717-3544631 Omaha March 10,1977 Valley Livestock Tarp. Repairing predominantly 3 1125-1300 lbs. $38.40-38.75, load choice and prime 4 1240 lbs. $37.50, and load same grade 4-51580 lbs. $34.50. At the dose, three leads choice 3 1075-1150 lbs. $37.15-37.25, most choice 24 975:1275 lbs. $36.00-37.00, load prime 5 1678 lbs. $31.50. Mixed good and choice 24 950-1250 lbs. $35.25-36.00. good 2-3 $32.00-35.50. Stan dard and good 2-3 $30.00- 32.00. Average of ls-214, detailed quotations, for choice 900- 1100 lb. steers this week $36.92;' choice 1100-1300 lbs. $36.90. Average weight steers first three days 1151 lbs. compared 1141 lbs. previous week. Average weight heifers first three days 991 lbs. as compared 991 lbs. previous week. Heffers: Early, eight loads choice and prime 34 943-1080 lbs. $37.25-37.50. At midweek low time majority choice 24 875-1100 lbs. $34.5036.00, load 1025 lbs. $36.25. Mixed good and choice 2-3 800-975 lbs. $33.7534.75. Good 23 $30.50- 33.50. Small lots standard and good 23 $28.5030.00. Cows: Utility and com merdal 24 $26.50-28.50,.few $29.00. Canner and Cutter $22.50-26.50. Mixed cutter and utility $26.75-27.00. ' Bulls: 1-2 1400-2100 lbs. $31.00-34.00, individual 1 $34.5035.50. GUTWEIN SCORES AGAIN! Good Reasons To Say: LOOK WHO IS NO. 1 New Holland Horse Monday, March 7 Reported receipts of 260 horses, mules, and ponies. Market steady with last week’s market. NATIONAL CORN GROWERS ASSN. "Duke" Hasselbring, Watsek 111 246.06 Bu. On 25A Non-irrigated PA. Georgs Stambaugh, Newville, Pa. 214.6 BU. WITH GUTWEIN 74 WASHINGTON CO., MD. COMM. CORN PLOT Ist - GUTWEIN 74 - 207.4 BU. 2nd - GUTWEIN 69A Results Out Of 99 Entries! Make 1977 Your Year Of Dtscoveiy ... For The Name Of Your Local Dealer, Call: Harold J. Dietrich RD 1,80x98 Richland. Pa. (717)933-4940 WITH GUTWEIN 64 5A CONTEST - EAR CORN Local work horses 550470, 1 pair 1800; mules 300-610, { pair 1660; driving horses iso. 675; riding horses 150-275; better riding horses 300-550; lightweight killers 22-26; heavyweight killers 30-32; mares 15-50; colts 10-25; geldings 15-45; larger ponies 60-110.
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