66—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1977 Survey reveals opinions of today’s farm wife CHICAGO, HI. - Farm the man of the house liberation movement, only 7 women are sharing more generally has the last word, per cent strongly favor it, and more in farm operation Respondents were asked, and 23 per cent are and management, but the “In your own household, who somewhat m favor of it. man is still the boss on is responsible for the major More than a fifth (23 per today’s farm. And farm decisions on management cent) are strongly opposed to women tend to oppose the practices and purchases the movement, 18 per cent women’s liberation directly related to farm or are mildly opposed, and 28 movement. ranch operation?” The per cent are neither for nor These and other con- answers were as follows: against it. elusions are based on a Both the man and the woman A major role being played random sampling of 1000 share, but the man is by many farm women today U.S. farm wives and farmers ultimately responsible -49 is that of working on behalf who responded to a recent P 6l- cent; The man of the of agricultural industry in a survey conducted by In- house -31 per cent; Both the variety of ways. Following ternational Harvester’s man and the woman share are responses to the Farm Forum Magazine on equally -18 per cent; The question, “How actively the role of farm women woman of the house 1 per involved should farm women today. cent. become in telling In response to the Most farm wives spend agriculture’s story to non question, “Overall, do you much of the time managing farmers, and working for feel that the amount of m- the home and family. When legislation to benefit far volvement of the farm wife asked to describe the chief mers”: Definitely should be in the actual operation and responsibilities of the farm actively involved -54 per management of the farm has wife in their own cent No mors or less active increased or decreased from household,the responses than the man in the what it was a generation were as follows: Her household -31 per cent The ago,” the answers were as responsibilities are about man should have primary follows: Increased -82 per equally divided between responsibility - 7 per cent cent; Remained about the home-family and farm More active than the man in same - 10 per cent; management operation -50 a household - 6 per cent Decreased - 8 per cent. per cent; Most or all of her Woman should not be in- Asked if they believe it is responsibilities are con- volved in those activities -1 necessary for the farm wife cerned with managing the per cent, to take an active role in the borne and family -44 per Is there a trend for farm business side of the farm cent; Most or all of her women to become more operation to make it a responsibilities are con- actively involved in corn success, two-thirds an- cerned with management munity activities and swered “definitely yes,” and and-or operation of the farm organizations? The great 30 per cent felt it was not - 4 per cent. majority (71 per cent) said necessary but it was helpful. The respondents were yes, while 28 per cent said Only 2 per cent said divided on the question of no. “probably not.” women’s liberation, with TDV A Yet, despite the more more opposing than sup- If\ I M active role of women in farm porting it. When asked how Arririr operation and management, they felt about the women’s I IHU Farmers’ Fertilizer Works, inc. 365 W. BAINBRIDGE STREET ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 17022 717-367-1211 Premium Fertilizers & Donegal Lawn Food FOR PRICES ON FERTILIZERS AND PESTICIDES CALL US ... OR ONE OF OUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS VAN-MAR FEEDS, INC. LESTER M. WEAVER PO. Box 303 Route #1 Shoemakersville, Pa 19555 New Holland, Pa 17557 (215)926-1230 [215)286 5337 1215)926-2121 1717)354-5477 dauii ,c rrrr, I ROY W. ZIMMERMAN I FOWL’S FEED SERVICE & INC. **** Rowl 1661 Rohrerstownßoad PwchßoHom.Pa 17563 i7i7| s « 2 376 IlgifgnS Grange seeks unemployment HARRISBURG, Pa. - The Pennsylvania State Grange has requested state officials to “look into” high costs of unemployment com pensation insurance for farmers and some small business people. The problem was presented to the State In surance Commissioner William J. Sheppard by the Grange and concerned groups on February 18. State Agriculture Secretary Kent D. Shelhamer and members of the House Agriculture Committee also have been informed of the situation. Unemployment com pensation is especially difficult for the family-type farmer who occasionally hires someone to help har vest crops, or who needs help with other work when ad verse weather threatens, J. Luther Snyder, master of the State Grange, explained. For example, Snyder pointed out, a farmer who pays out $2OO in wages for parttime help, would have to pay a minimum premium of $2BO for unemployment in surance. In 1974, legislation was A Mix-Mill Farm Feed Factory is the “TOTAL” system for automatic-feed processmg. It comes in a variety of capacities to meet your individual requirements. For example, our overhead grain holding bins range in sizes of 12 to 400 ton capa cities. Our automatic mixer / grinder is available in hammer mill or roller mill with 5, 7 V?, 10 or even 20 horsepower. There’s a wide range of Nam* Address City Stat* □ HAVE A SALES REPRESENTATIVE CALL ON ME. □ PLEASE SEND MORE INFORMATION I annually f«*d No. □ FARMER TAM H AaHk ■■■ Rte 1 Mountain Rd Dillsburg,Pa.l7ol9 enacted requiring unem ployment coverage man datory in agriculture if payroll exceeded $l5O an nually or 20 working days. At first, the rate was two per cent o. a farmer’s payroll, or $1 for each $lOO naid in wages .'his rate was gradually increased until last year when it reached 5.8 per cent of the payroll, or $5.80 for each $lOO paid in wages. On February 1, another increase became effective, raising the rate to 6.3 per cent, or $6.30 for each $lOO of payroll. The minimum annual premium of $2BO ac- Drought plan proposed MECHANICSBURG, Pa. - drought emergency, believes The Susquehanna River that the availability and Basin Commission to em- implementation of such a phasize development of policy can help residents and water conservation policies industries of the basin cope in order to be prepared for with drought conditions, if drought periods such as the they occur, and reduce western United States is wasteful uses of water. The currently experiencing. The Commission expects to have SRBC, which has regulatory a water conservation policy authority to manage basin ready for public review and water supplies during a comment later this year. We’re total. optional equipment, too! Grain Bins, bulk tanks, bucket elevators, grain roasters, and auger systems, to name a few. Your Mix-Mill Distributor is the place to go for automatic feed-processings. Whether you make three (3) tons of feed a week or 400 tons or more everyday, there’s a total Mix- Mill system just for you. For more information on a total labor/cost savings system, use this coupon today!! Zip Coda Hogs No, Dairy No. □ DEALER change of compensation tually provides for coverage, at the present 6.3 per cent rate, on more than $4OOO in wages. Not many small farmers who need only oc casional help pay that amount of wages in a year, Snyder pointed out. It was his understanding, he added, that if a farm is not incorporated, the farmer himself and members of his family are not covered by unemployment com pensation insurance. Many small businesses that require only parttime help are affected in the same way, according to Snyder. lounty Phona Baaf Poultry □ STUDENT
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