Megan Shaub to head to Chicago for commodity marketing symposium A 16-year-old Penn- ” ** sylvania girl, who has doubled sales volume at her roadside vegetable stand every year for the last six years, has won an expense - paid trip to the 26th 4-H Commodity Marketing Symposium in Chicago on March 13-16 Megan Shaub, of 350 W. Railroad Ave., Shrewsbury, was selected by the Cooperative Extension Service and will be among 25 4-H’ers attending the four day educational event in the 'Windy City. Young people from 39 states are eligible for trips to the symposium in the national 4-H commodity marketing awards program sponsored by the Chicago Board of Trade. The annual event brings together 4- f- \ BAZOOKA transport augers have chrome-plated intake flighting that doubles its life, a galvanized drive shaft that reduces mainten ance time, and permanently lubri cated, precision machined chain reducer drive with cast iron hous ing. Plus many other timesaving, convenience and safety features. BAZOOKA transfer augers have important differences at the drive end, like heavy duty thrust bear ings: machined, cast iron sheaves, Sycamore Ind. Park 255 Plane Tree Drive Megan Shaub ITers who have completed outstanding commodity marketing projects during the last year. Miss Shaub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Shaub, is a high school junior. She plans to further her education in a hor ticultural or agricultural - related area. The York County girl started her business six years ago with a five-step stand that she used to sell string beans to motorists. “Today the roadside stand business has grown from a several - day operation to a four-month operation with regular customers coming from as far as Washington, D.C.,” she said. “The five step stand was replaced with a building, a former brooder house, then an eight-door refrigerator, a second brooder house, and finally a covered open-air sales area.” Miss Shaub, who sells produce from her 4-H garden for a cash profit, found that and easily adjusted motor mounts supported equally on all four corners. BAZOOKA sweeps and unloading augers can make quick work of emptying out a bin. Portable types can be moved from one bin to an other while permanent types are driven by powerheads located out side the bin. BAZOOKA Grainclean’r is a rotary type scalper/cleaner with a built in fines collector. TUT HERSHEY EQUIPMENT FI [COMPANY, INC. Lancaster, PA. 17603 (717) 393-5807 Let Bazooka. do the work! Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit customers “expect to ouy everything.” She found it necessary to buy produce at the Baltimore wholesale produce market, which she sold along with her own produce. She advertises m local newspapers and said she was “quite amazed at the many new customers I acquired.” She also uses roadside signs to boost her volume. The puppose of the Chicago symposium is to help participants understand the basic principles of commodity marketing, and how these principles apply to commodities sold in cash markets and traded in futures mark of major commodity exchanges. The delegates will par ticipate in seminars, tours and activities that ex- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5,1977 plain the use of futures markets as a management tool and aid them in adapting market information and knowledge of market fun ctions to ongoing 4-H projects. Delegates will view audiovisual presentations on marketing topics, meet commodity traders and brokers, and tour the pit trading floor. There, they’ll watch traders buy and sell cash and futures. The 4- Loan program for soybeans recommended by ASA WASHINGTON, D.C. - The American Soybean Association (ASA) is recommending that “a permanent, mandatory loan program for soybeans” be included in 1977 farm legislation, according to testimony presented in Senate agriculture com mittee hearings last Friday. “A loan program for most other major crops has been a permanent part of our national farm policy,” said Seymour Johnson, chairman of the ASA board of direc tors. “The existence of a soybean loan program, however, has been at the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture. As a result of this situation, there was one year - 1974-75 - when we had no soybean loan program at all.” Johnson said a permanent soybean loan program is needed to protect soybean farmers against total financial loss and to help them obtain commercial credit. ASA asked, however, that the actual level of the soybean loan not be specified in the bill, but be determined periodically by the Secretary of Agriculture. “A flexible loan level is required by the rather volatile nature of the soybean complex,” said Johnson. “To be locked into one set loan level as specified by law could be detrimental.” He recommended that the secretary of agriculture consult with the ASA board of directors before setting the level of the loan. Potatoes in storage higher than last year HARRISBURG, Pa. - Potatoes in storage on February 1 are estimated at 2,750,000 hundredweight in Pennsylvania, 47 per cent more than a year earlier, according to the Penn sylvania Crop Reporting Service. The stocks represent 39 per cent of the state’s revised fall potato production estimate. Stocks at this time last year amounted to 27 per cent of the 1975 production. Disappearance since harvest equals 4,390,000 cwt.. of which 800,000 cwt. took place since January 1. U.S. stocks of potatoes for all uses held in storage by growers, local dealers and processors in the fall H’ers will also meet officials of the Chicago Board of Trade and hear from floor traders and marketing representatives. While in Chicago, delegates and their chaperones will tour points of interest and enjoy a special entertainment event. The 4-H Commodity Marketing Symposium is arranged and announced by the National 4-H Service Committee. “Our board, consisting of 40 bona fide farmers elected by soybean growers in 27 states, can give the secretary an excellent idea of the thinking of soybean growers throughout the country,” said Johnson. The board’s current recommendation, he noted, would be a loan level at about 65 per cent of average total production cost, in cluding land. “This level is just high enough to provide a minimum protective floor for soybean fanners, but it is low enough to ensure that farmers will not be growing soybeans for the loan,” he said. “The loan should never subsidize the inefficient.” Johnson made it clear that a loan level significantly above the 65 per cent level would be opposed by ASA. ASA also recommended that Congress: -Extend the soybean loan period to 36 months. -Include soybeans in an improved federal crop in surance program. -Continue to exclude soybeans from any acreage allotment or target price programs. -Enact stronger protec tions for fanners against embargoes and other export controls. -Keep soybeans free from government controls, in cluding any government - controlled reserve program. Johnson presented similar testimony before the House agriculture committee March 1. production areas totaled a record high 139.7 million cwt. on February 1. This is 10.6 million cwt., eight per cent above the 129.1 million on hand a year ago. The stocks are 6.5 million cwt., five per cent more than February 1, 1975. Stocks in the eight eastern states on February 1 totaled 20.2 million cwt., down six per cent from the 21.8 million cwt. on hand a year earlier. Disappearance of the 1976 fall crop to February 1 totaled 157.8 million cwt., excluding Nevada, up 10 per cent from the 142.9 million cwt. moved during the same period a year ago. 65
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