—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1977 32 Postmortem exams [Continued from Page 15] Poultrymen also need to postmortems on them to evaluate their vaccination supplement the lab’s fin- programs, according to dings. This, again, will help Eckroade. to solve the dilemma of “Your vaccination whether the birds being program may work fine until brought to the lab are in- there is a problem of in dicative of a flock problem fection or threat of in or if they have incidental fection,” he stated. So, he occurrences of other emphasized that in the near diseases. future, he hopes the New IH dealer receives 6 XL 9 designation Don Kline, second from left, Keeler (left), manager of Schoeneck; president of Schoeneck International and John Baldwin, district manager Equipment Co., receives a letter from for lnterr - tional Harvester. Kline and International Harvester Co. Keeler euso received individual designating his firm as an “XL" awards for their efforts in meeting dealership. Presenting the award is the "XL" standards for their Lehigh Bernie Boggs, regional comptroller Valley firm. for International. Looking on are Hal The most accurate fertilizer spreader you can buy The Vicon Spreader uses an ex clusive fast-action spout moving back and forth at 540 times per minute to give even, rectangular coverage instead of the usual circular pattern That means increased profit be cause you get uniform fertilizer coverage, resulting in better stands and higher yields Give the Vicon fertilizer spreader a try. It costs no more than others. But it’s better. We also sell Vi-Con rakes and power harrows (in stock). $ Plan to attend our ♦ ♦ THURSDAY, MARCH 24,1977 \ ♦ At 7:30 P.M. ♦ ABRACZINSKAS FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. R. D. No. 1 lCatawissa,Penna. jl f“ In Stock PS 400 PS 5001 PS 1001 T PS 500 ps 600 S Bolton Center laboratory will be able to offer challenge tests so that vaccination programs can be evaluated to be sure they are effective. Eckroade then went into a discussion and review of postmortems. Some highlights he discussed were that 1) a post-mortem exam should include good birds as well as sick birds for a more accurate diagnosis of the problem, 2.) any birds posted on the farm should be disposed of properly, and 3.) at any time when entering a diagnostic lab, the poultryman should consider himself a carrier of an in fectious social disease and take proper precautions such as changing clothes and shoes, and washing properly before entering his own poultry houses. On the point of con tamination, Eckroade stated emphatically that all poultry producers should be on guaid for other people ex posing their birds to con taminants. “They have no business dragging disease into your birds,” he emphasized, “You don’t owe them that.” During the review of postmortem operations, Eckroade also made special note of an organ entitled the “bursa.” This little organ lies near the end of the digestive tract and produces the cells that will later produce antibodies. Right now there is a recurrence of bursal or Gumboro disease. Originally, bursal disease first came to the attention of producers and veterinarians in the 60’s when it affected poultry from three to six weeks old. That particular disease subsided and as a result, the research workers stopped work on the project. Only recently have breeder flock - related problem chicks been tied to that disease, and, therefore, it is again under study. Eckroade explained that the problem first begins in Tractor Driven Alternators! Protect your farm again: costly power failure. Bu. lease a Winpower Altern V\Z~\T~L winpck NEWTON, ® Write today for more information Marvin Hoist Luther Edwards Bob Swanson Lebanon. Pa Ephrata, Pa Kennelt Square, Pa 717-272-0877 717 788-6618 215-444-5610 1 sVrTngcadet sp EClflL ‘j MODEL 1650 16 H.P. HYDROSTATIC Standard Equipment includes lights, hydraulic lift, arrow meter 1050x12 i rear tires ’ T List $2725 Selling Price *2150 : i ▼ ♦ ■ RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE ♦ |||| C. B. HOOBER & SON, INC. t . I INTERCOURSE, PENNA. (717)768-8231 AUTHORIZED UPS STATION ♦ * 10% Off ail McCulloch Chain Saws in Stock day - old chicks. These young the podium, Dr. Eckroade birds, if put into a con- expressed one more concern laminated house, can’t with the poultry producers, combat the infection because it as come to his attention their parents didn’t have an that unclean paper egg flats antibody against the virus. are being reused in various Once infected, the bursa is e BS operations. Considering essentially destroyed and the his concern with con chicks won’t be able to lamination, this fact has him respond as well to vaccines alarmed, or to resist infections, so, as “Those egg flats could be Echroade put it, “You’re coining from anywhere, and going to have chicks with lots I were you, I’d be unhappy of problems after that.” the situation,” he The best way farmers can proclaimed, combat the problem is to A solution he suggests is identify the problem chicks § oai S to plastic flats or through lab diagnosis and demanding clean flats. He keep their eyes and ears did say that me industry is open for the information doing a fine job with disin which will be coming out fee ting chicken coops and over the next few months, trucks, but warned, again, In a discussion period that something should be before he stepped down from done about dirty paper flats. AV.V.V.V.V.V/.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.*.
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