Livestock market and auction news Leesport Auction January 19,1977 CATTLE 296. Supply in cluded 78 head feeder cattle. Compared with last Wed nesday’s market, slaughter steers mostly 59 cents to $1 lower. Slaughter heifers strong to $2 higher. Slaughter cows mostly strong to $1 higher on Cutter & Utility. Choice No. 241000- 1450, with few 1610 lbs. 38.00- 40.60, few to 41.35, High Good to Low Choice 37.00-39.00, Good 35.00-38.00, Standard 33.00- few Utility & Low Standard 28.60-33.00. Choice No. 2-4 slaughter heifers 34.60-36.10, few to 37.75, Good 32.00- Standard 29.00- 31.00, few Utility 26.00-27.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.00- 30.00, Commercial 27.50- 30.85, Cutters 26.25-27.85, few Canners 21.00-25.35. Few Good slaughter bullocks 35.00- few Standard 29.10-32.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1420-1850 lbs. slaughter bulls 32.50-34.50; two yield grade No. 21415 and 1515 lbs. 25.75 and 31.60. Few Choice 400-600 lbs. feeder steers 35.50-37.25, Good 300-800 lbs. 31.00- Medium 300-700 lbs. 24.50-31.50; few Medium Good 375-800 lbs. feeder bulls 25.00-29.00. CALVES 147. Vealers highly uneven. One Prime vealer at 72.00, Choice 60.00- 69.00, Good 49.00-55.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 35.0047.00, 90-110 lbs. 30,00- 36.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 25.00- Utility 65-90 lbs. 17.00- Farm calves, few holstein bulls 90-110 lbs. 37.5048.00, HOGS 349. Barrows & Gilts mostly $2 lower, spots $3 lower. US No. 1-2 195-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 39.8540.60, No. 1-3 185-250 lbs. 38.75- 39.85, No. 2-3 180-255 lbs. 37.25-38.85, No. 24 260-345 lbs. 33.00-37.60, few No. 1-3 140-175 lbs. 30.00-34.00. US No. 1-3 300495 lbs. sows 30.00- No. 2-3 235-585 lbs. 25.00-32.50. Boars 16.50- 22.00, few to 29.00. FEEDER PIGS 126. Few US no. 1-3 20-25 lbs. feeder pigs 7.00-7.50 per head, No. 1- 3 25-35 lbs. 13.00-20.50, No. 1-3 35-45 lbs. 20.00-23.00, lot No. 1-3 50 lbs. 27.50, Utility 15-25 lbs. 2.00-8.00, 25-50 lbs. 9.00- 14.00, lot 25.00 per head. SHEEP 10. One Choice 50 lbs. wooled slaughter lamb at 53.00, few Good 30-120 lbs. 26.00-36.00. Few Slaughter ewes 17.00-20.00. Greencastle Greencastle, Pa. January 17,1977 CATTLE 92. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $1.50 to $2 higher. One Choice slaughter steer at 38.00, one Utility at 28.60. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.35-28.25, one at 28.60. Cutters 24.35-26.35, few Canners 21.75-23.10. Shells down to 15.85. One Choice slaughter bullock at 34.00. Few Yield Grade No. 2 1070- 1615 lbs. slaughter bulls 27.35-33.85. Few Good 500-600 lbs. feeder bulls 31.25-33.00. CALVES 160. Vealers $2 to $4 higher. Few Choice vealers 71.00-78.00, few Good Baltimore USDA January 17,1977 CLOSE CATTLE 450: Slaughter steers firm to 50 cents higher, slaughter heifers not fully tested. Cows steady to $l.OO lower, bulls scarce. Supply 60 per cent slaughter steers and heifers, 25 per cent cows, balance feeders and bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 2-4 1025-1250 lbs. 39.6041.00; Good 2-3 900-1400 lbs. 34.00-38.50; Standard and low Good 2-3 29.75-34.00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: few Standard and Good 1-2 625-1025 lbs. 26.25-30.00 COWS: Utility 2-3 25.50- 28.60; couple 28.85-29.35; Cutter 22.25-26.50 Martinsburg Martinsburg, Pa. January 17,1977 CATTLE 151. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $2 to $2.50 higher. Choice slaughter steers 38.50-40.50, Good 36.00- 38.50, Standard 32.00-36.00, Utility 29.50-33.50. Choice slaughter heifers 36.50-40.00, Good 34.00-38.00, Standard 32.50- Utility 28.50- 32.00. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.50-30.50, Cutters 26.50- Canners 24.50- 27.00, Shells down to 21.00. Yield Grade No. 1 slaughter bulls 33.50-36.50; yield grade No. 2 30.00-34.00. CALVES 257. Vealerssl to $5.50 lower. Choice vealers 60.60-70.00, Good 53.00-64.00, Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 22.1977 53.00-63.00, few Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 38.5045.00, 90-110 lbs. 34.00-38.00, Standard 70-85 lbs. 30.00- 34.50, Utility 60-90 lbs. 10.00- 27.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 95-115 lbs. 36.0044.00. HOGS 37. Few US No. 1-3 225-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 42.5043.00. one lot No. 2-3 250 lbs. 41.00, few No. 1-3 115-130 lbs. 30.25-30.75. Few US No. 1-3 320-525 lbs. sows 31.50- 33.50.. FEEDER PIGS 19. Utility 45-60 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00- 17.00 per head. SHEEP 1. Not enough of anyone grade to establish a market. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1020-1365 lbs. 34.00-35.50 HOGS 600: Compared with Thrusday Barrows and Gilts $2.25 higher. US 1-3 200-230 lbs. 41.7542.00,25 head 42.25, US 2-3 230-250 lbs. 40.7541.75 SOWS: Steady US 1-3 300- 600 lbs. 30.00-31.00 VEAL & CALF AUCTION 50: few Prime Vealers 205- 265 lbs. 69.00-74.00; Choice 130-210 lbs. 50.00-62.00; Good 120-250 lbs. 30.00-41.00; Standard & low - Good 65-110 lbs. 30.00-35.50 SHEEP AUCTION 50: lot Choice & Prime wooled slaughter lambs 96 lbs. 50.75; lot Choice & Prime 118 lbs. 49.00. Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 38.00-52.00, 90-110 lbs. 30.00- 40.00, Standard 70-85 lbs. 26.50- Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 35.50- HOGS 259. Barrows & Gilts $1 to $2 higher. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 42.8043.60, No. 1-3 190-240 lbs. 42.5043.00, No. 1-3 115- 130 lbs. 32.50-38.50. US No. 1-3 295-500 lbs. sows 28.50-33.50, No. 2-3 300600 lbs. 24.50- 28.00. Boars 18.00-22.00. FEEDER PIGS 0. No sales on offer. SHEEP 0. No sales on offer. NO. 1 IN SKID LOADERS A. L HERR & BRO. NO. 1 IN LOADER SALES SKID 312 PARK AVE. QUARRYVILLE, PA PH.: 717-786-3521 St. Louis Cattle Jan. 20,1977 WEEKLY CATTLE REVIEW: Receipts this week 6700: Week ago 4600; Year ago 8900 As compared to the previous weeks close, slaughter Steers and Heifers 2.00-2.50 lower. Cows fully steady, instances, 50 higher. Bulls fully steady, instances 1.00 higher. Supply mainly mixed Good and Choice 2-4 975-1150 lb. Steers, around 25 per cent Heifers, 10 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 1025-1150 lbs. 37.50-38.50, load 1125 lbs. at 38.75 on Monday, closing week sales 37.50. Choice 2-4 950-1250 lbs. 36.00- 38.00, closing 36.00-37.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-4' 900-1175 lbs. 35.00-36.50. Good 2-3 900-1100 lbs. 33.00-35.50. Standard and Good 2-3 1000- 1350 lb. Holsteins 31.00-33.50. Standard with few Good 2-3 950-1225 lbs. 27.00-29.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 875-1050 lbs. 35.50-37.00, closing sales 35.50-36.00. Choice 24 800-1050 lbs. 34.00- 36.50. closing week sales 34.00-35.50. Several 34.50- 35.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 700-975 lbs. 33.50- 35.50. Good 2-3 29.50-34.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24 25.00-27.00. Few Boning Utility 1-2 27.00- 27.50. Canner and Cutter 1-2 23.00-25.00. Low dressing canner 19.00-23.00. BULLS: VG 1-2 950-1800 lbs. 26.00-30.00. YG 1 1300- 1800 lbs. at 31.00. FEEDERS: Including around 800 at Thursday Auction. Feeder Steers and Heifers steady. Supply mostly Choice and Mixed Good and Choice 400-800 lb. steers and 350-700 lb. Heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-600 lbs. 32.75- 35.00, 600-800 lbs. 34.00-35.25. Mixed Good and Choice 350- 600 lbs. 30.25-33.00. Couple lots Good 290-300 lbs. 28.00. Couple lots standard 375-525 lb. Holsteins 23.00-23.75. SEE US AT 9
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